I've got a few questions about some synthesizing materials and such, and I could use a little help with them... 1) Which Heartless/Nobodies drop Frost Stones and where can it be found? Mythril Gems? Twilight Gems? Lucid Stones? 2) Is there Moogle Level 8? 3) If #2 is yes, is the ability of Moogle Level 8, "Rank S recipe Materials cut by half!" 4) What is the one item that is ?????? in Free Development? 5) I'm missing one recipe. I have Elixir, Mega-Potion, AP Boost, Drive Recovery, Save the King, Save the Queen, and Ultima Weapon (I think all of those are recipes). Which one am I missing, and where can I find it? And I think that's all I have questions about... though I did notice something: If #2 and #3 are "Yes", and there was an 8th Orichalcum+, that would give you the ability to create a second Ultima Weapon, or even an Ultima Weapon+ if there was a way to use Serenity Crystals outside of what the Weapon needs... o.o;