I don't hate Riku...but i hate Sora.
Stop is my favorite.
my list is: Destiny island hollow bastion twiligth town Beast Castle Halloween town Pride lands Port royal The world that never was
Marluxia and Luxord
maleficent Davy jones Frollo Zera Zurg :3
Maybe she got the darkness element ;3 and how about a mace?
i just change 1 thing, i wanted axel in the ending
i hope it's not aqua ;_;
i wonder if nr.14 got nobodies?
LOL just some ****... Peter/Xaldin Lois/Larxene Chris/Roxas Meg/Kairi Stewie/Zexion Brian/Saix Quagmire/marluxia Cleveland/luxord Joe/Lexaeus Old herbert/Axel
xigbar is Monster-eye moody ;3
Why didn't The organization Members use nobodies in COM? marluxia used that big thing(nobody?)
just one...lexaeus.
14th member :D i love you~~~~
Queen of course :)
Poor xaldy >'3. Ha! demyx got owned :)
poor soras and the other parents.
Never and will not do it.
i don't realy think it's vexen.
I Am Always Happy! Owo