Awesome. Let me invite you to our server.
Glad to know you're a fan too. It has a standard Fire Emblem plot.
Abby and I are trying to get a Fire Emblem RP going on Discord. Would you be interested? Let me know if you're interested everyone.
The 4th Season of Yu-Gi-Oh GX was never dubbed. I think you meant to say "subbed". And you're welcome. I'm surprised you never finished it.
Wow I had not heard about this. Hopefully this means Season 4 will finally get dubbed too. Screw 4Kids TV. Just hand it over to Funimation. Problem solved. And hopefully they'll also do Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's eventually too. Since it's final season was also never dubbed.
I stopped Yugioh at like episode 16 of Zexal. I don't know anything past that and have forgotten a lot. It's not gonna be worth my time trying to memorize all the new stuff. I don't even know all the rules anymore. I've forgotten a lot. So I'm no doubt gonna make a lot of mistakes. And it doesn't help that I've become a stoner during my absence. And I haven't played in over a decade. Plus I don't like the new cards and new rules.
Let's see...what should we do to start things off here?
I had a blast in those RPs we did. And to make things more interesting, I'm going to be playing as more characters besides just Jaden and The Supreme King. Been wanting to see how I do as Yugi himself.
I suppose I COULD Duel again for RP purposes maybe perhaps...We can make adjustments to the Arena accordingly to accommodate the new cards and rule changes. I am aware that there have been many during my absence. I sure as Hell won't be playing the real game anymore. But RPing is always fun.
Do you hate how you can only fill up two rows with Password characters? Worry no longer! With this code every character in the roster will have those red potaras by default! patch=1,EE,406BAE48,extended,0061000E patch=1,EE,01500143,extended,00000000 patch=1,EE,406BAE4C,extended,0061000E patch=1,EE,01520151,extended,00000000 patch=1,EE,406BAE50,extended,0061000E patch=1,EE,01560153,extended,00000000 patch=1,EE,406BAE54,extended,0061000E patch=1,EE,0000014F,extended,00000000 I've only tried this with PCSX2 so far. I decided to fool around with the digits and put this code together. The potaras in their inventories don't appear in the exact same order as they do with the actual password characters. But the result is the same regardless.
Problem is I no longer Duel. Haven't watched or played Yu-Gi-Oh in years. Also, I think you misclicked the rating button. If not, why did you dislike my post? I did say I missed you. I truly enjoyed RPing with you. I still RP.
*sigh* I miss my friends...I miss them all...Especially you @Itachilives @SirFred131 @StardustXtreme @NemesisOmega @KH2man13 @Beucefilous @Toon-Girl-Abby =(
I finally got my password right. I'm back in.
My old Discord is gone again. PM me if you want my new one.
It's me. The duelist formerly known as Jaden Yuki.
Long time no see old friend. I hope all is well. Can I add you on Discord?
I recently started playing this game again on PCSX2. For some reason it doesn't save if I use codes. But if I save without using codes it saves just fine. Anyone know what the problem is?
Excellent find. Now we just need a way to give red potaras to individual characters instead of it affecting them all at once.
As I said, I'm a lot more active on Discord. So if you wanna keep in touch with me, That's the place to do it. Not here.
I'm a lot more active on Discord so here's my Discord for all of you who wanna add me: Hitokiri Shinigami#3838