normally DW cant drive but here he can it only works with luxord if you want the codes then ask for them here
after he does it once yes it is impossible for total no berserk but this is the next best thing this is the funniest thing i have ever seen check it out yeah combo master works XD i used wisdom form but it still works
its my vid and this proves that you can hit xemnas before he does kneel/nil
well i finally finished the game so if you want to request a boss fight or hacked boss i will do my best this is me vs timeless river pete no damage not the actual timeless river pete but regular pete he has almost as many bars as sephy o_O
yes i finally did it i f:censor2:g did it kh2 saix king mode lv 18 no damage it was way harder then data saix i have fought both here it is stats are after the vid
triple diff boss battle 1st attempt (failed) 2nd attempt (won) rate and comment please video is really blurry i was using my web cam and it looked fine on the preview screen; youtube has really bad quality