Well, look's who's plugging his ****** fandub again... Do you always use news runs to your advantage? Do you seriously crave attention THAT much? Well, at least that explains why no site except KH-Vids would even consider having you as even a member. Let's just call your Reporter status a flat-out miracle, yeah?
You just have to plug your crappy little fanbub at every chance you get... Word to the wise: Keep your ****, out of the real ****. As in, don't get the idea that your fandub production is of equal importance to legitimate news.
You are impossible. It's September 24th. TGS news is overflowing, yet you waste everyone's time, AND destroy their senses with this nonsense? This is incredible. In a very, very, very bad way. Then there's also the fact that you guys didn't improve one bit! I'd say it's worse than before! Utterly incredible.
Constructive criticisms!? Rofl! We tried that. They tried that! *I* tried that! He just loses his **** regardless. Why else do you think he got kicked out of three sites where he previously worked at? And I might add this, the Riko situation was definitely a wacky doozie.
You know, I really wanna say something mean and sarcastic right now...but I can't, cause I don't really have my palm in my face right now... Dude, you are really godamn persistent... Whether that's a good or bad thing...well...it's mostly bad, yeah. But I'm fairly certain there's some good qualities trapped in there... That I most certainly noticed. And that's really all I gotta say on this issue... Just don't be shocked if the staff here gets tired of this; a whole lot of people in the fanbase are, after all. Oh yeah, that too. Really Mike. You've never been good with negative criticism of any kind. KHN. KHU. KHI. Gamefaqs. On every one of those places, you lost your steam from negative criticism; and be sure, some of it was constructive and even filled with heart...
I can't really speak for anyone in here besides myself, but I honestly don't find pleasure in this. I'm like hitman monkey; no joy in what I do. I say what I say because I feel if I have something to say, I should say it without having anything holding me back. That said, I find it difficult to provide constructive criticism in a situation where I find it...basically impossible to do so. Like say, a picture says a thousand words: If you can provide coherent constructive criticism for that piece of "art" so that it may reach an at least 20% amateur level, then I too will cease whatever I said, and will provide criticism to the fandub as well. It's fairly obvious that the ******ry level in here has been maxed out to Overdrive. Mike can say whatever he wants to, but truth is...TMM hasn't really said anything banworthy...at all. And yet here he shows disdain for the project, and whammo...gets the banhammer. Nice asskissing to the mods, Mikey mah boy. Now we should all countdown to the day when you get kicked off this site as well! You've already got three down! XD! I do! I think I really do! Well, prepare for a shocker: I try not to be a troll around here. But it looks like KH fantards like Mike don't really appreciate realists... Then again...unlike most members here, I kinda know all of Mike's screw ups at the other sites he worked at, and got booted off of. XD
And the site officially loses 70% of it's viewer base...
Who said I'm putting them down? I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I'm not such a heartless *******. Well...not totally. I only meant to...
Ugh. Enough with the dubs.
Really. Is it even possible for you to be a bigger tool than you are now?
Poll's broken. Can't vote.
Square-Enix can do better. You KNOW they can do better...
Ya'll are dumbasses for getting excited about this... Coded looks cheap! They completely glossed it up. Needless to say, my hopes just got dashed for that piece of crap... One down...hopefully the other two will be up to snuff.
Rofl. Oh, yeah. This'll be good...
Golly gee, I wonder why... >_>
So this is what all those stupid teasers were about...?
.......You don't even know what the hell it is...
Is it me, or did you absolutely ignore everything I just said? Forget it. Never mind. I give up.
I really don't get why you guys are so excited.... Sure, we might get a few mag scans here and there, but seeing as this is a private party, most likely not much. The demos can stay right up there in your dreams, and we all know how SE rolls with it's trailers, ala, Closed Theaters... Truth be told....I'm a lot more disappointed than excited. Why is SE so frickin **** with it's fans? And just a few weeks ago were whining about how they can't cater to the western market...? Gee, quite a mystery, yah?
Like I said people...don't count your chickens. >_>