So yo what's up? I'm new here, and you can call me Sroa!!!! :D I just love that name, don't you? XD o.k, So I'm a cazy fan girl madly in love with the RikuXSora paring, and I've been obsess with them since the game first came out...... I know, hard to belive right? =_=;;; I can't help it KH, is just to good to be left out XDD but yeah...... I don't have much to say, exept that, if you are nice to me, I will be nice to you. I don't like flames (Then again, no one does) I'm very hyper, I love to chill out and be lazy...Ahem coughinevercleanupmyroomcough!!!! XDD hehee....RIKUXSORARULES!!!!!!!!!!! anyone with me on that? XD