I think that you should get this game. I bought it and I like the game and it was helpful to know the story.
Hey, welcome to the sit. Post often, obey rules, and don't get banned.
Hi welcome to KH-V. Have lots of fun and post often.
Hey there I hope you have fun and enjoy the site.
Hi welcome to the site. Have fun and dont get banned for anything.
Hey im also a noob and only have like 3 friends so if you want to chat then just pm me!
Hi welcome to the site. Have fun!
Hi im also a noob and well I like this site I hope you do too.
Thanks.. i guess
Hi welcome to the site post a lot and dont get banned. Have fun!
Thats a really nice pic. I suck at drawing so yeah...
Hi welcome to the site post a lot and dont get banned.
Welcome back to the site!
I've played redsteel and i think that it is a good game.
I had trouble with the last Marluxia battle. I won though.
If I could be any animal I would be a tiger. I choose this because they're powerful and like dont have that many enemies in the wild.
Well, the way that I beat everyone in Chain of Memories is that I had 2 sets of 3 Cloud cards at the beginning and like 4 elixers at the end so that Cloud would hit the guy 6 times in a row and it would do alot of damage and then you would bring him back with the elixers. It's my stratgy, but I hope it helps.
Hi. I'm new here and I forgot my password which is why I haven't posted or gone on. xD I like skateboarding, music and video games. I am friends with Sora 13, VeryBerry, and fall_out_girl. Very Berry and Sora 13 wanted me to join, and the begging got annoying so...here I am. lol