There are a lot of potential spoilers below. Read on only if you know how the game plays out/ends. This seemed like the right game to ask this question in since the topic of Sora's memories comes up a lot in KH358/2. We learn that if Sora's memories aren't restored, he could wake up and find that no one remembers him. Kairi is an obvious example of one who forgets, and we also see in KH2 that everyone in Hollow Bastion forgot as well. So here's what I never really understood: Why do Riku, Mickey and DiZ remember Sora? Are they somehow immune to the effects of Sora's lost memories? At the end of 358, Riku is shown to be immune to Xion's lost memories, because unlike Roxas, Riku doesn't struggle to remember her name at all. So clearly it seems intentional that Riku should be immune to the effects, but do any of the games ever expand on why this is? If the answer to this involves spoilers in another game, please warn which game the spoilers may be coming from. I haven't played through all of the games yet (the hand-held games specifically, besides 358).