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  1. Stormwolf101
    Hey, all. ^^ Thought I'd share something random. Sorry for not visiting here in a while again.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Stormwolf101
    Yep, it's the original rare black label PS1 game. It is fun! ^^ Although for someone who isn't used to turn-based games, like myself, it's a little challenging. I liked the part where Cloud had to wear a dress... xD
    Post by: Stormwolf101, May 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Stormwolf101
    Hey, all. How has everyone been? Sorry for not being on as much. I got FF VII recently, so I've been playing that. I've also been video-editing and fanfic-writing.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, May 13, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Stormwolf101
    Hey, all. How y'all doin'? ^^

    Neh. It's so hot outside today. .___. *fans self*

    Anyways. This is what I've been working on lately. It's very random, I know. xD Oh and if you don't like yaoi, then just don't comment on it/watch it, please. I don't want to hear negative comments. They tend to burn. 8/
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 24, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Stormwolf101
    I don't have one either, nor do I want one. XD
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 16, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Stormwolf101
    I'm right? o__o Cool! I love Quinton Flynn. Where is he going to be at this summer?
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Stormwolf101
    Q? The first person that comes to the top of my head whose name starts with 'Q' is Quinton Flynn. xD But he's a voice actor.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 15, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Stormwolf101
    Aww! x33 Thanks. xDD

    Umm... I don't really know. xD Someone I like? Jesse McCartney...? Skillet? I have no idea. I'm guessing some kind of singer/band though. ^^'
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Stormwolf101
    Okay, thanks. I entered my AkuRoku video. ^^
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Stormwolf101
  11. Stormwolf101
    Larxel, is it too late to enter the MV contest? ^^'
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 14, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Stormwolf101
    Not much. XD You?
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Stormwolf101
    Hey, everyone! -pokes Larxel- Remember me? ^^' It's been a very long time. Thank you Stardust for providing me the link to the family again!

    Anyways. Err... Where do I start? xD Well, I haven't been here in quite a while. I didn't really have KH AMVs to share with you guys until now. I was also waiting to get Adobe before I started making more KH vidders. Now that I have Adobe Premiere Elements, I've started up with KH again. I also have Final Fantasy: Advent Children now thanks to my friend Dewfrost, so I may be making videos to that soon. I love Reno almost as much as I love Axel. For those of you that do not know me or do but don't remember me, here's a bit about myself and the MVs that I make.

    I am a huge fan of Disney, so I make videos not only to KH, but to various Disney films as well along with the Dreamworks movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and the Universal Studios film Balto. I also make videos to the anime Wolf's Rain, and soon the anime Ouran High School Host Club thanks to my friend Tabswolf.

    These are some of my most recently finished videos:

    AkuRoku ~ "Diary of Jane" - Breaking Benjamin:
    This is one of my first completed videos made in Adobe, so please go easy on me. I know there's a lot of rough masking, but Adobe doesn't have a feathering tool like I hear Vegas does. APE4 only has 'edge feather' and it is not very helpful. But I must say, Adobe is much better than Windows Movie Maker was.
    Oh, and if you don't like AkuRoku, please do not comment/rate it.

    Lion King ~ "The Hard Way" - Fort Minor
    WMM video.

    Wolf's Rain ~ "Just Like You Imagined" - Nine Inch Nails
    WMM video.

    Pocahontas ~ "Jillian" - Within Temptation
    WMM video.

    Spirit ~ "Bye Bye Beautiful" - Nightwish
    WMM video.

    Balto ~ "Papercut" - Linkin Park
    A much older WMM video.

    And this is what happens when Stormy is having a sugar high:

    Anyways. About Stormy. ^^ Umm... Well, as you can tell by my username, I love wolves. I also love dogs. My favorite movies are all animated as you can also tell by most of my AMVs. *is such a dork* I also enjoy drawing. Yes, I like yaoi (please don't hate me for it). I write AkuRoku from time to time, but I don't think my writings is great so I mostly stick to rping. I love reading. My favorite book is The Sight and its sequel Fell. I'm curently reading the vampire Twilight series. My favorite TV show is Moonlight (yep, I do love hot vampires), and my two favorite animes are Wolf's Rain and Ouran High School Host Club. My favorite characters are Axel, Roxas, Demyx, and Reno. I love Jesse McCartney (Roxy's VA). xD If you hate him, don't attack me please. My favorite bands are Within Temptation, Nightwish, and Evanescence. I like just about every type of music except for extremely hard and loud heavy metal and most rap that is filled with cursing. Not much else to say, really. I think that's pretty much everything.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Apr 12, 2008 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Stormwolf101
    Oh! I <3 the chicken nuggets and burgers. x3 Though I think when it comes to cheesburgers, Burger King is the best.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Stormwolf101
    Zomg! Wendy's is teh aweshum! xD What did you order there?
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Stormwolf101
    Good! ^^ I haven't done any video editing in a while.

    Except this spoof thing. I was seriously bored. o__o'

    But after making my Wolf's Rain ~ "Crawling" video, I've been out of ideas. :/ I still have AkuRoku ~ "Pain" to finish, but I've been to lazy to work on it.

    However, my writer's block went away finally. I started writing a new AU AkuRoku fan fiction inspired by my current Halloween spirit. Axel's a vampire. xD
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Stormwolf101
    Hi, all! ^^ How is everyone doing?
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 23, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Stormwolf101
    AAAAAAAH! NO! T__T *hides*
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Stormwolf101
    Thank you! X33
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Stormwolf101
    Digimon Data Squad is actually fairly new. ^^ It's the most recent season of the show. It premiered in Japan in 2006 and it first aired here in the U.S. at the beginning of this month, October 2007. It's on ToonDisney when it becomes Jetix at night.
    Post by: Stormwolf101, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Forum Families