Um, I'm about to leave, so I didn't check to see if someone posted a thread like this earlier, I'm sorry... Anyways, the point... I'm currently working on a video and I need the ending of Kingdom Hearts 2 as well as the second part of the World that Never Was (the download link for the former is dead and for the second is actually Hollow Bastion 5th Visit). I'd appreciate it if someone can either send them to me via e-mail/IM or if we can get them reuploaded on FileFront and the links fixed.
XD I love Axel's hair, it's cute. And 10 minutes...they were in was that good (sorry inner-slash fan is appearing :) ) I love every page of this I read. Vexen is so cute...he's so happy about his bugness...
Oh that is...wrong on so many levels, but so dang funny...XD
SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved it...I loved it...I loved it... I love their expressions, and I got to see Axel, Namine, and Roxas too...SUPER SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! You officially have won the internet, much net love to you!!! I'm going to go favorite that page on DA...I just realized, is Xemnas on any of the pages? I can't remember...
Personally, I like yaoi so if they had kissed I would have jumped up and down with glee...and did a fan girl squel...I still think I'll do that because Zemyx is so cute SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! And I still like the bricks, you do really well with bricks...I don't know what my obsession with bricks are, but now I have one...BTW, what are the chances of seeing Axel, Roxas, and/or Namine on the next page?
The bricks are a nice touch...:P Everyone is commenting on how serious Demyx looks or how cute Zexion looks and I comment on bricks... That moo next Lexaeus is also a nice touch...makes me laugh. So is Demyx actually going to fight for his Zexy, I know he can do it...DemyxXZexion for the win!!!
Dang...I need to press 8 and 9...I guess I'll have to call back a second time...I loved this...oh...forgot, should complain about the lunches too...:P Loved this, I left a comment on youtube and I'm favoriting it...
Is that Roxas in a skirt? *nosebleed* Demyx looks so cute, so does Zexy (I was looking at him and was like who is he because he was so tiny, then I saw his expression and his hair and knew it was Zexy).
Oh, I was right, it was funny, Bunny!Luxord!!! It sounds like Axel is molesting his "cubs," CUTE!!!
I can't see page 8, every time I click on it it says file not found. And it looks like it has a Bunny!Luxord, which seems as funny as Xaldin, Xigbar, and Lexeaus.
Thank you very, very much. You don't know how much I appreciate this. Now I can finish my AMV. Thank you.
*snicker* Poor Zexy. Lexaeus looks...there's no words, it's funny, though.
I decided to post all the vids I do in one thread instead of creating several for them. I also decided to only post links to my KH vids, if you want to see other vids by me, just go to my Youtube account. Currently I only have two Kingdom Hearts fan vids: Axel's Lullabies Music: "Drunken Lullabies" by Flogging Molly Cutscenes from: Kingdom Hearts 2, Re: Chain of Memories, Re: Chain of Memories: Reverse/Rebirth, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+, Deep Dive Video Editor Used: Windows Movie Maker Spoilers: YES Other Audio: Roxas leaving The World that Never Was and the Second Battle Against Axel (KH2) Status: Version 1, when I get ahold of some cutscenes I want to make a Version 2 Namine's Journey Music: "Journey to the Past" by Liz Callaway Cutscenes from: Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories: Reverse/Rebirth, Kingdom Hearts 2, Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+, Deep Dive Video Editor Used: Windows Movie Maker Spoilers: Not Really Other Audio: Second Battle Against Axel (KH2) Status: Version 1, as of now complete, but I may edit it one day Special thanks to: smartguy_05 for the Sunset Hill scene Made for: SpiritoftheGauntlets on Youtube Pairing: Axel/Namine (if anything...)
Riku/Sora or vice-versa. It's the only pairing in KH that I'll call my Anti-pairing. There are mulitple reasons, and I believe I wrote it all down in my Welcome post. I'm also not a big fan of Sora/Kairi (or, as in my humor vid I'm making Kairi/Sora...yes, Kairi on top...).
The dead org members, I think Mickey gave them the information on them in Hollow Bastion.
That sad thing about Axel, the first time I had to fight him (at the Struggle Tournament) in Proud mode, he killed me. He's a good fighter.
I think I could pull off a really good Zexion, if I restyled my hair (and dyed it's much too dark right now), but he's not, technically in KH2... In KH2...I wish I looked like Axel, but that's just wishful thinking...I'm no where near that skinny *cough*anorexic*cough* enough nor do I have red hair and one of my eyes is blue (the other's green,'s called heterocromatia). I suppose I could pull off Roxas with hair dye, styling gel, and blue contacts
Luxord, Siax, and surprisingly Xemnas are easy to beat, to me. Luxord, I barely broke a sweat while playing, and the only reason I nearly lost, the first time playing, (though I did win) was he turned me into a card when he was just about out of I had to waste time, when he was technically dead, flying around as a card... Siax, he drops his weapons when he's in Bersker mode and he'll spend 90 percent of the battle in that mode, really...and then when he drops his weapons, you can pick them up and play "Spank Siax" with them... Xemnas, okay, yes, in the Final Battles he just won't die, but the first time through when I finally got to the VERY end, it took me all of ten minutes, I think, to beat him. Demyx on my list of tough bosses third, and that's only because Xaldin and Sephiroth both killed me. Demyx may act weak, but he's fast, and is a long range fighter...he, like Xigbar, you have trouble getting close enough to combo...also, for part of the battle, you can't touch him and have to kill his water forms.
Because I don't like Naruto Why do hearts go to Kingdom Hearts?
Axel: He's not "evil" but he is a villian. And he's my absolute favorite. Demyx: Because he's a goof Zexion: I really don't know a lot about him... Reno: Technically he's fighting for the same thing as the heros of FFVII, he's just against them because of his boss... Rufus Shin-Ra: Because he doesn't believe "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." or Cloud doesn't... Namine: She doesn't seem like a villian, but I see her as a bit of a villian to Roxas, and before Axel freed her in CoM/Re:CoM Artemis Fowl: The protagonist of the Artemis Fowl series is a villian in the first book. the Malfoys: they have excellent character developement, especially in Deathly Hollows Scar: from the original The Lion King movie, not the one from KH2 Oogie Boogie: Nightmare Before Christmas is just cool Beetlejuice: if you haven't seen the movie from the late 80s early 90s than you are missing a good movie. Jareth: Because David Bowie rocks and Goblin Kings rule... Rashputan: Spelling is probably wrong, but I'm talking about the villian from the cartoon movie Anastasia. Yeah, I like the villians more than the good guys because they usually have better character developement. On the hero factor, I still like Axel, but I also like Murphey and Conner from Boondock Saints and Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII, Sora's okay, too, I suppose.