*OOC: Gotta go.*
"Not bad, I guess." Sawyer muttered, looking up at the dorm building. As she walked in, she glanced down at her map to check the hand written instructions on the bottom corner. "Get room key at front desk. Snag any spares available and find out which rooms they belong too." Smiling in a slightly sinister way, she approached the desk.
Yeah, I was wondering the same thing. P.S. I is back. =)
Heya! Sorry for the late join, here's my profile: Name : Sawyer Age : 16 Hair : shoulder length, slightly wavy, black Eyes : shades of blue mixed together Power : Her form is permanently mixed together with a feline/canine creature she can change into. (Pics: http://spiritofthegauntlets.deviantart.com/art/Things-Are-Looking-Up-67009658 http://spiritofthegauntlets.deviantart.com/art/Playful-Sawyer-67009512 ) As a human she has retractable claws at the end of her fingers, slightly sharper canine teeth than normal, and the same sense of smell and physical strength as her animal form. She doesn't like to change back and forth a lot or use her claws, because it is extremely painful every time she does. So once she is an animal she'll stay that way for a long while. Instead of changing she likes to rely on her strength and wits. She knows basic self defense, but acts more on instinct. DEFINATELY a skater, just because she loves to pull pranks on everyone. No elemental power or strength, average intelligence in most areas, but is a genius at getting into and out of trouble. Loves music. Gender : Female **** Sawyer sighed as she walked towards her home for the next school year. Linking her hands together she stared up at the perpetual sunset and pouted. One slip up, just ONE, and she gets transfered to this nowhere school. That jerkface principal really needed to loosen up. What was wrong with letting the lab animals out? Those science geeks always talked about keeping things natural, but insisted on separating things from nature. "All a bunch of bull..." she muttered to herself, adjusting one of her earbuds to fit better. Checking the map again, she shifted her shoulders to ease up the pressure from her rucksack. All her clothes could fit into it at once, but it did make for a heavy load. The dorms and campus were about a block away: she should get there any minute. As she passed a shop window, Sawyer paused to check herself over; a good first impression could create an opening for some wonderful jokes. Her white blouse was slightly wrinkled, but spotless. It contrasted pleasantly with her black vest and dark denim jeans, and matched her mostly-white sneakers. Not bad, she thought with a touch of feminine pride as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear and continued walking.
Feels kind-of wierd doing this when I just joined yesterday....... An unexpectedly good opportunity has cropped up for me, so I'm heading out of state for a college interview and portfolio review tomorrow. I'll be coming back on Sunday, but it'll be a long trip so I don't know if I'll have enough energy to get on the computer right after I get in. So, from tomorrow until approx. Monday I'll be MIA.
Can I enter a late one? Requiem for a Soldier: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LYrIiVRLbvg
Cool name, too. I liked Axel before I even knew what the games were about. Seriously! My little sister bought CoM for GBA, and one day I was watching her. She was so wrapped up in it, I had to ask: "Wat'cha doin'?" and peek over her shoulder. Lol, I used to imagine that Axel's voice sounded like Catz from Courage the Cowardly Dog.
For which I am devoutly grateful. *huggle*
Well, if you REALLY have a hard time conserving cards/leveling up to get more cards.... Fill up you deck with cards around 5-7 that have either with good swing speed or good defense. Throw in a few healing cards if you have trouble staying alive, and maybe a few Kingdom Key 0 cards. Don't use sleights at all. Wait until he attacks and avoid it, then attack his arm while it stays down. Stop right away when he recovers. That's what I do, at least. *shrugs* It makes for an uber long battle, though. Good luck!
Thanks a lot!
For those Axel/Namine fans out there, this is one for you. Rules: Entries are due by the end of December. Winner will be annonced by Jan. 3, 2008 It must be an Axel/Namine pairing video. Triangles are accepted, but Namine and Axel has to be the main pairing. The vid should either stick to the song, or you should submit a written plotline to me via this thread/PM/message my youtube account. (Link: http://youtube.com/profile?user=SpiritoftheGauntlets ) Other than that, no restrictions. PRIZE: Video request granted to the winner: any pairing, tribute, or even random video.
Yo. I've downloaded from the site for a long time, and finally got myself together and joined the forums. ^^ (Seriously, thank GOD for this site: I wouldn't have made half the fanvids I have if this place didn't exist.)