Luigi's Final Smash is weird, yet cool in a way. It looks like he's high when he does that dance.
Hello to everyone here. For those who don't know me, I had joined this forum about...several maoths ago...yeah. (too busy on the KHI forum) -_-; Anyway, I just want to let everyone know that it's my birthday today! W00T! The sad part about it is that my internet connection won't work at home. So that's why I'm on the library's computer in my school. And, that's all I have to say for now.
...Man, I still can't accpet the fact that now he's dead...I feel like going to bed now...night.
To tell you the truth, Ninja Sheikah beat me to it. Sorry about that. Man I'm still shocked about Chris' death. EDIT: I just got new info on the investigation of the death of Benoit. Authorites are now saying that it was a homicide. Here's the link.
I know that now, thanks for telling me. But anyway, I'm still devestated about Chris' death. EDIT: I've just received info about the cause of the death of Chris Benoit ad his family. Authorites are saying that the cause of death was homicide.
I don't know if this is posted already, but I'm going to do this anyway. This needs to be heard now. Right now as I'm typing this, WWE RAW is airing a 3 hour tribute to Chris Benoit and his family because of their tragic and unexpected death. Authorites have found their bodies in their family home in Fayette County this afternoon. The cause of their death is not confirmed as of yet. If you don't believe me, go to this website. Let's all have a moment of silence for the Benoit family, for they will be missed dearly.:cryinganime:
Now I bet some of you are wondering, what is Maple Story, anyway? Well, it's an online RPG where players can choose from four jobs: Swordsman, Bowman, Magician, Thief. As you level up and fight monsters, you can travel to different towns and chat with others. You can create your own party, even a guild! There are tons of items, armor, weapons, etc. that you can use to your advantage. So, anyone wanna give his or her opinion on it?
If Mario and Sonic are in this game together, how much do you wanna bet that Sonic will be in Super Smash Bros. IS possible.
Hmmm, well the video was okay. Like kitty_mckechnie said, some of the battles were too long, but I still like it.
OMG! Tetris was the first video game that made me start playing video games! I still have it for the original GameBoy, and it still works! lol.
I am soooo hooked on this game so much. I keep on finding more chars for my game and it's still growing! XD
OMG! I am so addicted to M.U.G.E.N! I have like over 200 chars in my roster. Here's a list of some of my chars. Abyss Abyss 2nd Form Abyss Final Form Akamaru Akuma/Gouki Alien Homonid Amy Rose Apocalypse Bison Broly Captain Caveman Charlie Chunli Cloud Strife Curse Mark Sasuke Lvl 1 Curse Mark Sasuke Lvl 2 Dark Chunli Dark Joe Diablo Donkey Kong Duck Dodgers Evil Dan Evil Ken Evil Ryu Fat Albert Fred Flinstone Gaara Gambit God Rugal Godzilla Gouken Guile Hinata Hyuga Holy Ken Homer Simpson Ingrid Inuyasha Itachi Uchiha Jedah Jiraiya Kagome Kamek Ken KH Riku KH2 Riku KH Sora KH2 Sora Kiba King Dedede Killer Whale K Kirby Knuckles Krusty the Clown Kung Fu Man Kung Fu Woman Kyo Kyuubi Naruto Leela Lilith Luigi Majin Vegeta Marco Mario Mars People Marvin the Martian Mecha Dan Mecha Akuma/Gouki Megaman Metroid Naruto Uzumaki Nega Peach Neji Hyuga Neo Kamek Omega Tiger Woods Omega Tom Hanks Orge Peach Peter Griffin Popepye Q Robot Rock Rugal Ryu Sailor Jupiter Salior Mars Salior Mercury Sailor Moon Sailor Venus Sakura Sakura Samus Aran Sandaime Sango Sasuke Uchiha Sean Sephiroth Shadow the Hedgehog Shin Akuma/Gouki Sonic the Hedgehog SPO Ryu SSJ Gohan SSJ Goku SSJ4 Goku SSJ Vegeta SSJ4 Vegeta Steven Segal Super Ken Super Luigi Superman Super Mario Super Mario 64 Tails Talon Tarma The Nightmare SSJ3 Broly Tifa Lockhart Toad Vertigo Wario Yondaime Zero Again, this is only the tip of the iceberg of my roster.
Budokai 3, in my opinion, was one of the best DBZ Budokai games ever because it involved more movie characters like Broly and Cooler. Plus, I liked it when you get to play as SS4 Goku, Vegeta, AND Gogeta. That was awesome. Budokai Tenkaichi 2 is also cool because of the HUGE amount of characters and transformations. No matter what other people say, DBZ games will always stay strong on our hearts*sniff*...oh, sorry, got something in my eye. :3
OMG A SEQUEL!!! The first one is awesome! Can't wait to see what the second one's gonna be like. X3
Wow! I can't believe it, ZELDA! This is going to be the coolest smash bros game ever! Plus, I saw the new stage Lylat System for Fox McCloud and it looks awesome!
Hey everyone! I'm Dark Sora 07 and I have come here for one purpose...TO STEAL YOUR SOULS!!! MWA HA HA HA HA!! Just kidding, what I really wanna say is that is one of the coolest Kingdom Hearts sites ever! (so is KHInsider) Anyway, I hope I make a lot of new friends here, although I won't be able to chat from time to time since I have...A SUMMER JOB.*dum dum dum* So, I hope this will be a great start here! :)