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  1. McPie
    I need some assistance-

    I'm in search for a decent video editing program (for making music videos, youtube poop, slideshows, etc.) for Mac OS X. I tried iMovie, so do NOT suggest that!

    Any help will be appreciated.
    Thread by: McPie, Jul 11, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. McPie
    Wow, you're incredibly ******ed. You go "LULZ LITTLE BOI!111i111i1i1i1i1I1i1i1i1!I1i!I!I!I!1", though you CLAIM to be a year older than me, though you act like a 8 year old. And you have the grammar of one as well.

    Occupy yourself with this, kid.
    Post by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  3. McPie
    And this is coming from the person who recently called me an idiot several times...

    This woman likely does not have mental problems- she's protesting the high gas prices. It might not be the best way to do it, but at least she has the nerve.

    And why mourn the Starbucks? We have about a million in each city of America, and their coffee tastes terrible.
    Post by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. McPie
    Oh no! Some dumbass on a video game internet message board called me an idiot! That must mean I am an Idiot! Oh no, my feelings are hurt SO MUCH! [/sarcasm]

    Yes, I do know what I'm talking about, Captain ****** Grammar.

    Yes, I only care about the oil. If they are killing innocent Iraqis, then what for? We should just get some oil from them. Not kill people for no reason.

    I'm a noob? I lol'd. Look at you, you're whining like a baby about how you think I don't care about the people getting killed, and you have terrible grammar. Ever heard of Capitalizing and using commas?

    Oh, and I have Negi-rep on a internet forum? OH GOD MY LIFE IS MEANINGLESS NOW!!!! /wrists

    ^if you're too stupid to tell, the above statement was sarcasm
    Post by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  5. McPie


    It's about time someone decides to do this. It's ridiculous, $4.35 a gallon? THE ARMY IS DESTROYING IRAQ, AND NOT BRINGING BACK FUEL?

    Government: Bring us Oil from Iraq, or GTFO of Iraq.
    Thread by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. McPie
    Platform: Wii. Face it. Square Enix has small support for Sony lately- The KH creators have stated they are interested in working with the Wii, and they'll want to go for the more family-friendly and successful- The Wii. Also, Disney Interactive has stated they will only release games on Nintendo Platforms from now on.

    Rating: Likely E10+

    Opening Theme: Be my Last- Utada Hikaru

    Storyline: Sora, Riku, and Kairi are relaxing in their normal lives on the Destiny Islands. Suddenly, one day, King Mickey arrives at Sora's home and warns him that the Heartless have returned, and there's a new group of evil, sworn to avenge Organization XIII, and planning to somehow revive all of the deceased members. Sora then meets up with Donald and Goofy, and their adventure begins.


    World:Port Royal (Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Mans Chest (2006) )
    Party Member: Jack Sparrow
    Boss: Davy Jones
    Costume Change: Pirate Sora
    Notes: It was easily one of the best worlds in KH2, and they should bring it back with it based off of POTC2.

    World:East High (High School Musical (2006) )
    Party member:Troy
    Costume Change: None
    Notes:Before you burn down this topic with HSM Flame, Look, face it- it's likely. Look at the success of HSM. THEY HAVE HSM TOOTHBRUSHES THAT PLAY THE MUSIC AS YOU BRUSH FOR GODS SAKE. It can just be singing, like the Little Mermaid World in KH2. Or, you can have the HSM kids being attacked by heartless if you prefer. :P

    World:Lyoko/Kadic Academy (Code Lyoko (2003) )
    Party Member: Aelita
    Boss:William (Visit 1), Kollosus (Visit 2)
    Costume Change: At Kadic, none. On Lyoko, Space Paranoids outfit.
    Notes: France 3 and Canal J, who mainly make Code Lyoko, are owned by Disney from what I read. it's a highly successful cartoon, and It's on Jetix in Japan. Sora's Lyoko outfit could be the same as his outfit in Space Paranoids in KH2.l

    World:Narnia (The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, Witch, and Wardrobe (2005) )
    Party Member: Peter
    Boss:White Witch
    Costume Change: None
    Notes: Popular movie, and it's better to do the first movie before they do Prince Caspian. Pricne Caspian based world in KH4. :P

    World: Dinosaur World? (Super Mario Bros. (1993) )
    Party Member: Mario
    Boss: King Koopa
    Costume Change: None
    Notes: It was a Disney Film...That, or the next one:

    World:Mushroom Kingdom (Super Mario RPG (1996) )
    Party Member: Geno
    Boss: Bowser
    Costume Change: None
    Notes: Square Enix had a large part in making this highly popular game.

    World: Mata Nui (Bionicle- Mask of Light (2003) )
    Party Member: Tahu
    Boss: Makuta
    Costume Change: Toa Sora? :P
    Notes: Disney film, successful film, popular franchise

    World: Syndrome's Island (The Incredibles (2004) )
    Party Member: Mr.Incredible
    Costume Change: Supersuit Sora
    Notes: VERY popular movie.

    Other Possible Movies/Shows/Games for Worlds: The World Ends With You, Kim Possible, FindingNemo
    Thread by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. McPie
    Code Lyoko is on Jetix, which is a Disney Channel, in Japan, and I'm pretty sure Disney owns France 3 and Canal J, who make Code Lyoko.

    Not being a cartoon? Port Royal from Kingdom Hearts II would like to have a word with you.

    Post by: McPie, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. McPie
    Before anyone asks, CODE LYOKO IS NOT A GODDAMN ANIME!!!!!!!

    ANIME is made in JAPAN

    CODE LYOKO is made in FRANCE!


    This RPG will follow in the main story of Code Lyoko. Taking Place after Season 4. Franz Hopper is dead, and The supercomputer was recntly turned back on by Nicolas and Herve, who have since forgotten their experience thanks to a Return trip. XANA has been revived.

    In this RPG, you will create your own character that will help the lyoko gang (Ulrich, Yumi, Odd, Aelita, Jeremie, and William at times) fight XANA and assist with attacks. All RPG characters must be a Lyoko Warrior as well as a Kadic student. No "Jeremie-style" characters.

    Submission form:

    Earth Outfit:
    Lyoko Outfit:
    Lyoko Powers:
    Lyoko Weapons:

    I will either approve or disapprove it. Nooverpowered characters.


    -Do NOT kill off any character, or devirtualize anyone else.
    -You may not do ANY godmodding.
    -Be appropriate. I don't want any sort of talk about Yumi and Ulrich having sex in this RPG.
    -Have fun.
    -Regular members may not start up XANA attacks without permission.

    Post #1:Main Info
    Post #2:Characters
    Post #3:Episodes
    Post #4:RPG Start


    Other than the normal characters from the show, we have our RPG Characters here.

    1.Name: Rho
    Earth Outfit: Black Shirt with a Unzipped Red jacket over it, blue jeans, Black shoes
    Age: 14
    Gender: Male
    Description: Medium-length, great brown hair with a few blonde hairs, and green eyes. Tall.
    Grade: 8
    Lyoko Outfit: Similar to Ulrich's, only With an "R" in the chest of the suit, and the outfit is Blue and Green. Does indeed have a headband.
    Lyoko Powers: Teleportation
    Lyoko Weapons: A keyblade-like weapon.
    Pets: A large black 2-year-old cat
    Friends: Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Jeremie, Aelita, William, Maddy, All other RPG characters
    Vehicles: Essentially an Overwing with wheels
    Personality:Sarcastic, smart, sneaky, sence of humor, slightly emo, Though he is a very kind guy when you're on his good side.

    2.Name: Maddy
    Earth Outfit: Gray Hoodie with a few pink stripes. Blue jeans, white shoes
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Description: Tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes
    Grade: 8
    Lyoko Outfit: Pink and green outfit simiar to Yumi's Season 4 Lyoko outfit, only with a seagull on the front
    Lyoko Powers: Flight
    Lyoko Weapons: Explosive Volleyballs
    Pets: A cat
    Friends: Rho, Yumi, Odd, Ulrich, Jeremie, Aelita, All other RPG characters (She gets annoyed with William)
    Vehicles:Green Hoversurfboard
    Personality:Kind, humorous, flirty, and usually happy.


    Episode 1: The New Warriors (April 5, 2008- TBA)
    When New Warriors come to Lyoko, all seems well! They have a good amount of warriors now. But then, XANA attacks by posessing the vending machine at school, putting anyone that gets something from it in XANA's control.

    =====START OF RPG=====

    OOC:It really pisses me off that I can't post these seperatley, but hey, whatever.

    IC: Rho awoke in his dorm.
    He went to the showers, showered, got dressed, had breakfast, and headed to the halls before class would start in about an hour.

    Ulrich and Odd approached Rho.

    "Hey Rho!" Odd said.

    "Hey." Rho responded. "Anyone seen Jeremie yet today?"

    "Nope." Ulrich awnsered. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Yumi, Aelita, or Maddy either."

    "I doubt XANA is behind it." Rho said. "I'll go to Maddy's dorm. Odd, you go see if Aelita is in hers, Ulrich, you go wait at the front for Yumi, kay?"
    Thread by: McPie, Apr 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. McPie
    How about Code Lyoko?
    Post by: McPie, Apr 1, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. McPie
    O Rly

    I Thienk Tahr Shuld Haev Ben Moar Mudkipz
    Post by: McPie, Apr 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. McPie
    So, here are my ideas for Kingdom Hearts III.

    Platform: Wii. Look. It doesn't flippin need to have motion control. <_<


    East High (High School Musical)- Look. Before you burnt his topic down with flame, it's highly likely to become a world, due to the large amount of popularity. Plus, you can work off the anger of a HSM world beign in KH by watching characters get owned by Heartless, and fighting Sharpay (Boss idea)

    Syndrome's Island (The Incredibles)- The only logical choice for a Pixar world. 'Nuff said.

    Summerton High School (Minutemen)- Sure, its a DCOM, but if you watch the movie, It had great potential for

    Waverly Place (Wizards of Waverly Place)- Yeah, its a Disney Channel Show. So? It'd be a good world to make up for Harry Potter- it's basically Disney's modern-day HP.

    Malibu (Hannah Montana)- Sadly, due to the show's popularity, we might get a HM world. D=

    Narnia (Chronicles of Narnia)- Why not? Successful Disney Movie. KH potential.

    Udrogoth (Dave the Barbarian)- Sadly, not very likely, but it would be badass.

    Middleton (Kim Possible)- DC's longest-running action cartoon. Great potential.

    Brooklyn (Super Mario Bros. 9the movie)- Yes, IT WAS MADE BY BUENA VISTA. That's Disney. Good potential.

    World from Super Mario RPG- If KH3 is on the Wii, chances for this world increase. It was a popular RPG game MADE BY SQUARE ENIX.

    Mata Nui (Bionicle: Mask of Light)- According to IGN, this movie was made by BV. Plus, it'd be awesome.

    That be all for now.
    Thread by: McPie, Jan 28, 2008, 421 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. McPie
    "A man who believed he bore the "mark of the beast" used a circular saw to cut off one hand, then he cooked it in the microwave and called 911, authorities said.
    The man, in his mid-20s, was calm when Kootenai County sheriff's deputies arrived Saturday in this northern Idaho town. He was in protective custody in the mental health unit of Kootenai Medical Center.
    "It had been somewhat cooked by the time the deputy arrived," sheriff's Capt. Ben Wolfinger said. "He put a tourniquet on his arm before, so he didn't bleed to death. That kind of mental illness is just sad."
    It was not immediately clear whether the man has a history of mental illness. Hospital spokeswoman Lisa Johnson would not say whether an attempt was made to reattach the hand, citing patient confidentiality.
    The Book of Revelation in the New Testament contains a passage in which an angel is quoted as saying: "If anyone worships the beast and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he, too, will drink the wine of God's fury."
    The book of Matthew also contains the passage: "And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell."
    Wolfinger said he didn't know which hand was amputated."

    This is why Christianity annoys me. The bible is so full of BS that it shocks me.
    Thread by: McPie, Jan 10, 2008, 61 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. McPie
    Even then, I'm not. I hated the gamecube, And I'm a fan of most Sega, Microsoft, and Sony. (except for the epic phail that is the PS3)
    Post by: McPie, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. McPie


    **** you. Not funny, *******. Get some better jokes, because yours are gay.
    Cats >>>>>>>>>>> You
    Post by: McPie, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. McPie
    So, On this other forum, some 12-Year Old Noob said that I was a Nintendo Fanboy. Therefore, I PM him. Here's the convo:

    I wasn't intending to be a snitch, I was intending to scare the kid so he'd stop being such a noob..

    EDIT:And then he blocked me. Lawl.
    Thread by: McPie, Jan 5, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. McPie
    Everyone asking where I got these, They were at a Target in California, In the TCG area, near checkouts, for $5. They also had Booster packs for about $2 or so.

    EDIT: kwilliamsxii, It's a DVD that teaches you how to play the TCG.
    Post by: McPie, Dec 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. McPie

    Help NEws

    I have some pics of the Kingdom Hearts TCG- How do I send my folder to the news (They're on MAJ)
    Thread by: McPie, Dec 12, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  18. McPie
    I demand pictures.
    Post by: McPie, Dec 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. McPie
    How the **** is it spam? It's an idea. >.>
    Post by: McPie, Sep 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. McPie

    KH Game Fuel?

    had no idea where to post this..

    Who else thinks they should make a Kingdom hearts version of the Halo 3 Game Fuel stuff? I'd like Pepsi with "Papu Fruit" Mixed in.

    I have been experimenting with these flavors.. So fa ri've done Sierra Mist+Cherry Koolaid Powder, Pepsi+Pineapple Starfruit Juice, and Pepsi+Grape+Cherry Koolaid Powder.
    Thread by: McPie, Sep 26, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone