Search Results

  1. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    I chose Demyx since his was the 1st name I saw, but I also like Axel, Roxas, and Xemnas. LOL My friend and I call Xemnas 'Pretty Eyes' because we think his eyes are purty. :D
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    That was awesome. Good job. Almost made me cry as well... ^.^
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Production Studio
  3. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    LOL I watched that...and I watched the FUNNIEST eppie ever today, 101. Gotta luv eppie 101...The only thing they changed from the Jap. version was that they added underware to the guys in the hot springs part. XD They looked sooo wierd too...
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 26, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  4. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    You can only see certain trinity marks in each world, not the treasure chests. I don't think KH1 even has a treasure chest list. O.O
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. kairi_namine__sora_roxas's a tie between Pokemon, Card Captor Sakura, and Digimon for 2nd, scine in Chile they were released closed together. And I was8 and under, what did I know?
    As for first, Sailor Moon, for like, 5 episodes.
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    OH! This is old.
    :D Sorry for bringing it back, but I can't help myself.
    I love Terriermon in the dub, he's so funny! Plus cute, so Terriermon for me!
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    To brainwash today's youth.

    Why does homework exist?
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    The Yondaime, DEFINATELY!
    The Sandaime as well.
    And Sasuke's Mom. She was so nice. :D

    And last but not least....


    Orochimaru just 'cuz he adds that needed "creepy" factor. Plus, Orochimaru/Kabuto isn't a pretty picture. Not that Orochimaru was...but he atleast deserved a better death. I mean, he was one of the major bad guys!
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 14, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  9. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Some of My faves

    Fences by Paramore

    I'm sitting in a room,
    Made up of only big white walls and in the hall
    There are people looking through
    The window in the door
    they know exactly what we're here for.
    Don't look up
    Just let them think
    There's no place else
    You'd rather be.
    You're always on display
    For everyone to watch and learn from,
    Don't you know by now,
    You can't turn back
    Because this road is all you'll ever have.
    And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
    Just living proof that the camera's lying.
    And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
    So smile, 'cause you'll go out in style.
    You'll go out in style.
    If you let me I could,
    I'd show you how to build your fences,
    Set restrictions, separate from the world.
    The constant battle that you hate to fight,
    Just blame the limelight.
    Don't look up
    Just let them think
    There's no place else
    You'd rather be.
    And now you can't turn back
    Because this road is all you'll ever have.
    And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
    Just living proof that the camera's lying.
    And oh oh open wide, 'cause this is your night.
    So smile.
    Yeah, yeah you're asking for it
    With every breath that you breathe in
    Just breathe it in.
    Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
    You do all this big talking
    So now let's see you walk it.
    I said let's see you walk it.
    Yeah, yeah well you're just a mess
    You do all this big talking
    So now let's see you walk it.
    I said let's see you walk it.
    And it's obvious that you're dying, dying.
    Just living proof that the camera's lying.
    And oh oh open wide, yeah oh oh open wide.
    Yeah, oh oh open wide,
    'Cause you'll go out in style.
    You'll go out in style​

    Silence by Aly and AJ

    I'll bet two years I'll bet one year
    I'll bet those years you won't be here
    I guess I'll keep, I guess you'll keep
    Every memory
    Sadly we may never be
    I'll bet my tears I'll bet your tears
    I'll bet those tears over time could disappear​

    Wait a minute I have more to say
    and I can't reminisce need to me
    I need you more than you'll ever know
    I still do, willing to let it show​

    I need a minute just to get to you
    I feel like I might be getting through
    Come over and say nothing
    Silence is everything (ohh)​

    I know, I know (I know, I know)
    Feelings can show
    If you let go-oh-oh-oh
    It must be told (it must be told)
    I've got a hold
    On what we used to have​

    I will forgive if you forget
    All the things we said
    Let's accept it
    I need you, more than you'll ever know
    I still do, willing to let it show​

    I need a minute just to get to you
    I feel like I might be getting through
    Come over and say nothing
    Silence is everything​

    (shh, silence)​

    Maintain Conciousness by Relient K

    Our concentration it contains a deadly flaw
    our conversations change from words to blah, blah blah
    we took prescription drugs but look how much good that did
    well I think I had a point, but I just got distracted
    Lately it just seems to me
    like we've got the letters A.D.D.
    branded into our mentality
    we simply can't focus on anything
    because its
    17, 18, 19 routine
    and here at 23 it's the same old me
    and that one thing of the moment
    that we all happen to like will
    only very temporarily
    kinda break the cycle
    of the double edged sword
    of being lazy and being bored
    we just want more and more and more
    till it's all we can afford
    to keep our eyes open for just one more day
    to keep on hoping that we'll stumble on a way
    to keep our minds open for just one more day
    cause its completely up to us
    to maintain consciousness
    well no one can possibly listen to this
    more than 4 reps is just monotonous
    we're losing interest, losing interest, losing interest
    because its
    17, 18, 19 routine
    and here at 23 it's the same old me
    and that one thing of the moment
    that we all happen to like will
    only very temporarily
    kinda break the cycle
    of the double edged sword
    of being lazy and being bored
    we just want more and more and more
    till it's all we can afford
    to keep our eyes open for just one more day
    to keep on hoping that we'll stumble on a way
    to keep our minds open for just one more day
    cause its completely up to us
    to maintain consciousness
    to keep our eyes open for just one more day
    to keep on hoping that we'll stumble on a way
    to keep our minds open for just one more day
    cause its completely up to us
    to maintain consciousness​
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 10, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    I look like Olette...sorta...until I dyed my hair. I kinda act a little like her too, except way more hyper. :D
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 9, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. kairi_namine__sora_roxas

    :D Yeah. My collection of AMVs. Some suck, some are Ok. None are too great, but...yeah, they're not awful. :D

    One thing though, it's been bothering me:
    A week or so ago I checked my vids and stuff, and all of them were on plus. or zero. (in rating) But then I came back and I noticed ALL my Jesse McCartney videos except one were at -5. O.O Maybe it's just me, but that was wierd, seeing as they've been up for months with no change...

    Oh well. Oh, and I'm probably gonna start a new one today, since I'm downloading the trial version of Sony Vegas. ^_^ It might take me forever to get used to, but I bet it's gonna be a heck of a lot better than WWM.

    Oh, and my YouTube Account:
    Thread by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Aug 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    That might be true, but still...*sigh* The stuff you can do with money...

    Anyways, good job to the top 5. :D I likedDoxyc's the best though.
  13. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    I think video games...
    See, I play to watch cutscenes...
    But then, when just watching the cutscenes without playing, it kinda takes the entertainment out of it.
    So actually interacting with what you're viewing helps you to not get bored while watching something...

    But the one thing I love most about movies and video games combined...
    Sad scenes. I'm a sucker for those. :P

    But I still think anime beats both of those. :P
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Hmmm...I've gotten teased about liking alot of stuff. At one point, my friends teased me because I like Harry Potter. But little did they know that exactly a year after that they would become more obssesed than me...*shakes head*
    Sometimes people make fun of me because of my obssesion with anime...but that's dull now.

    But...I don't think I've ever been made fun of for play KH. I first played it over one of my friends house, I have 2 friends whose brothers play KH, and my other friend...well, her dad plays. -_-;
    Anyway, my answer is no. :P
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Don't really look like any of them, but I have to pick TenTen because I have brown hair and brown eyes too. :D
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  16. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Japanese all the way!
    The opening for CardCaptors is just tooo creepy for me!
    I have both box sets (all eps) in Japanese with subs...the 2nd movie with subs...and the 1st movie - in English. But, hey. I won it in a Carls Jr contest, so free is good. :P
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  17. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Okay, what I'm wondering is why people would think he's the leader if he was the one to seal the Kyuubi inside Naruto in the 1st place.
    Since Akatsuki's goal is to collect them, why would he go through the trouble of sealing it inside Naruto 1st, instead of just taking it?

    Yondaime DOES look like Naruto...and I like to believe he's his father too. Plus, Naruto looks up to him alot more then the other Hokages, even though he was the one to seal the Kyuubi inside him.
    But there's also the posibilites of it being a coincidence...or he could have been his brother or something...:D
    You never know what Kishimoto is thinking...

    (GRRR no new Shippuuden ep this week! it better be an hour next Thursday! AND I wish would hurry up with the translation for Manga Chapter 358...)
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Anime and Manga
  18. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    LOL Hope you're not like me...took me 3 months to get the last Mystery Goo...-_-

    But, yeah...they most often appear in the room before the Final Rest.

    (wow...I need to replay KH1...can't remember anything, now...)

    Good luck!
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  19. kairi_namine__sora_roxas
    Uh...many, many things...but the things I remember most were the 2nd Riku Battle, the Shadow Sora battle, and the Maleficent Dragon Battle. But when I stopped, I only stopped for, at the most, a day. ;)

    Now...Final Fantasy games held more trouble for me, but that's off topic. :D
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. kairi_namine__sora_roxas

    Hello. :P
    Post by: kairi_namine__sora_roxas, Mar 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone