yeah evil man posted all the bgm digits i believe only cant remember what digit it was it was B2 or something you´ll have to look it up
nope brand new savegame without any codes (cant use codes anymore im playing on my ps3 and dont have ar max anymore) i was fighting sephiroth (again LOL) when using the trinity limit pressing the reaction command break, sora went right trough a little part of the wall and he t-stanced, this shouldnt be possible i never used cheats with this save game... well it might be a ps3 mistake since here in europe (dont know about the USA) the ps2 games are emulated on the ps3 they dont have the ps2 chip in them cause then there cheaper to make (screw you sony! making the ps3 cheaper but still asking the same price F*CK SONY!) sorry abou that LOL
okay!!!???!!! wtf is going on? im not using codes and ive got a T-stance sora while trying to use trinity limit :S btw sasuke did you try roxas + sora vs sephi?
yeah couldnt find any thing, well ive got a link about a guide only the guy making the guide isnt as far as me (at least the guide isnt as far as me) and there isnt a link to contact him so i thought i might try here)
damn no one that can help me with it, well if there´s anyone who isnt as far as me i can always help you out (like kitty said its off topic, but it is confirmed that the game is being released outside japan when is not confirmed)
even do i appriesiate that youre sending the codes i just gave you, give some info roxas will be forced as the playable character, sora will be team mate sephi is the boss, to get the code more possibly working make a save in betwix and between and use the codes there )somehow that place doesnt screw up the game for most codes'
thanx kitty! and sorry for the way i asked, dont like it when people say im lying when im not. again thanx now i hope that other people have the game as well so they can help me with it
yes i believe it does only it freezes when entering a other room
crisis core will be released in the first or second quarter of 2008 for usa and europe (read it somewhere) im now playing the JAP version just ordered it and im gonna buy the english version as well
yeah i know im unlucky im lucky to have a ps3 but unlucky that i cant use ar max on it :(
FFVII was the first i played and i still think its the best, well at least now. i now have crisis core and thats a lot of fun as well
HEJ GUYS FOR ANYONE WHO HAS THIS GAME, CAN SOMEONE HELP ME. i just had the cutscene where aeris is protected by angeal copycat thing, now im stuck dont know what i have to do next anyone that can help me?
2 codes dont work
nope not yet, sorry im trying to get on msn but my pc is still ****ed up thats what i thought, so the codes cant be simply converted but must be ported
mine are problably wrong though i just converted them i geuss we need evils help to port the raw or cloudstrife252 help
try this 0488D365 70800000 2037BC40 40000000 2037F404 40C00000 EDIT: someone try this its the hud thing (i think) MZXP-PFRE-BYH1A 9FJM-H690-04H5P F4QQ-BMY6-MPT5A 0YWZ-8EV7-5HA5U and for if the first one dont work here's another U57E-UFU5-UBZ11 92N3-RU1W-JA13M 3GGM-HV4D-RM79D KP4E-EUNU-32ZKK
what evil said!
strange that mine didnt work i used the codes you gave me and converted those for sasuke240 but they didnt seem to work... wonder what i did wrong EDIT: aaaaw how stupid i forgot to convert the first 2 rows of the raw code dumb dumb dumb (hits himself to the head a couple of times) sorry sasuke240 that i mest up them how could ive misst that... i just started with the row where i needed to put in sora thats why I forgot the top 2 rows damn, dumb dumb dumb, ow and sasuke for the weapon to dissapear as les as possible you should un eqeup all combo enhacing abilities and finishers (evils advice)
i'd have to go with roxas, keyblade bearer
card game, should be.... maybe ill just collect the rare ones like 1 of sora roxas kairi namine riku and thats about it :P