true that...
i have no idea D=
welcome back XD i never knew u but im in a good mood XD
sofa...or boris...or anexio...tough choice...
i fourth that........DAMN THE DUCK!
sterotyping + lame jokes = fail
Funny, But considering the fact thats this is an internet forum, and you have never actualy heard GX speak, i say you need to go get a life beyond the forum.
pure epic win translates to "c-money$ should listen to it" whats the name of the song??
ooooooo! we love bumper cars! dont we gx?
u mean the heartless/nobody theory of ours XD
im new but im not new XD
OOoooOOoOoo! i gots an idea! they can be called the mini-skirt army! FMA ROX! XD
sum of it was true, like when i said cmoney$ wasnt cmoney.....unless gx is cmoney making cmoney$ cmoney theory: mayb cmoney was a whole person and when he was banned his nobody gx and his heartless cmoney$ where made to carry out his divine revenge for him being banned XD
what im i lying about??
lolz yupp. i am his heartless.
no i am cmoney$ and i have no realationship to cmoney or ghettoxemnas
who is ghettoxemnas??
I think boris should go choke on D's nuts.
lol ur welcome:) yay! more girls!:D
well i think i just met a gramar nazi. *begins to drool* "hi..........." oooo i like ur sig. im in florida hangin w/ sephy and kadaj rite now XD i do not fear the new neo nazis.