In this game, you get to create your very own type of nobody! You choose it's abititys (no godmoding) and the first 3 people get to be sora, donald and goofy! Here's the story: with the Organisation gone, everyone is safe, or are they. The death of organisation XIII didn't stop the creation of nobodys! now there are all kinds of nobodys and they are all around twilight town. Sora and buddies must do their best to destroy the fiends. First people in get the title as sora donald or goofy Sora: Donald: Goofy: Good Luck, and get creative!
Is it too late to join too! I be Luxord, if it hasn't been taken!
"Howay" said Pence. Finally, he was getting a big group! "And just imagine" thought Pence "what we can do together" as Olette pulled Pence. he kept dreaming "Wow, we could play heaps of games, imagine playing jedies with 5 people!" "Hey Luxord, wanna play" said Olette. Pence snapped out of his dream. "Wha...Wha, oh yeah, wanna pway"
As Pence walked Inside with Olette in tow, he thought of what they could do. All the toy cars were being used, and last time Pence tried to use the building blocks, he made such a high tower that Mr.Xigbar got concussion when the tower fell over, and he was banned for the week. "Oh I don't know" said Pence "Olette, what do you wanna..." Then his voice trailed off as he saw Cloud. He remembered Olette's kindness around Sephiroth, so he decided to try and do the same thing with Cloud. "Come with me Olette" Pence said as he grabbed her hand "were gonna get a new member of the group." As he ran he yelled "Hey cloud, wait up!"
Lets get my character underway Stats Character: Luxord Age: umm 17, heh heh Schedule: 1st: Defensive Actions 2nd:Team moves 3rd:Special Abilities *Lunch* 4th:Magic Skills 5th:Combo moves 6th:Offensive Actions 7th:Music Class Weaponary:Deck of cards and Dice Appearence:Black robes, bleach hair, awsome goatie that just screams good taste Instrument: Someone has already called saxophone, so I guess I'll be sitar
Pence walked looked around, bewildered be the sight of over 20 craters in the kindie playarea, with a particually big one near the monkey bars. "Olette" said Pence "I don't think we will be having P.E."
Pence looked around. First at his inside surroundings. "Hmm scared people" he thought. "Then he looked at sephiroth, who was smiling. Then at Olette, who had just asked him to be her P.E partner. "Sure" he said to Olette "I'd love to ber your P.E partner" as he walked outside. He looked around. "Holy Moly!" he said as he walked outside, to find the ground covered in craters
Then i guess I'll have to be pence (This is my 2nd last shot, if someone has taken this, I'll be the struggle promoter :p :p :p) anyway, on with the show: Pence walked out of the bathroom. "hey guys, I was just in the bathroom, did anything interesting happen while I was gone." Pence looked around. it was a ghost town. "Must've gone inside" and as he walked in, oblivious to what was happening, he said "i wonder why its so hot"
I'm Luxord! Hmm, I'll be luxord, as usuall, but can he be a smaller version? 'cause I don't think luxord would be very comfortable in a little kindie chair when he's in an older version!
You move into a restore point, and remember, you can move backwards or forwards and if you have any money, buy something!
Welcome to the Hollow Bastion day care centre! In this game you can be any character in kindom hearts, whether he be good or evil, and downsize him/her! More than one person can have the same characters, and most of all... HAVE FUN!!! You can have mini-fights, make weaponary out of building blocks and (if your feeling particually evil) break out of the centre. Make your own story! Good Luck! :D :D :D
I wanna be... Well lets see... which organisation 13 member... hmm... Well I Don't know...maybeeee...LUXORD!!!! lluxord kicks butt
Go Kingdom Hearts 2 art crazy. Thats right, make anything to do with kingdom hearts, the best one wins! good luck
1-5 years 1-5 years I would hope, 9 months would be awsome!
This is the board [1]-[2]-[3]-[4]-[5] ! [6] ! [7]-[8]-[9]-[10]-[11]-[12]-[13]-[14]-[15]-[16] ! [17] ! [27]-[26]-[25]-[24]-[23]-[22]-[21]-[20]-[19]-[18] ! [28] ! [29] ! [30] The mission is to get from 1 to 30 to save the village from the dragon at the end. You start with these stats. Strength: 3 Health: 10 Magic: 3 MP: 2 Speed: 5 You take the enemys strength from your health and vice versa. Magic is your magic strength. Speed determines who attacks first. If you have twice the amount of speed as your enemy, you attack twice in your turn. If your enemy has twice your speed then they attack twice. You roll a dice, or, of you don't have a dice, move your finger up and down across the following numbers to figure out your move. You may move backwards to collect experiance. or forwards to get to the dragon 1 2 3 4 5 6 These are the levels you can advance by and their stats (You start at level one, as shown above) Level 2: 50 exp, 5 strength, 4 magic, 2 MP, 7 speed, 12 health Level 3: 150 exp, 6 strength, 5 magic, 2 MP, 8 speed, 15 health Level 4: 300 exp, 8 strength, 6 magic, 3 MP, 9 speed, 20 health Level 5: 500 exp, 9 strength, 6 magic, 3MP, 11 speed, 23 health Level 6: 700 exp, 9 strength, 7 magic, 3MP, 11 speed, 23 health Level 7: 950 exp, 10 strength, 8 magic, 4MP, 12 speed, 25 health Level 8: 1200 exp, 11 strength, 9 magic, 4MP, 12 speed, 25 health Level 9: 1500 exp, 12 strength, 9 magic, 4MP, 13 speed, 27 health Level 10: 2000 exp, 13 strength, 10 magic, 5MP, 15 speed, 30 health Here are enemy stats: Shadow: Strength 2, Health 5, Speed 5, Exp 15, Drops 2 Hp, 3 munny Soldier: Strength 5, Health 7, Speed 3, Exp 20, Drops 3 Hp, Potion, 5 munny Small Ninja: Strength 2, health 2, Speed 15, Exp 10, Drops 1 Hp, 3 munny Pot: Strength 0, Health 1, Speed 1, Exp 5, Drops 1 munny, Ability: Must attack pots before you attack other enemys Bulge: Strength 4, Health 20, Speed 2, Exp 30, Drops 3 Hp, 6 munny, Hi-Potion Boarder: Strength 5, Health 10, Speed 7, Exp 50, Drops 5 Hp, 10 munny, Poition Spining Top: Strength 7, Health 1, Speed 13. Exp 40, Drops 4 Hp, 7 munny, Ether Lion Sheild: Strength 6, Health 15, Speed 11, Exp 70, Drops 6 Hp, 15 munny, Hi-potion, Ether These enemys are on these squares. (If there are more than one enemy on a square, you all take turns according to order of speed, you attack 2 of them at once), you can't avoid bosses or mission battles if you are going past them. Restore Point means no enemys, you can fully restrore your Hp and Mp and you can't go past it! 1: 5 shadows (mission battle) 3: 2 solders 5: 1 bulge 7: Restore Point 8: 5 pots, 1 solder (mission battle) 10: 2 spinning tops 13: The Dealer (Boss) Stats: Hp 30, Speed 10, strength 6, Exp 100 15: Restore point 18: 1 lion sheild 20: 2 spining tops, 1 boarder (mission battle) 22: restore point 23: 10 pots, 2 soldiers 24: 3 Spinning tops (mission battle) 25: 5 soldiers 27: restore point 28: 3 bulges (mission battle) 29: 2 lion sheilds (mission battle) 30: Dragon (Boss) Stats: Health: 50, Strength: 7, Speed:7, Experiance: 2000, Drops: Village Key If it says an enemy drops an item, you must roll a 1 or 2 to obtain it after you beat it. Using an Item in battle uses up you turn. Potion: 10 Hp healed Hi-Potion: All Hp healed Ether: Restore 2 Mp Elixer: Restore All Hp and Mp You can also equip items. You may only equip one item at a time. These are the equip items. Strength Band: +1 strength Magic Band: +1 magic Health Band: +2 health Strength Band+: +2 strength Magic Band+: +2 magic Health Band+: +5 health Great Magic Band: +1 Mp At restore points there is also a stall. These are the things you can buy with your munny: Potion: 7 munny Hi-potion: 15 munny Ether: 10 munny Elixer: 20 munny Strength Band: 15 munny Strength Band+: 25 munny Magic Band: 15 munny Magic Band+: 25 munny Great Magic Band: 30 munny Health Band: 15 munny Health Band+: 25 munny You can cast magic using MP. You get fire from 7 onwards, You get blizzard from 15 onwards, you get thunder from 22 onwards and heal from 27 onwards. Here are the magic stats. Fire: Target: 1 enemy. Strength: Magic times 3. Cost: 1 Mp Blizzard: Target: 4 enemys at once. Strength: Exact Magic Value. Cost: 1 Mp Thunder: Target: 3 enemys at once. Strength: Magic value times 2. Cost: 2 Mp Cure: Target: Yourself. Strength: Heal yourself by Magic Value times 2. Cost: 3 Mp. Thank you for playing. Please post to tell me how you did and/or if it was too hard/easy. Thanks
My dude My characters' name: HammerBrain My character's background: As a baby, mutated in a horse riding accident, soon grew up to be great ninja apprentace My character's weapon: Dual Ninja swords Your characters element: Earth Discribtion of what charactor looks like: A man with face drapped with robes and a hammer for a head my characters goal: eradicate the world from aposing ninjas and hippies What gender: male What race is your character: white My back-up weapon: War hammer how old my character is: 11 What allignment: The one against other ninjas and hippies special abilities does my character have: super spin swords Stats in more definition: Strength level:10 Magic level: 10 Wisdom: 10 Agility: 10 Experience: 50 Level: 1 Rank: Ninja Guile(Guile is your sneakiness): 5 Archery: 3 Aiming abilities: 0 Special abilities: High jump, able to create portals to throw my swords into, kill the hippy, than bring my sword back!