mmmmmm, no guys should not kiss, its just nasty.....but i can see why you "girls" want us guys to kiss, you thnk its hot...just how that "guys" like to see "girls" kiss we think its hot as well, so its actually an opinion....but in my opinion, im not kissing a guy
ok yeah i have looked but your placing most of the jobs on the mods and supermods, yes i know their there for a reason but mods need help too
yeah but you can get on there and listen to it when your waiting on a person to reply back to a pm
have you ever thought about haveing music players on the member's profiles.
i dont see why
that we need an entertainment team on here, because it would be more organized, and that if we have people watching over the threads for the contest and the spams zones nothign bad woud happen
youcan close this now
Ok since Holloween is comming im gonna host a scary story will be held on holloween day (this coming wensday) it will be in the competition section plz Sign up here if your gonna join
ok thanks i will
its either roxas or best bet is Roxas
eyah i know thats kinda why i suggested it but yeah and i still think we should have an entertainment team but.....
idk if you have it here but how about a Scary story telling contest for holloween this wendsday.....just a thought..people that love to write will love to make a scary story...
i think they all have an appite for sea salt ice creams
look im only suggesting this ok, plus The rpg thing doenst look to organized, Greeting team yeah some of the forums can do that by posting in the introduction thread, but these people help them out, when they see a new person on the forums they automatically pm them, pluse the counslers they are need badly on every forums
Ven-17, Aqua-17, Terra-20-21, and Valdius-prolly around 87
ok theres the RPG team: usually theres mostly just Graders in this team. the graders they tell weather you have a good RPG or not like you put the the description and they say weather its good or not, and if its not you can put it in a unlicends section. Entertainment team: they regulate the regular games on the forums like the ones that you do to pass time, like on this one site there was the last to post that stuff, and they also keep the Web families up and running at times by makeing an award voting thing Newspaper team: well its kind of self explanitory. they make a monthly newspaper, on game reviews, interviews, comic strips, (ect) Greeting team: (self explanitory as well) there two types of jobs on the Greeting team theres the greeters and the counslers, greeters greet and the counslers help people out when there haveing emotional trouble and other stuff there all that typing
ok ive seen this on other sites and im about suggest this.....ok im thinking that there should be teams like section team as in, RPG, Entertainment, Newspaper, Greeting teams. its actually very effective, plus it will help get this site more active as well. if youwant me to go into more detail i will just say it
thats what i m about to do
no i meant like entertainment teams like, they regulate the games that are played on here, and RPG teams they have Graders they grade the rp's that people make, its actually pretty fun to do
does this particular forum have any teams like the entertainment team, or RPG team somthing like that, if it does i would very much like to try and join one plz comment