geez take away all of sora power gosh a shadow could beat sora with that with those rules roxas is going to win
After Roxas opens the window i think after the whole intro thing
Well in the begining of KH2 naimine was saying that they were bad or good they just want to be whole but i think it is what they are doing to become whole is what is bad they send out heartless and separtate riku sora, and kairi
i thought all of them were very cool except the second one did like it that much
i beat him on lvl 91 on KH2 :D
for some reason i think she would have a dark related key blade like the oblivion or something
Kh2 kairi 1) she is hotter 2) only played kh2 :D
Omg that just occured to meh i guess all the other probably have costumes of wat they were wearing b4 they join the org like roxas would be wearing he clothes if he pull his cloak off
hmm never thought of using peter pan ill try that thx
uhh right that was i was going to say :D
im at lvl 95 and its hard to keep the points you cant heal
Thx alot stitch work very well this can be closed now Thx again :)
ITS HARD TO BEAT what lvl do you think i should be at to beat it??? any other hints?
er... not pence i think hayner has a better chance with her
There was a SHIELD!!?!?! o well nothing important
I think Roxas should be there and he would beast it up and kill everyone and in the finals it would riku vs. roxas
the previous day roxas had messed up the computer messing up his fake life
i voted no ones and rikus heart isn't strong enough to make a nobody
26754 uh.. idk
OH CRAP where did i put my ds i bet ill save up a bunch for it and when i get i still wont be able to find my ds