yeah im still here i guess. im on winter break or w/e. aww u got a field trip to a theater?! busting my brains with friggen hw. -_-
lol snow sucks. we're all snowed in cuz of this blizzard :(
geez you dont have to be so mean! but hey ny is pretty great when its not snowing.
i suppose that does suck...but at least they're close(?) and arent on the other side of the country....
so. its raining really hard today.
yeah yeah.
god you're hard to satisfy! what the heck do you want me to talk about? the weather? if i cant tell you about my life and the randomness that has...
hey you! (im directing that at everyone today and possibly tomorow...just cuz i can XP) im really like hyper i think(i guess--whatever) and u...
ahahahaha oh fine. in other news...
lol yes. your lover. dont deny your past....
yes that was mean! what else could he do? he just found out he doesnt actually exist and his whole life was a lie! (give the guy a break!) man...
omgosh i know right!!!!!!!!! whoot whoot BbS!!! cant wait to play it on meh psp! whoot whoooot!!!! ven is pretty hot >_< (yummity...
Roarr !!!!!! X)
wow. (but i like fillin up ur visitor msgs XD) Anywhoo...i forgot all about whirled.
probly cuz ur school isnt cheap as ****.
oh. well if u come make sure u bring a coat, a hat, and gloves! its FREEZING up here. we got out at 10 just because the school has no heat and it...
oh yay!!! for how long? just christmas, or for a week or something?
ahh thanks. im all ohkay now. happy december!!!
pshaaaa (he means you're as fat as a twig, and you have chicken legs.--which isnt bad btw--) if u did gain 6 pounds, it wont be much since ur on...
awww lol. ugh i got sick so im home with nada to do. nothing really interestings going on but thanksgivings coming!!! YAY!