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  1. tabo-trieu3
    Xion's face

    Heres one with Xion's face
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. tabo-trieu3
    Heres Chapters 1-5 :

    And 6-8 :

    Sadly the person thats making these videos had stopped because he said it wasn't getting good reception.

    Lets tell him what we think and make it worth his while ;D.

    If you know someone who likes Kingdom Hearts show them this and see if they like it, we're counting on you ;D
    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Jul 15, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. tabo-trieu3
    Thanks Mate and sorry for the trouble >_<
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. tabo-trieu3
    When I click the 'Download Here'
    It brings me to Hearts Shackles of Destiny.rar

    Which doesn't do anything. I put it in a Download Accelrator and it says link doesn't exists.

    You wouldn't happen to have a mirrior or 2?
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. tabo-trieu3
    Could you reupload please?
    I can't download it T_T
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. tabo-trieu3
    Well in Kingdom Hearts 2 : Final Mix interview.
    Nourma Xeanorths name when rearranged spelled
    'No Heart' and 'Another'
    He said it had something to do with the secret ending so I'm guessing
    Red evil person - No Heart
    Old man - Another

    I had huge speculations but no facts to back it up (no strong ones anyways..)
    So I was hoping you guys could help me find some new facts =D
    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Apr 5, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. tabo-trieu3
    I'm saying its in the 'PAST'.
    Note I said It was Roxas =_=
    And thats where Mickey got his First key blade from.

    I'm not dumb enough to post something I don't have to back up.
    Btw the white and black behind Roxas Is king mickey. :P
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. tabo-trieu3
    Ok, heres what I think.
    Take the first picture with the last.


    Thats Both Roxas =_=. Clearly by the fragment of armour on his face compared with the First pictures armour.

    Nourma said all the keyblades are there in the secret ending to show that the 3 knights are NOT Rikku, Sora and Mickey.
    He said all the charaters are going to be new but then again is Roxas coming back with a new Name?

    Heres some other theorys without any evidence :
    King Mickey was given the star seeker by Zid ( The wizard dude)
    The place hes in right now is where he found his keyblade.
    The Star seeker was given back to Zid.

    Thats all my theorys what do you think? :P
    EDIT : The hand behind Roxas looks like King mickey in his black coustume.
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Mar 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. tabo-trieu3
    Sephy attacks cloud.....
    Although that wasnt him!

    'You should know theres always darkness behind you' Cloud said.
    And sliced sefpy into 2.
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Dec 3, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. tabo-trieu3
    This is the real ultimate showdown :P
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Dec 2, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. tabo-trieu3
    Cloud uses his newest techinque from DAT.
    He covered himself in darkness.

    'Darkness Repacation technique' Cloud shouted!

    Then there where 10 dark figures of cloud.
    Cloud Binded sephy's legs by converting the ground he was standing on into
    A dark deep of darkness. Then Clouds launched a full on attack.
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Dec 2, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. tabo-trieu3
    Cloud : Sephi if you think i'm going to let you talk like that then your mistaken!'.

    Cloud swings his sword.
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Dec 1, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. tabo-trieu3
    New student cam in.

    Name : Cloud
    Age : 14
    Schedule :
    Defence Actions
    Offence Actions
    Offence Actions
    Combo Moves
    Combo Moves
    Special ablitles
    Dark Arts Transformations

    Aperance : Kingdom hearts 1 cloud apperance but younger.

    Weapon : Clound sword (but when he changes with DAT he uses 2 keyblades the size of tidus blade in kh1 when leon usings it and it glows so it wont look ugly)

    Cloud goes to Special abitllte class.
    He had to fight a random student Riku.

    As they got into there positions.
    The match started. Riku swifty drew his keyblade.
    Cloud took out his weapon. They each charged into each other.
    Cloud used aimed for his feet, but Riku leaped into the sky. As Riku charged down from the sky.
    Cloud prepared for impact. The ground beneath cloud crumbled. Cloud shifted his sword and Riku manged to grip the wall.
    Riku impealed the wall to get down to the ground. 'How is this guy so strong?!' Riku though in his mind.

    'Hmm.... this guy he isnt look the others' Cloud though.
    They both got back it the ring. 'You're pretty though' Cloud said.
    ''Your not bad yourself for a new comer' Riku said in a harsh manner.
    Riku charged up and soon was to fast to even see. He was rapidly moving around cloud.
    He came in for attacks. Cloud coun'nt keep up and got hit several times. 'What is this guy!' cloud shouted in his mind.
    Cloud's stance became calm. Blood was dripping from his head and body. Cloud closed his eyes.
    Riku was sure he was doing something so he came in for a final attack.
    It was a still moment but riku impealed cloud's heart.
    Then cloud opened his eyes It was the glow of evil.
    Dark blood was dripping from his heart. Then a dark figured appered from his back.
    It was a wing. Slowy opening. Sparks were appearing all over his body.
    He took riku's keyblade out of his heart. Slowly and painfully.
    The wound was gone as soon as he taken out the keyblade.
    Riku done a huge leap to the back.

    2 figures appered from cloud's hands. Cloud swifty recovered and was on the offences.
    He swang one of his blades. Riku jumped and dodged it. But couldnt dodge the second blade.
    Blood came out of his mouth . The sound of something shattering was in the air. Riku was on the ground.

    Cloud flew up into the sky. He merged his 2 blades together and flew down. It was like a spear.
    The teacher got him out of the way just on time.

    You guys make the next bit up :P
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 30, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. tabo-trieu3
    Im guessing its 'Fatal Form'
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 23, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. tabo-trieu3
    Know how you cant go to roxa's twillight town?
    I that we can go there and as soon as we leave the mansion.

    There will be a dark figure.
    We have to fight with him fighting off some heartless and nobodys.

    Then we will see Roxas.
    He starts attacking us for no reason so we fight em.

    And then the king pops up.
    Cause of the number of nobodys and heartless.

    We have to attack Roxas and win.

    He will be an optional boss :P
    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 17, 2006, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. tabo-trieu3
    Can you gime a link to download em in higher quilty?
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 13, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. tabo-trieu3

    i made 28 and need to make 422 more to reach 450 :P
    Post by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 12, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. tabo-trieu3
    Well i got a bit bored of that one so i made these :P
    Here they are :) :


    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 12, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  19. tabo-trieu3
    Sora's story mode :

    What if sora, donald and goofy had to go destory some sort of new evil.
    Like all the keyblades in the cross way were stolen.
    And they were all combined together into 7 ultimate key blades.
    And the guys who stole em wanted the remaining 5.
    They converted the 7 keyblades to there side.
    So they can command heartless and etc.

    But you get to play rikku's story mode:

    Well rikku and king mickey had to go seek the heart bearers.
    Like Org : 13 couldnt have taken all of em.
    So they went to free the peoples hearts and to forge a new one.
    My new charter Roxas.
    Rikku and king mickey reliesed that roxas somehow had a heart.
    Only a fracation of one though.
    So they're going to not only to free people's hearts but to forge roxax's fragment to an actul heart.

    They have to go and save some worlds along the way :P
    So before they fight the last fight they are reunited with the gang.
    And they fought the remaining 2 bearers.
    But the surpraises never end they are out of breath but all the 7 blades combined together and a new bearer apreared.
    After they defeated him.

    To there surpraise the evil blades energy caused it to combine all the heartless and nobodys they had at there disposes together and revieved the evil bearer.

    -Cut scene-
    He used the power of darkness and defeated 2 key bearers in a flash ( Karai and mickey).
    He binded donald and goofy.

    -Game play-
    All that you had left was roxas, rikku and sora.
    He multiplayed and there were 3 of him.
    You had to play as each one of them to defeat the 3.

    In the end the 2 of the key bearers fused them in 2 key blades.
    Sora uses em to finish off the guy but in the end that wasnt enough.
    So Sora unlocked his heart and started to glow.
    Killing him in a final battle.
    Sora was about to fade away but then the forger was released from the darkness and brought him to life again.
    Roxa's heart started to glow.
    The forger said roax's heart was now complete.

    The people were saved.

    But 1 question.
    The man that controled the ultimate key blade who was he and is there of people like him to come?

    Theres an opening for a sequel :P
    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 8, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. tabo-trieu3
    2 sigs i made.
    Dont mind rosie :P I was in the bath room and she changed text :P


    Thread by: tabo-trieu3, Nov 6, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics