I was thinking: 1) Zexion- apparently they might develop his powers so he can absorb enemys attacks & send them back at them (dunno if its true, but thats what i heared) 2) Marluxia- he seems really powerful in the game so he might be good in this one, plus hes my fave 3) Demyx?- he has strong water techniques I also think a good combo would be Roxas, Demyx and Axel or larxene, Demyx & Axel. I dunno about XIV. It depends what her powers are if I want to use her at all
...yeah that is a good point about Saix not laughing....& I thought Xemnas was the most serious :P I wonder what his laugh would be like though....I wonder if he was laughing along with the rest of the org when they all showed up in front of Sora & all them in Hallow Bastion......
I was thinking maybe, maybe not. He might be his ansestor or something lol .I have no idea :P
I have to agree. Goofy's Japanese voice is soooooo ANNOYING!!! i just can't stand it!!! lolz Vexen's creeps me out.... Oh! Aerith's in KH2 annoys me...it was better when Mandy Moore voiced her in the first one....& Cids too! i never expected him to sound THAT much like an old country farmer lol :D
Ansem the Wise: I think hes a bit of a fool, messing with the hearts of others. In his report, #13, I kinda feel sorry for him when he asks for the kings forgiveness. He makes up for his mistakes of revenge..... Xemnas: Mansex lol. He seems really obsessive. Must be really superior sinse certain members are afraid to approach him Xigbar: now I think hes soooo funny!! Seems really cocky. Really laid-back kind of guy. Xaldin: now hes too dam serious! I think he needs to hang out with Xigbar a bit. . . Vexen: Is smart but takes his ranking a bit too far. I don't like him for this as I think he feels as if hes kinda up himself, being #4 and all. Seems to rub it in when he's proved wrong Lexeaus: I don't know much about him. I think his best friend in the Org seems to be Zexion. Zexion: Now hes sexy!! lol ^^ Uh he seems rather mysterious & quiet. He IS NOT EMO!!!! I love his powers!!! Apparently, he'd be my partner in crime heheh :P Saix: he is so two sided. I think hes a rather strange character as he has two different personalities. Goes phychotic under the influence of the moon which I think is kinda "werewolf-like" Axel: A really random guy. I think hes rather caring over his friends & would do anything for them. I don't think hes gay but I feel as if deep down, he really has a heart (eventhough nobodies don't have hearts. He's a good actor :P) Demyx: DEMY DEM-DEM!!! ^^ He's such a cute character!! ^^ I really like him as he's not serious like the others. Is a bit of a wuss but thats what makes him cute :D Luxord: I'd NEVER want to play cards with him, thats for sure!!! Very strategic. Now I don't really like Brittish accents but his is ok :P Makes him seem more sophisticated. Is really intelligennt & uses big words that I can't even understand!!! Makes me grab a dictionary... Marluxia: HOTT HOTT HOTT!!! ^^ Eventhough he has pink hair, he's still hott - especially in Roxas's dream in KH2 *drools* anyway, I think hes really powerful. Is very assassin-like & shows leadership & courage. Most members are afraid of Xemnas but Marluxia wants to take over the leader position. Very gutsy! Larxene: Very flirty & seems to be friendly. But at another glance is absolutely sadistic. Likes to taunt Vexen. I think she's quite a cool character as her personality is a little bit like mine... Roxas: Now hes such a little sweety lol ^^ I think he has a lot of rage in him - especially towards DiZ. I don't think i'd wanna get on the wrong side of him... Namine: She's not really a personal favourite of mine but has the exact same personality as me ,being very shy, quiet & very artistic. I'd actually like to meet her & maybe draw with her...too bad its just a game... Hayner: heheh. hes cute ^^ Gets rather annoyed. He's a good friend to those he cares about. Is a leader Pence: He seems like the out going member of their little group. Always seems to have a smile ^^ Ollete: She's cool! Everything has to be planned, like the homework being done. Seems to be the caring member of their gang Riku: he's hott too!!! I feel as if he's stronger than Sora physically but needs to learn more from him. has come a long way. Shows determination & takes everything the hard way instead of taking it easy Sora: hehe the main character! Now he's something I feel others should aim to be like. He'd do anything for his friends & cares about them deeply. He has a lot of light in him. He & Kairi will make such a cute couple!!! ^^ Kairi: People say i'm a lot like her, being kind and all. I quite like her & would probably say she's my favourite female character. She has a very strong will & tries to help to the best of her ablilty. Has no darkness within her heart & is very sweet. However, I think she's slightly mysterious as we have no idea about her past & how she came to Destiny Islands but still, I like her. She'd probably be a very good friend
Ahhhhh!!! I couldn't pick a single character so I chose both Kairi & Riku. Kairi because shes really kind & I love her hair ^^ Riku because HES HOTT!! lolz and hes strong & also wants to do anything to save the ones he cares about
Oblivion! Its dark & just looks awesome!!!
I voted for Marluxia because he has pink hair lolz ^^ It was actually tricky for me....i was actually gonna vote for Zexion....hes cool too!!! :D
I voted for Sora: hes the main character & is pretty awesome being the keyblade master & all, Riku: he's hot & I like how you can play as him briefly in the game, Kairi: I love her personality - Kind & caring. also willing to help out, Roxas: Hes such a little cutey! Plus I felt sorry for him when he says "It looks like my summer vacetion is over" Jack Sparrow: I mean c'mon! Its basically Jonny Depp! (not the voice but the looks) I forgot to click on other cuz I also like Demyx- hes got such an outgoing personality & is pretty cute :D
I decided I should pick one. I like them both but I went for Roxas. He's so cute & he's voiced by Jesse McCartney in the english version so I like him even more :D
I picked Oblivion & Oathkeeper. Oblivion: because it looks cool & the names awesome :D:D Oathkeeper: because Kairi gave the keychain to Sora & it looks cool (both the keychain (I like the keychain ^^) & the keyblade)
Definetely lol :L But I still get good grades....I just don't do the homework -_-;;;
My fave is definetely MARLUXIA!!! ^^ Peoples may think I'm crazy but I think he's soooooooooo hott!!! Not only that but he's really cleaver with the plan he came up with to take over the Organization I mean c'mon! I don't think just anyone would have the guts to take on the Org like that - It shows courage & leadership. I also think he's an awesome fighter. That fight scene in RE:CoM when he & Axel fight is awesome! Axel didn't touch him! But then again, he's The Graceful Assassin so he should be able to move like that. I just love him so much! :luv: I'd give my heart up for him!!! ^^ I know he's ficticious but still, I would!!!
My answers: 1) Heck no! 2) Nah! 3) Aww! That's so sad! *cries* No! I can't kill Sora! But I like Riku...NO! I definetely can't kill Sora!! 4) Nah! Because I'd loose!!! 5) Yeah! ^^ It seems cool! I'd like to meet the Twilight Town crew :D 6) It depends.....what's in the Gummi Ship? If I can't eat or sleep in it then probably not 7) Nah! Cloud's cool! 8) I actually did that with KHII! so yeah :D 9) Yes!!!!! ^^ 10) Now that's tricky.....probs not.....-_-; 11) Probs go out with Goofy 0_o;;;;; Then I'd dump him heheheh! I'd rather stay human form 12) No. Because if it was The World That Never Was or Castle Oblivion, then I won't 13) Yeah 14) Destiny Islands - It has the beach which means sunsets on the beach!!! ^^ 15) As a friend then yeah cuz she's cool 16) Yeah! ^^ 17) If she was at least 8 miles away from Marluxia at all times (don't ask why) then I probably would. Otherwise, no 18) Yeah. I'd be like "I'm gonna give you a hug cuz I can" & then enforce it :D
I think I beat him at level 80 - I tried to get Ultima Weapon before fighting him but noooooo, I got it sometime after I defeated him...=P
I said Marluxia's weapon. That scythe is just so awesome! Its pink and looks like a flower ^^ pretty!!! I wanna steal it off him one day heheheh! *looks evil*
DAMIT!!! My Marluxia got stolen from me!!!.........*cries* .................................*looks blank* *goes into deep thought* uhmmmm.......can I be........................*thinks*..............Naminé please? :D
OMG that is soooooo cool!!! ^^ I have that as my screensaver on my laptop. To me, Its kinda angelic but has a devilish/dark side to it. Its just amazing!
well I like Simple & Clean platnum B remix? (is that right?), Simple & Clean & Passion hehe ^^
What about the whole anagram thingy? All Organization XIII members have an 'X' in their name & their true names are muddled up with it so wouldn't Aqua have to have that or something or is that irrelevant?