Hopefully 1.5 will come out over seas. If not I'll be raging. :P
As an Avatar fan, I have to say I'm real excited for this series to come out, I know it's a plot in all but I seriously hope they decide to add more episodes. From what I see out. It sounds like Korra sounds like another Toph.
This seems like a really interesting anime, I've read the manga and the plot is good it reminds me of Death Note. I haven't seen the anime yet so I'm just going to wait until all the episodes are released, over all it's worth watching.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys :D I will eventually get a name change when ever I get around to it, I have read most of the rules and they seem to have changed a bit. Well hopefully I can get around to change my username :) Any ways, THANKS! :) And sorry for the confusion! XD
Hi there, I'm new, well sorta, Its been awhile since I've been to this site so please ignore the name. So I forgot to introduced my self back then and I haven't bothered using this account since then. Well any way back to the topic. ;) Yes I am a guy lol. Any way I've been a Kingdom Hearts fan since the game first released. I've beaten almost all of the Kigndom Hearts games except Kingdom Hearts RE: Coded, Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 328/2 days. I am a big fan of Kingdom Hearts. The game is really enjoyable. And I am hoping for Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance to come out on the 3DS. Also I've beaten Birth by Sleep and it was amazing. :D My hobbies are playing video games and watching anime. I'm a anime fan as well. I hope I will get along with everyone on this site. ^_^ Hope I will feel welcomed. :)