Woot. I finally released a new AMV... but I must say it was perhaps the hardest to edit so far. I wanted to create a video which contained both sync.. and flow, at the same pace or time. This was my chance. The song strangely enough was found on AIM radio and pulled me in like a hook. :P So the editing began [after a little planning]... I believed that the song would best suit the pairing 'Namora', mostly because of this constant theme of 'Pages' and lines such as 'Drive away from everything I know', which in this video referred to Sora beginning to forget Kairi. This was a hard theme but I believe it fit the best. On total this AMV took about 45 days to start/complete, and about 5 betas used for beta testing. I do in fact think this is my best video even with the very sloppy sync at points [not my strong point.. ._.].. but CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS APPRECIATED. Very much so. :] Please don't be afraid to leave any feedback, no matter what it may be. ((((AMV LINK)))) Thank you, Haz. x
Wooo! New video! Well... sort of.. :/ AMV block has struck me down like lightning. This is actually the longest video I've been able to edit and even this is sketchy XD. I concentrated a lot on the coloring... wanting to have a soft warm feeling to try and add to the emotion. This song is sooo PRETTY. x_x <3 Inevitable by Anberlin Time taken to edit: I don't know... I think 2 - 3 hours at the most. :/ Sundays suck. Pairing(s): SoKai // Namora KH-Vids: http://video.kh-vids.net/video/02c67335-6129-43d2-8384-9b9c014fa02a.htm YouTube: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=H6G_mvcezQA Enjoy. Constructive Criticism is welcome but not as required since I know most of the flaws in this video. *flow murderer*
:P Figured since I've neglected to post here... I might as well start. AMVs: - Lift me Up -This is one of my very first effect based videos... it was quite a challenge but fun to edit all the same. :P KH-Vids Link - http://video.kh-vids.net/video/688005b6-1a00-4088-bded-9b95007effb5.htm Youtube Link - http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rMlxYRloNp0 -*- - Reaching For You -A much simpler AMV. Based around Sora, Roxas, Namine, and Kairi. This was a personal AMV... so it was never released on YouTube for more then a few hours. I decided to upload it here anyways. KH-Vids Link - http://video.kh-vids.net/video/6b63376d-2afa-47d6-97f8-9b9600d7decd.htm -*- Enjoy. :]
[ LINK TO KH-VIDS ] [ LINK TO YOUTUBE ] [Not my account] [ LINK TO MY YOUTUBE ] Well.. here we are again. My first finished AMV in a long time. I'll admit it. I've become a little bit rusty but.. I tried. This was a big emotional AMV for me, the theme itself is being 'replaced,' and I am meaning relationship wise. It's not all that good, but it is special, to me and afew others so please try to look past the problems and.. bad clip ideas and enjoy it. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Details: Name: A Better Place To Fall Asleep Time taken: A while.. Artist: Trading Yesterday Song: Love Song Requiem Album: The Beauty & The Tragedy Editor: Hazzlie [HazHeartz] Programs used: Sony Vegas 8.0 PRO [Masking] Credits Song : Pieces Artist: RED ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Story: [yes.. it is typed out in a strange way.. my bad.. ^_^] [And I fail at fan-fiction and grammar so.. yeh...] The story starts with a dream, a dream of Sora's memories, but something happens in the dream. Kairi calls out to him, not knowing where he is, or him knowing where she might be. Her voice then fades out into darkness. He begins to see small images of a girl, similar to Kairi. The girl is in danger in most of the images, and appears to be trying to call out to him. [Subtitles for voices.] He awakes with a shock, remembering that he is lost.He walks forward, noticing that a path has 'appeared,' he takes it. Meanwhile, the girl from his dream, named Namine is beginning to draw an image or a castle, the castle where he resides. She has the same face as Kairi but is extremely lonely. She can see Sora's memories, and is very envious of Kairi. The girl is dragged away from her memory viewing, and is forced to take action on Sora, Arriving at the castle, Sora begins to feel strange, as his memories begin to be altered. Namine created a scenario where she is sitting on the Paopu tree along with Sora, Riku, and Kairi. But she soon begins to dig deeper, as Sora finds the memories hard to believe, clinging to Kairi. Namine is forced to overtake Kairi, replacing her existence in his life.. entirley. She does so, but feeling great remorse and sorrow begins to reflect on her own life, which is pretty much all Organization 13 based. Sora begins to become annoyed, even with his friends, who try to convince him that Kairi is the important one in his life. He finds a mansion, filled with drawing that Namine has created, these convince him more that she is a real person, with great relevance in his life. Namine can't help but feel like the one thing she things is really a heart, rather then ruining his. The memories begin to get larger, and Sora soon believes that the only person he was searching for on his journey is Namine, and trys to forget about Riku being missing. He ventures further into the castle, only to find Larxene, the member of Organization 13 who has been manipulating Namine. She begins to taunt Sora, saying all sorts of things about Namine hating him for letting her get taken hostage, and not finding her yet. Sora becomes angered and attacks Larxene, only to fail. Dropping Namine's 'Lucky charm' from the attack, more memories are triggered, where Namine and Sora are together on the Destiny Islands. Elsewhere, Axel is talking to Namine, trying to persuade her [In his own.. particular way...] to go find Sora, before things get too bad. She runs, remembering a memory of his where Kairi tried to save him after using the dark Keyblade, and failed. She hopes that doesn't happen again. Sora is now weakened by Larxene, seeing the lucky charm, he panics thinking [or knowing?] that it was different before. Namine appears and approaches Sora for the first time. He trys to ask what the lucky charm was for, but ashamed of herself, she turns and runs. He trys to chase her, dropping the charm. Larxene picks up the charm and begins her rant about Namine being hurt and upset by Sora 'forgetting' her [She was never even there to forget]. He swings for Larxene's hand, making her drop the charm and triggering a memory where Sora was given a charm by a girl[Kairi]. The charm and girl were different to Namine and her charm, but Sora could see Namine in the girls face.. and doesn't understand. Larxene begins to walk forward to a weakened Sora, armed but her weapons. Worried, Namine jumps in her way, trying to shield Sora. But Larxene knocks her out of the way, crashing onto the floor. Sora becomes angered, and still finding it hard to move, Sora trys to get up to help her. A face suddenly appears in his mind, the girl from the other memory.. the one with the 'other charm.' This somehow gives him strength, and he strikes Larxene. Defeating her. He looks over his memories of Namine, feeling like something is wrong. He notices images of the other girl [Kairi, once again] flash before him, and sees her disappear as she says to him: 'Remember..?' His response, is her name, finally remembering who she is. He is saddened that her name and face are the only things he can remember of her, and doesn't understand how he could ever forget her. Namine tells him the truth, worrying that he will hate her. He doesn't hate her, but promises that they will meet again, and he will never forget her, but he HAS to forget Namine to regain his memories of Kairi. He gets into the pod, holding Kairi's charm [It had reverted back to normal] in his hand. Everything goes dark, and he tries to concentrate hard on his real memories with Namine watching over him. He remembers his old friends, then Riku, then Kairi [In Grey-scale to show how hard it was to remember her.] The room goes light, with her smile, and everyone else becomes easier to see. Sora is happy, but when he turns around, he notices Namine disappearing before his eyes. He tries to convince her to stay, but it is impossible as she was shadowing his memories, and she needs to be forgotten for everything else to be regained. Reluctant, he agrees it is the only way, reminding her that they promised to meet again. Sora begins to completely remember Kairi, and the story ends with Kairi in the cave, as Sora appears before her, showing that she has not been forgotten.
Well.. it's me again, I'm surprised your not all sick of my sappy AMVs yet. xD This AMV was a replacement. I nearly had a different video finished with a song from this band but a few computer problems like, project file problems, random files being deleted, etc.. stopped me from finishing. That was to the One republic song 'All fall down' and i got a comment on my channel on youtube of someone saying they'd like to see me do a song to that band so i DID. I personally don't like this video all that much because i usually spend no less then 2 weeks - 1 month on a video at minimum but this was me in about 3 days so i think i rushed it. Song: Goodbye Apathy Artist: One Republic Footage: Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, Re:com, 2:FM Software: Sony Vegas 8.0 Pro Links: Youtube KHV (In Proud Association with Leading Man Studios) - Please Give Opinions and such, C&C Is nice but don't totally kill the AMV.- -Also, Even though i didn't like this amv, i thought I'd try and make this post look decent-
Ok, if this is in the wrong board, can someone please move it because i couldnt think between 'Fan Movies' and The 'Creativity Corner' Board. I decided to make a Board where i will post my Best amvs as they are made and uploaded. For the Youtube amvs the timing may be slightly off because of a problem youtube had Recently to do with Fast uploading. Click the Image to View the AMV. Enjoy :) Evanesance - Going Under (Youtube) Skillet - Say GoodBye (Youtube) Avril Lavigne - When your Gone (Sora and Kairi) (Youtube) Linkin Park - What i've done (Portal) Funeral For a Friend - Into Oblivion (Runion) (Portal)
Kingdom Hearts Tag (Might be my last Gfx) For once i just used C4ds, afew Gradients abit of lighting and a Render and i even used afew other random images blended into the background xD K a i r i pursuaded me to post this because alittle abit ago i decided to stop posting them for 'some' reasons. CnC?
Ok, im a really bad amv maker but this is th second finshed amv ive managed to bring purley out of Sony Vegas. I know its kinda bad but still tell me what you all think of it :) Click here to View through KH-vids Portal Click here to View Through YoutubeTy x
This is abit of a simple Abstract tag i just finshed. I did 2 versions, i prefer V2 :) V1: V2: (For someone who likes it nice and dark, lol.)
Internet broken for one whole week *Bored for last 3 days of Holiday* So i made afew little things and this just happened to be one of them. V1: V2: Experimenting with animation... What do you all think?
xD I had a nice little hate convo about Viruses the other day and suddenly i got Hit by Inspiration and this was the outcome:
^^ Isen't he just the cutest Cat ever? I got bored on Gimp and i found an Image of Puss In boots looking for the Kingdom hearts 2 Image where they are all 'Chilling', which i have still not found. CnC?
I had an urge to do a different Gming character and I decided to do Shadow because he has a gun ^^ Feel free to use these but please ask on this board or tell me if you do. V1: V2: Btw, its supposed to be a Sort of Grunge Tag, and i wanted the Blue to slightly go over his head.
Got bored and Jumped on Gimp. CnC?
A few New Avatars [MORE AVATARS ADDED] Feel Free To Use These I got to work on these last night, quite simple Kh Avatars. I didnt want to do anything too fancy for my first Group :P The ''For Love'' Avies, there are two of them up because 1 has a border and the other doe's not. New Uploads:
This is the first avie i have ever, made/ Attempted/ Failed on so dont be all that harsh if it sucks ;'/ I made it on gimp which i am Not all that good at but anyways here it is: I also made a new sig on Gimp today, I tbh am not that proud of it but i wanted any Tips for the future: Thank you X
I was abi bored earlier so i got afew more brushes on gimp, realised that in order to save animations on there i had to put ''.gif'' *abit slow at that* and did a little animation with a Secret Render ;o And the best part about this is that you can guess who the render is Even if it is rather Obvious. Rate and Comment please, this is the first Gimp animation ive done, and its the second gimp graphic that ive done period:
;] I made this today, Stock and all. Its a banner for my friends new band ''20 Zone'', i tbh am kinda proud of this one. The bands Genre is Punk rock so tell me what you all think of the banner ;] [ 20 ZONE ]
I think this is my first OK Tag. Its of the Kingdom Hearts Secret ending (The Girl) But i dont know her name so i have a big mouth full of words o.O Anyway, tell me what you all think and any Improvment, BUT I cant find the Smugde tool on ImageReady so thats out of the Question ^^' Updated Version:
/ . \ Infinate Light Signiture Shop / . \ Rules: 1) No insulting. 2) No Stealing. 3) This is a Graphic shop, if you want to give bad comments i'd head over to Art and Graphics Board. 4) This is a Kingdom Hearts Only Signiture Shop. - 1 Or 2 Stocks (Most probably PNG) - Canvas Size - Colour - Any text at all, eg ''HazHearts'', or ''HazHearts at KH-Vids.net'' (These are just examples) These are Examples of my photoshop work - Please do not steal.