*laughs*Awesomeness. XD
http://lilifactory.apitchou.com/jeux/cupcake/moncupcake.php?lang=eng Rawr...
That's pretty neat. I mean they do use video games in the army to train.
I say fake.
Yes it was hard to be Sephiroth. XD
I think the person who did Sauske's voice should be Zexion. XD
Yes I think it would.
The first time I saw that screen shot I thought Zack was back. XD
No I don't think they will. Unless they get begged by fans. XD
I think he didn't ask because he was very focused on saving his friends.
Yes I am thinking the same thing. It's like Yen Sid knows what is going to happen and what has happened.
Yes and no. I think that it made it easy when you had it on the hardest difficulty. But not when you didn't have them all.
I found out by the commercials and my friend. I watched her play it and I was hooked the moment I saw Sora. XD
All of them. But if I had to pick one I would say Kingdom Hearts II. My reason is because it is A LOT more fun and easy than the others. ^^
I would a little. If I could I would put more hints.
That's pretty neat. *nods*
If I saw Axel I would hog tie him and hide him in my spider infested basement. >D
I thought he was Sora's Dad's younger image. XD Jk I thought he was his own person. ^^
It sounds about right. A heart can go numb from being around "darkness" for a long while. I mean some people basically have no emotions when they're heart is numb.
I think the reason Roxas and all Nobodies exist is like spirits. They are made of darkness. It's like having a body that you can see and touch but it is a fake emotion they create. I think they make the sense of feel and touch real so no one would not take them seriously. Like they said they remember all of these things. So I think they have these powers but they just don't know. You see Xemnas walk through Sora in KH Final Mix. That's where I get this idea. They can materialize themselves and fake things. If you think about it, something without a heart is basically dead or a spirit. They could be for all you know animated corpses walking around with a spirit animating them. I think that they must be cold to the touch. That's why they wear gloves or so I think. Also look at how thin some of them are. It looks inhumanly.