when you flipped the entire tag, you forgot to not flip the text which is currently unreadable because of that. the wireframe doesn't belong. it's completely superfluous to the overall composition. the colour scheme is random and erratic. the stock has dark colours, and you have bright rainbow colours. whatever flow you originally had set up was screwed over when you added that mass of wireframe. also, there's no attempt at lighting or any sense of depth. tldr;
the tag actually is technically lighted if you look at the darkness on both sides and the light in the middle :<
i like doing gfx ^_^ lololololololololol!!!111!!1 cnc, plx
deviantart.com should work. That's why I uploaded mine on there.
Text looked bad on this so no to the text idea. I already tried about 40 different fonts and 100 different placement options. *coughexaggerationcough*
Border in the bottom right looks a bit choppy in my opinion. I really love this. The only minor complaint that I have is that there's a bit of a difference on the left and right which barely bugs me. It doesn't really need to be changed though. It's really sexy.
Not sure what to add, but it still feels unfinished to me. CnC and suggestions, please.
I guess this piece is all a matter of opinion. So far it's been separated almost half and half. Some people like the "simplicity", and others want it gone. I personally like it though.
You used this style with my pressie a while back. I like it. I think the text kills it though. It's a bit too big and prominent.
Thanks. It took forever to finally finish this. I must say that it's my current favorite.
"El MaƱana" by Gorillaz V1: V2(Tried to fill up the empty space a little): Tried something way different from what I'm used to. I made this with the help of a PSD a friend sent me. I recreated a few parts and then went from there to make my own piece. I really like this myself. CnC, please. It's very much appreciated.
Quality got screwed up when I resized it. I'm not sure why. The original was much bigger, but photoshop resized it. I didn't feel like uploading it to imageshack.
Title from "Evil" by Interpol. Original: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c362/Duz...pol-1-by-VF.jpg I don't know what to think about it. I've been experimenting with filters and photo manips. I came out with this while messing around. CnC, please.
It's a pattern that I made not a filter. =/ Text was an after thought. It's filler.
Original: http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c362/Duzyourfacehurt/emma00_.jpg I've not been doing anything serious for quite a while in the area of graphics. I'm quite sure that I've hit a bit of a slump. Being grounded didn't help either. Anyone know of any good tutorials besides the ones on GR? I really need to start learning again. =/ CnC, too, please.
lol "buy" CS2
What's with the weird curve-y line that shows up below it before it goes down? I don't know what to say. It's a simple animation. I don't see anything wrong with the alignment or anything.
Also, I didn't sharpen this tag at all so yeah.
The scratchy stuff came with one of the textures. I couldn't get rid of it. I tried everything I could think of. :/
Made this with a girl I like in mind and for SotW on a forum I'm an admin on. I used one main texture that proved incredibly difficult to work with. I only used one C4D. The other stuff is fireworks, city lights, and car lights. I don't really like this. It didn't do what I had in mind any justice. CnC, please.