They did put in voice bits in kh CoM, in battles when sora hits he goes like "ha" and summons like cloud speak a bit. so they could.. if they do dub FM+ and send it international..then we would end up with extras in our final mix, so final mix will re-realesed in japan again, and then the final mix's that went internaional would prety much be kingdom hearts 2 again.
yeah, it al began with.. and, if you notice DiZ face and mickey's, there facial expression doesnt look right AND they wouldnt have a keyblade just going through goofy's head.
Hollow Basion (Castle) But with some Disney Castle in it with the bell tower from twilight town right up the top and the chair room of the world that never was. that would be my home...experimenting in the basements, tinkering with the gummi garage, and wasting so much time trying to figure out the elevator system :)
Whats your favourite and least favourite music from the game? My Favourites: Sora's Theme 13th Dillema Desire for all that is lost Least: Afternoon Streets Under the sea
My Favourite Worlds are Twilight Town Pride Lands The World That Never was The worst for me are: Halloween Town Space Paronoids (hated the light cycle on expert mode!)
it wont have bad details. I think its going to be one of the most detailed games on the DS yet. and eternal session, its the small trophy closest to the door near the entrance that isnt blocked.