monty python meets kingdom hearts enjoy this is my first video hope you like it if you have a account please comment and rate please
i wanna make a thing about final fantasy Advent children but i dont know where to get clips and stuff from i thought people got it from there dvd but i dont know how to put it on my computer please help i didnt know were to put this ok
hi has any one got the fight between roxas and riku twilight town day 5 in english and not the kh2fm one for me to download cause i need that clip for something oh and i also need the english one for the world that never was to download please i need those clips there not on kh vids i checked please
hi my intro to my first story burning passion of the chakram weilder is on quizilla if you cannot find it if you cannot see it could you tell me why cause when i logged off i typed the story in and it didnt find any thing can someone tell me please im worried hope you like it ^_^ ^_^
hi im writing a story for quizilla and it gonna be about my character and Axel ive done the information part on her but i don't know what to call it ive got two choices but i dont know which to pick there's Chakram's dancing passion or burning passion of the chakram weilder so you choose please i will post the imformation part soon thankies:)
my valor form is one of my fav forms and i was leveling it when after lv 4 or 5 carnt remember it stoped getting experence points has it finished leveling up or something plus what are the others what lv can i train them up to please
mine was all of them but Tifa more cause shes my favourite character in Final Fantasy VII even if i didnt play it what is yours:D
ignore this this one is the wrong one