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  1. Zaixx

    Hey there! :D

    Hey everyone ! :D I am Willem (Zaix), 25 years old and live in The Netherlands.
    Ive noticed this site/forum through YouTube and i'm a huge fan of Kingdom Hearts, so had to register haha!

    So about myself, my job is being a head chef in the kitchen of restaurant. A big fan of Kingdom Hearts, love to edit and make AMV's. Still have enough to learn though hehe :) Next to that i do viking(survival) running in spare time, have to train alot and go to the gym to stay fit for the upcoming games.

    So now you know im a chef... That does not mean i like every sort of food hehe. I really dont like the Dutch beans, just the taste of them... Awfull :(

    What makes me... Me ? Friends allways tell me, i'm really calm full. Can allways keep the peace and rest even in the most **** situation haha! I'm a big supporter of the soccer team Feyenoord aswell, following them every game with my friends no matter where they hafto go,

    Feel free to ask if you want to know more haha! :) Think this will be enough for a introduction :D
    Thread by: Zaixx, Jun 5, 2016, 3 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures