hi everyone i've been gone for a long time and can anyone give any codes i missed i've been gone ever sence roxas ally has AI.........i know this might be much but i just want anything that was a major code so just like if there was any very cool ones. please :sweatdrop:
hi me again i have to leave the computer with my cousin here so i can't get on :( hope i see ya soon bye
OOC; i'm back but like the past few day/weeks i wont be on much we are moving sorry. its weird i made the thread but i'm hardly on it XD Xigbar skiped first class again messing around with Chaos. when Xigbar hears the bell he says "Hey Chaos looks like next class is about to start i wonder if the pranks we made worked?" It better the computer class is going to get a surprise
OOC: Nice sig anwita XD he does Xigbar stood there quietly and listened to the story and says "Wow Marly i didn't think you would be a part of something like that"
go for it Hi girls i'm back and OMG you like Guitar Hero i love that game i'm an Expert Happy easter i have to go be back tonight "Two huh well not me you pink bass" Xigbar then walks in by Marly "Well good morning Xemnas, Odora, and Marluxia "Good morning everyone" Chaos comes in from nowhere?
OOC: Yep this site has some problems some times it must be hard to run a site and man if one day of school was like that i'll never go day two now :3 Xigbar walking in front of the school see's Marly and Odora so he walks over there and says "Hey guys and gals whats up" Chaos walks around
OOC: Sorry girls my comp. said that this site had a data base error for two days i would have been here.........don't kill me :nono: oh yeah Anwita didn't you pick Xaldin 9th grader? Xigbar wakes up and looks at the clock "Oh sh*t i'm late" he then gets dressed eats lunch like it was his last minutes of his life and teleports to school Chaos appeared from a black like hole in the ground angery because it early and walks around
Really so i take it you like the bad boys girls like that for some reason "Oh.... yeah it was nice to meet you." Chaos shaks Sakuras hand and smiles showing his fangs on accident "I didn't think we were here all that long so what....ah class you miss"
OOC: Good night girls Looks like class is almost over like ten minutes... and we are all here XD Oh don't worry about me i don't have class today forgive me from keeping you from class"Chaos lost his cantrol and blushes again but he shouldn't keep her late so he doesn't hide this time"Um so i'll see you later Sakura.... it was nice to meet you"
Yeah the pinkness is right but yeah you don't want to piss him off he'll hate you forever the ba$tard
Oh hi Odora that was Vexen he's a senior like Xemnas but is'nt nice like Xemnas
OOC: Moo hahahahaha Quote the Moo XD and have a good meal its always better when its late Yeah Manse.. i mean Xemnas Vexen is mean but i don't know why as long as i known the sack of smart a$$ he's allways been like that Oh its ok i have fangs too so its not a problem
OOC: yayz "Thanks um so yeah i'm new here too this place is not bad its very... well strange. nice smile the fangs make it look cute well to me anyway." he says trying to get the stain out
OOC: Cool we are all here "Oh yeah thanks i almost forgot you were just too beautiful" Chaos then realised that he said that out loud and says "um sorry that kinda.... sliped uh sorry" he takes that napkin and wips the blood off blushing Whoa Marly what are you doing here you scared the bajesus out of me
OOC: Cool Cool its all worked out then Xaldin looks older then Marly so its weird....but i'm weird so it works XD oh and just give me the grade and you got em Demitryx Chaos trys to get himself together say "Yeah i'm good its nice to see my own kind here. so are you new here? Lost the will to go? That will happen its also known as the sleep curse
OOC: OK you now have Xaldin 9th grade i'll try to be nice but initiation (i don't know how to spell it) is very mean XD..........just kiden "OH ok um.... yeah your the only Vampire i..... ever saw i though i was the only one" Chaos can't talk right because his heart is pumping like crazy he never saw a girl not afraid of him and so beautiful too Yeah well this is your last year so it doesn't matter so much plus you allways fall asleep not matter what class it is
OOC: you mean Xaldin in 9th i don't know what people say sometimes :stupid: Ah yeah... i'm fine and sorry i was just wondering if you was.... a vampire sorry if it afended you Yo Xemnas whats up man get some sleep hahahaha
OOC: Hey do you still want Xaldin? if so just give me the grade :) "Blood? um are you a vampire too? and Sakura thats a beautiful name" Chaos begins to blush and kinda turns to hide it Xigbar walks around aimlessly
OOC: Sorry girls i was gone for like four days and if you still want Vexen Demitryx you can have him same with Xaldin Anwita Chaos a bit angry from the red drink looks up at who it was and then completly forgets about it and says "Wha what... oh yeah the drink thats okay i'll get that out later um.. i'm Chaos and you?" Xigbar walks off to let Chaos talk to the girl he can tell he liked her
OOC: well i gota leave its 3:30 am very late bye :3 Bell dings "Noooo oh well i don't have anything Chaos lets walk around and see if there is anything going on" "ok thats good with me" he looks one last time at the beautiful girl then he leaves.