My friend had the game and I was at his, it was KH1. At the time i had never heard of KH at all, but this me playing KH1 for the first time led to 100% completion of jiminys journal when i got KH2 :)
Dose anyone know the list off all combo attack moves and who you do them with? because im missing 2 and ther all i need to finish the list :) Thank you. Dom xx
Do u meen like anyone? so like not just disney characters and shiz? heres mine: Sephiroth Hades [offcourse] Oogie Boogie Anddd, Squall :} but he turns all good afterwards or something kos kh3 being in the past an all [ i think ]
I dont know when you are supposed to press triangle to get the Orichalium out :S dose anyone know? i need it to complete my recipe list.
Thanks guys :) That really helped me :) kos ive basecly completed proud mode xD Thanks again Dom xx
nah doubt it theyll just make a new ultima or maby like an ultigra or something, ther not that smart over at square-enix XD
CACTUAR 0.0!!!!!! Because ther so god dam SEXY
Im having problems with the agrabah flying carpet challenge :/ i swear ive killed EVERY monster AND done the thing were u repeatedly press so and so to make the 2 at the start show up. and btw, when you complete the journal do u have to complete proud mode xemnas to see the secret ending or do i just have to redo xemnas on normal :) Thanks, Dom, x
Wud be kool If he did have duel wield, then i would think you should be able to get it once you complete, i dunno like normal mode, and it will allow you to use it in something like proud mode.. seeing as they probaly will be a big difference in hardness in the next KH.
Roxas Ftw >.< Duh. Roxas has kool hair and has 2 keyblades kk thnx.
Are you talking about a game like once you have completed you will still find fun to play afterwards or a long story line? Long story Line: Not really many out ther now you think about it >.< only one i can think of thats the longest that took me to complete was assassins creed. Replay Value: Any game like Guitar hero i suppose Dom xx
Flash Grenades, Always, No.. i dont care, Flash Grenades, Thnx. Dom xx
Nice job man i can do this song but barley with a B.
Hollow Bastion, Would be most like mine, accept instead of a big broken down gorge its a pier instead :D PS: i liv in brighton for all you who have no idea what im on about when i say pier..
Not that i have any say if this happens or not. but if think its the kinda leep the forum needs IMO.
Rayman, Why? Because hes a floating wreck with no ligiments thats why ;]
ther u r little dude:
how about doing a poll? cud be an idea.
WOW? you must be a very sad competative boy if i may say.. "yay im like so kool i got more money then u haha ur a noob" do you get fun out of that or something?
True. Soras just a dum **** X] [no offence to you sora fans]