I Can't possibly count how many times, on Dozens possibly HUNDREDS of forums i've seen topics labeled: Getting a Girlfriend its kind of Funny that people would go to an online forum for dating advice, i mean, there are Drunken Guys at bars everywhere!!!, There all the advice you'll ever need. Drunk people are great for that. what do you guys think about all the topics you've ever seen called "Getting a Girlfriend" or stuff like that. Anyway: Discuss your thoughts / opinions of dumb topics. (and i know the joke "this topics dumb" is coming, MWHHAHAHA!, prediction ftw)
No, im not a nerd because i watch it in fact its not even in the category of Sci-Fi even if it has "Galactic" or something in it, its very interesting when you watch it. and its by far one of the best dramas ever created. CSI is like...pathetic compared to it in the scale of ACTING. if you think CSI is good you should check it out. i saw it on bravo once, but i think its mainly on Scifi (why, i dont know, its categorized as Drama / Suspense) w/e, this is a Movie & MEDIA Forum, which i'll use as an excuse to post it as Television also. MWHAHAHHAHAHA!
Hmmm, i didn't see anywhere else where this would fit...so...here it is, im wondering if anyone among me plays wc3, and if they do what's there account info. 1)Account 2)Realm 3)DotA? people are probally gonna be like "o_0, WTF?" I KNOW ITS COMING!!!!!
Hello, i was registered on the old site, and forums, or whatever. But since they made this new one, it took me awhile to figure out how to get to the Forums, terrible isnt it..... anyway, sup?, im 14 from pennsylvania and kh is quite possibly one of my favorite games ever =) btw if any of you play wc3 tell me.