OPENING:Hello all, this is my first starting out RPG. I know the main layout of an RPG, but not indepth. BACKGROUND INFO:In Sector 4 of TWTNW, a group of select Nobodies are select. How do you become a "select"? By proving to the Number 1-5 of Sector 4 that you are worthy. All over there are Hundreds of Sectors recruiing, but Secrtor 4 has to have the mst...UMPH... out of them all. JOINING:GO HERE RECRUITING FORM:GO HERE MEMBERS #1:Name: Aidyx Title: "The Water Burner" Power: Elemental Sword Weapon:Black Murasame Personalility: The life of the party, very edgy, minorly tempered. #2: #3: #4: #5: THE WORLDS: The Jungle(The Jungle Book) Andy's Room (Toy Story) Agrabah (Aladdin) Hallow Bastion (______)lol Wonderland (Alice in...) Traverse Town Twilight Town Beasts' Castle (Beauty and...) THIS LIST WILL LATER BE ADDED ON TO
OPENING:Hello all, this is my first starting out RPG. I know the main layout of an RPG, but not indepth. BACKGROUND INFO:In Sector 4 of TWTNW, a group of select Nobodies are select. How do you become a "select"? By proving to the Number 1-5 of Sector 4 that you are worthy. All over there are Hundreds of Sectors recruiing, but Secrtor 4 has to have the mst...UMPH... out of them all. JOINING:To be a "select", you must recruit. Then go through tasks, that Numbers 1-5 give you. They are to PM you. They can all PM t once giving you 5 tasks. You must ACCEPT all 5 tasks, if given. Groups of 3 are allowed to be on one specific task. You will roleplay your assigned tasks, ONE by ONE, in the thread. After fully accepted, by completing all five tasks, you will go here and will be able to roleplay, in the realm of Kingdom Hearts. RECRUITING FORM:Name: Title: Power: Weapon: Personalility: EXAMPLE: Name: Aidyx Title: "The Water Burner" Power: Elemental Sword Weapon:Black Murasame Personalility: The life of the party, very edgy, minorly tempered. THERE WILL BE A LIMIT OF 10-20 KEYBLADE USERS. MEMBERS #1:Name: Aidyx Title: "The Water Burner" Power: Elemental Sword Weapon:Black Murasame Personalility: The life of the party, very edgy, minorly tempered. #2: #3: #4: #5:
Size: Standard Avitar Size (100x100) Image: Text:AXELMemerised anyway you'd like to make it would be fine =]]
____________________________________________________________________ Well theres the beginning of my story. Any ideas? Message me.
Okay This is a thread, where you vote. On your favorites. Starting with Kingdom Hearts to Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ and Kingdom Hearts ReCoM Let's Start. Kingdom Hearts 1. Best World: 2. Favorite Character (Can be anyone): 3. Favorite Good Character(Hero): 4. Favorite Bad Character(Villian): 5. Favorite Keyblade: 6. Favorite Staff: 7. Favorite Shield: 8. Best Boss Fight: 9. Worst Boss Fight: 10. Favorite Tournament: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories 1. Favorite Organization XII Member: 2. Favorite Floor: 3. Favorite Card: 4. Easiest Boss Fight: 5. Hardest Boss Fight: 6. Favorite Attack Card: 7. Favorite Support Card(Friend Card): 8. Favorite Magick Card: 9. Favorite Item Card: 10. Favorite Sleight: 11. Favorite Story (Sora or Riku): 12. Favorite Character: Kingdom Hearts II 1. Favorite Keyblade: 2. Favorite Tournament: 3. Favorite Organization XIII Member: 4. Roxas or Sora: 5. DiZ or Ansem the Wise(Look Wise) 6. Favorite World: 7. Worst World: 8. Favorite Shield: 9. Favorite Staff: 10. Favorite Disney Character: 11. Favorite Good Guy (Hero): 12. Favorite Bad Guy (Villian): 13. Favorite Final Fantasy Character: 14. Favorite Form: 15. Easiest Boss: 16. Hardest Boss: Kingdom Hearts: ReCom 1. Favorite Story: 2. Favorite Organization Member: 3. Favorite Floor: 4. Favorite Character: 5. Favorite Organization Fight: 6. Hardest Riku Replica Fight: Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ 1. Favorite Organization Fight: 2. Favorite Character: 3. Favorite Character in Secret Ending: 4. Favorite New Map: 5. Favorite Form: 6. Puzzle Mode or Theatre Mode: 7. Sephiroth or E.S.? Last Question(Non-Kingdom Hearts Related) Favorite KH-Vids Member: Edit: Okay, first three replies, I put the same question twice, so I changed it. Change it if you like.
Here's my current desktop. post up yours. want the KHFM+ Clock? go to the main page and in the newest thread