I might not be doing a KH2 dub... TT__TT ......but I don't know yet. I'm really busy right now with life, so Idk yet. And I also am not sure if I'll be doing a trailer. But the first floor should be done sometime soon. I'm waiting on a few people and then I'll have all the lines. PS) I made a big mistake! When I started this thing I didn't have the Re:CoM music! So if anyone has them can you tell me where to download 'em? Or can you send me a mediafire link so I can download them? Either way, but I definitely need the score if I'm gonna continue!
Axel Opened his eyes when he heard something fall. He looked over to see Luxord and Roxas outside. He reached over, pressed the button, and got out once all the liquid was out. "Alright, who woke me up?" Axel said crossing his arms, and tapping his foot impatiently. Over in the Disney-ization Herc's eyes snapped open. He reallized that he was floating in liquid. Not knowing whether or not he was still breathing, he started to pound on the glass, which was not breaking. He frantically looked around, on upon noticing the controls, he pressed them all at once. The liquid drained and the pod door whooshed open. *la gaspeth* Herc breathed in a deep breath. "Whoa! That.... was wierd!" He glanced around and noticed that a few of the other members were gone. "Guess I better head down there." He said as he ran downstairs. EDIT: Herc heard a ruckus downstairs, and so he went back and got in his pod. After waiting a while with no response, Axel teleported back inside his pod. "Whatever."
"Zerch". That's how you pronounce it.
I'll take Axel and Hercules! Axel will be in red, and Herc in brown. When I anagram Hercules, can I just use Herc? If so, he'll be Xerch, the "Muscular Monster." lol That all okay? EDIT: Axel opened his bright green eyes slowly, and looked around. Everyone else was still in thier pods. So he pressed some small buttons on the inside of his pod, making all the liquid drain away. He stepped out of his pod and stretched. "Looks like I'm the first one out today. I guess I'll just wait a little longer." Axel stepped back into his pod and pressed some buttons. Axel sighed and closed his eyes as the liquid started to fill back up. "I hate that stuff."
Thank you! Can you do the Lex ones now? Or, did I misunderstand something? Ummm...err... Idk.
I gotts go for now. But I might be back on later. Just PM me the lines and I'll get back to you when I listen to 'em. Thanks! ;'D'
Umm how 'bout... "We have to if we're gonna find the king..." "Maybe, maybe not. Something just told me he'd be here, that's all." "Or maybe...
It doesn't matter. Whatever you want to do. Just as long as it's ReCom.
Oh, thanks! Yeah that's fine! Btw, you think you could do a donald dub in ReCoM? Like, not kh2. Thanks again!
Lol All my friends say I'M the best Jack ever! lol But I'll take your word for it. Shades is probably better than me by far. I sent him a PM but he never responded. So, Idk... Oh, I remembered! Can you PM me some Lexeaous and Donald lines to download? I need them for the trailer! It's almost done! XD
I'm planning mine right now. I have the entire story basically mapped out in my mind, but I still need to come up with a lot more characters, and finish the designs for my earlier ones. It's a combination of a book that I wrote a few years ago, and a book that I'm writing now. It also has a few elements in it that will remind you of KH and FF. It's coming along nicely so far... I'm also doing another one, which is a KH fan fic about a guy who's parents were killed, and so he was taken in by Master Xehanort. But after his master, and his fellow apprentice disappear he searches them out. It goes a lot deeper than that (like how he becomes a nobody etc.) and weaves in and out of all of the KH titles so far. PS) I'm also planning on making an anime about secret stuff that nobody can know yet! But I need an artist that can bring my ideas to life! I'm not a bad artist myself, but I'm just to lazy to do all the frame by frame. So if anyone's interested, PM me!
All our **** is gone! This ain't coo'.
I can most likely audition for the following roles. They still open? eh? XD lol Riku- Goofy- Jimmny Cricket- Hades- Cpt. Hook- Cid- Merlin- Cheshire cat- Peter Pan- Beast- Simba- Mushu-Bama Zexion- Axel- Cpt. Jack Sparrow- Destined Will Turner- And since I had to do the following in my ReCoM dub (and I wrote, and am writing a book) I guess I'm alright at directing and writing. So I'll aplly for these positions. Sound Dircetor- Music Director- Writer-[/quote]
Thanks. That was good for your first time. If it's not too much trouble (and whenever you get a chance) can you do another one, when your not as rushed? Just so I can get more of feel for what your "Sora voice" sounds like. Also? I don't remember you ever auditioning... And, the auditions are kinda' sorta over, except for Sora. Oh, and the spots of Riku/Repliku and Vexen are still open because I'm trying decide between a few different people's auditions, so if you want you can still audition for them. Ummm... let me think. Here, I'll PM you in a minute or two with some lines. Kay? XD
Great man! *claps* Can't wait for more! Edit: blawbleeblahblah! spamspamspamspam! I'm only posting this edit so that I can quote myself. teehee
Yeah, I thought I heard a fan or something. It was kinda' noisy. Idk lol. Well, whenever you have time.
Yup! ^^ U R. There was a bit of noise in the background of the original lines you sent me though. So can you do another recording of the same lines, and maybe a few more, but without any background noises? It's just that I don't have a program to do it. Thanks!
Lol Just wait a bit. I'll get back to you later today.
Okay! XD I'll be waiting...
Thank you. I didn't think I was that great, but I tried. lol Yes, I do agree on that. I might not be doing that world... I just don't like it. o_O.... I'm just wierd like that. I might already have someone for Xigbar, but you're welcome to audition for him anyway. Great! Great, again! I almost definitely have someone for Leon, but no one whatsoever for Cid. Yeeeahhh.... that would be kinda' hard to do. Great, once again! Great, for the fourth time! Gre- I'm not gonna say it again, but, good! GREAT! lol I'm looking forward to hearing it. I tried him, but I can't get my voice to sound so, uhhh... young. lol