Before the disaster of the Keyblade Wars. Before the menace of Xehanort, there was the civilizations of the Order of Hearts. In that time, worlds were larger, more populated, and peaceful, until the heartless showed theirselves. Yen Sid was just a boy, and i remember him damn well. It was Sarenis who decieved us, he was master of the keyblade until he was seduced. Power was so fond of him that he excepted any amount to his taste, the heartless offered him its power, the old fool did not understand the race and his gullable mind gave in. In Vrendrix, Vice sat on his throne, secretly commading Zemus, the lord of the heartless. His manipulative grasp fooled all, but Vincent was the only one who did not trust him. And the fight between Chaos and Omega began. This is an RP about how Kingdom Hearts was created, with brand new characters never seen before. however since this is before the creation of the worlds used, there is no disney reference Characters (custom) Ignis Age: 16 Race: Human Weapon: Hybrid (a mixture between oathkeeper and oblivion) Bio: The young boy was chosen by the keyblade at age 12, he trained under the arts of Sarenis the master of the keyblade. His name means fire in latin Played By: The.Kingdom's.Hybrid Vincent Valentine Age: Unknown Race: Unknown Weapon: Cerberus (this was later known as the hound under Hades control) Bio: Vincent was Ignis' godfather, he took him in when his parents were taken by sickness Played By: Silva Age: 14 Race: Human Weapon: Staff of Serenity Bio: The sister of Ignis, she is protective of her love ones making huge risks, especially for her brother, means forest in latin Played By: Cecil Harvey Age: 21 Race: Human Weapon: Ragnorok Bio: King of Zerenus, kingdom of light. He holds great respect for Ignis and his sister because of the importance that he carries as wielder of the key. his brother Golbez, reigns over Ghuschrudia, kingdom of eternity. Played By: DarKnight36 Golbez Harvey Age: Unknown Race: Human/Heartless Weapon: none, cares for magic though Bio: the loyal brother of Cecil, his kingdom Ghuschrudia is neighbored to his. Played By: Sarenis Age: Unknown Race: Human Weapon: One Winged Angel Bio: The teacher of Ignis and traitor of Zerenus, he has found a new power with the heartless. Played By: Zemus Age: Unknown Race: Heartless Weapon: none, he sticks to the concept of Mana (mana not magic) Bio: The leader of the heartless, his soul has been flooded with madness, reason is not an option. Played By: Vice Age: Unknown Race: Unknown Weapon: Two Katanas, also used as guns Bio: The lord of of Vrendrix, grand world of the order. He has a mysterious personality and acts strangely around Vincent Played By: Encounters on other worlds Final Fantasy VI .::World of Balance::. Terra (FFVI terra, not the KH one) - Locke - Edgar - Sabin - Celes - Shadow - Mog - Final Fantasy IV .::The Overworld::. Kain - Rosa - Edge - Palom - Porom - Final Fantasy IX .::Undefined Name::. Zidane - Garnet - Aerith G. Final Fantasy XII and Tactics .::Ivalice::. Vaan - Ashe - Nymph of Destiny Basch - Penelo - Balthier - Fran - Ramza - Delita - Orlandu - Agrias - Alma - Selection of Keyblades ( the * mean the keyblade is in use ) Hybrid* Enigma Redemption Jenova The Way to the Dawn* Soul Harbinger Eternal Grace Bahamut Odin Ramuh Shiva Ifrit Supernova Chaos Omega
This is based on what happened after the latest secret ending in KHII FM+......well my take on what happened it also revolves around the characters thoughts, emotions and feelings Terra stood, watching the sun That ******* old man......., he thought to himself. Ven and Aqua were good friends of his and to see them suffer at their enemies hands was poisonous. His heart felt wounded, shattered, and corrupted. "Is it destiny, that i must live with this? Is it sadness that is to overcome me? Is it madness to live inside of me," he shouted to the skies in wonder. He fell to his knees sobbing, he lifted his helmet and sobbed, watering his now yellow eyes. But the tiniest inch of hope reached him with the help of the hand that had touched his shoulder " not feel like your loss was your fault," said the warming voice of Mickey who was looking at the moon above him "Kingdom Hearts," he stared with no blink, his interests were fixated on the blue lights from above *** Sora stopped and held his heart and winced. "What's wrong Sora," Kairi asked. Sora returned her wondered gaze at him "nothing, Kairi," he replied Am...Am I losing myself, he wondered to himself at first, but his theories changed is Roxas not the only counterpart i have........... *** Darkness flooded his heart. It hurt Ven to be a frozen creature, he moved his eyes around in wonder Terra.......Aqua...........I couldn't help you, he closed his eyes again and wondered if there was still Hope................. *** Xehanort floated around in darkness. He was dead but his soul floated Darkness cleanse my soul. Soon I will see Kingdom Hearts......Soon i will rule Kingdom Hearts......Soon i will be Kingdom Hearts