In the first one, it definatly made it easier for the term "afeminate" to come to mind. In KH2, it was still good still as Haley. The big difference really put the whole "puberity in a bubble" statment there.
Jumping off pride rock. And other suicidal things like that XD Also for my own dumb enjoyment, I like to jump on the tables and say "HAHA I'm impolite"
It might be. Not anytime soon though...
I found the way Vexon was portrayed to be very entertaining. Also, in the KH2 manga, where Roxas and Axel fight. I died a little inside cause it was so awesome.
ooh!! I love the limit form one. I've been trying to get my hands on the wisdom form figure for ages!
heheh. Hi! Um, I'm new to the forum, but I've been around KH-vids for a while and finally decided to register. I'm pretty much an average female 16-year-old anime+manga+videogame fan. And I'm pretty easy to get along with, so I hope I don't cause any trouble around here. ^^ How are you today?