Good graphics, good storyline, lots of fighting, pirates, and maybe some comedy here and there.
Listen to Roxas, he speaks the truth. Everyone wants it for obvious reasons.
I'm dressing up as Edward Elric in a miniskirt, and I'm not even trick or treating. Its actually just one of my cosplays and I decided to wear it, I'll just be giving out candy. But yea, Ed in a miniskirt, yea.
I love that you can get a code to have Anti Form in the drive menu, Anti form is just mad crazy and fun to play as.
I apoligize, I just havent been making AMV's for a while, and the thing is, I'm belittled by some of the WORST AMV makers and it kinda gets to me. But thanks, thats what I was pretty much working on, the timing I mean.
Yea, sorry. XD I edited it.
Well, if you saw the finished product on your own music player, and not Youtube, all of the beats are dead on. Youtube screwed up the quality, timing, and basically the whole video. And not to be mean, but I didnt really ask for critique.
Yea, just finished it this morning and I'm pretty proud of it. So, I hope you enjoy, and please leave comments. x3
They kinda do resemble each other.
That's good! O: Thanks so much!
I love the music, I sing it alot. So yea, I'm with you on that one.
size- Normal colour- Red photo- border- Yes. Border colour- Red text- #1 Alphonse Fangirl If you need another image, let me know. Thanks in advance. :3
I've always been a huge KH fan, but never came across this forum, oh well, finall did. Well, I'm Edo, I'm a huge FMA fan, so if you need anything FMA related, lemme know through a PM or something. Anyway, I'm going to go and post and stuffs, later. >3