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  1. Varnor

    End of Chaos

    Reapers, Shinigami, Angels of death. They go by many names but in the end they all have the same purpose. To lead the dead on into the afterlife. The reapers job is to go to someone who is about to die and in the moment of death cut their soul from the body. He then brings the soul to hell or heaven depending on how they acted in life. This is how it is... or rather how it was...

    you see Reapers are invisible to everyone except those who are about to die or someone with a high amount of spiritual power. One day a man named Vir Ordo, was meditating in his chamber in the headquarters of an spiritual sect. A sect which trained in mastering spiritual powers. On this day a Reaper named Chaos who was dressed in black clothes, carrying a giant scythe walked trough the wall and into the room. Vir who in the belief that this was a spiritual of another sect went into a fighting stance. And with his secret technique he killed the Reaper preventing his soul to be separated from his body when he got an heart attack 10 seconds later. With this the war began. The sect only known as “Order” soon discovered that the man dressed is black was a Reaper. And with the knowledge that reapers could be killed a new age began. To stop people from ever dying and giving them eternal life. The sect began killing reapers one by one. And soon people stopped dying. The Reapers no longer had time to gather souls they where fighting “Order”.

    Okey thats the story, to be short you can either be a human with spiritual powers, or a reaper.

    Spiritual Powers:
    Humans of “Order” train their body and can use different powers.

    Superhuman Strength: The power to strengthen the body with your inner power and take it far past it limits

    Psychic: The power to affect move objects, sens people and things ,read minds and levitate stuff with the power of your mind

    Elemental: The power to manipulate and create one of the four elements. (Can also be used by reapers)

    Healing: the power to heal wounds(can also be used by reapers)

    Illusion: the power to create illusions to confuse the enemy

    Hypnosis: The ability to damage a persons mind and affect it

    Reaper powers:
    Reapers all have powers to help them do their works, They all carry a weapon to separate the soul from the body, most Reapers prefer a scythe but times have changed after the war and now the weapons are different from reaper from reaper.

    Except for the weapon the reapers have other powers

    Possession: they can posses anything with weak spiritual power

    Necromancy: the ability to bring dead bodies back to life to fight for you

    Warp: the ability to appear everywhere and create warp gates (can only be used by Reapers)

    Beast transformation: the power to become a half beast and gain their powers

    Character form:

    Reaper/Human: (Are you a human or a reaper)
    Main Power: (the power you master to the fullest)
    Secondary Power: (With this you can only do one thing, Like read minds but not levitate. Create water but not manipulate it)

    Name: Death
    Gender: Male
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Reaper/Human: Reaper
    Main Power: Beast transformation
    Secondary Power: Warp(Open/Close warp gates)
    Weapon:Katana, Arm blade, Claw glove
    History: Death is a one of the most famous reapers of all time. People have feared him for centuries. He is a Reaper who take his work seriously and hate when thing get in his way. His greatest wish is to kill every member of “Order” and send them straight to hell!

    Name: Kenji
    Reaper/Human: Human
    Main Power: Superhuman Strength
    Secondary Power: Psychic(sens)
    Weapon: None
    History: Kenji was born blind, his whole life he wanted to see. He trained in the “order” temple to master his inner power and after a while his mind opened and he could sense the world around him. He has become one of the elders of “Order” and seek to rid the world for death

    Name: Nexus
    Age: 750 (looks 22)
    Gender: Male
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Reaper/Human: Reaper
    Main Power: Warp
    Secondary Power: Necromancy
    Weapon: A large broadsword with his name branded on the blade in large gothic letters and two katanas carried on his hips
    History: Nexus has been a reaper for a few hundred years though he is still considered a small fry among other reapers so he tries to do his best job to become like his idol Death.

    Name: Reiki
    Age: appears 17, real age unknown
    Gender: female
    Reaper/Human: reaper
    Main Power: beast transformation
    Secondary Power: warp, can only appear places
    Weapon: classic scythe
    History: Until the war started she never had any problems. She always felt it ould be wrong to start a war like this.

    Name: Strife
    Age: ???
    Gender: male
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Reaper/Human: reaper
    Main Power: elemental, fire
    Secondary Power: Warp
    Weapon: A scythe that can fire its blade for a boomerang effect.
    History: His father is one of the four horse men who wait for the end of the world, he was sent to go and become a reaper as training for if he ever had to take his fathers place. Unlike his father he tends to do his work alone.

    Name: Rai Zen
    Age: 22
    Gender: male
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Reaper/Human: human
    Main Power: Illusions
    Secondary Power: Water (creating)
    Weapon: Twin katana
    History: He was raised from a young age on how to use the sword but instead of using one as he was taught he felt it better to use two and ended up surpasing his dojo's style with his own. He left the dojo and headed off into the world challenging dojos to battle and learning the sword style they use and improving his own with it. Eventually he came across Order and joined to fulfill more of his training.

    Name: Shadow
    Age: Appears 20. true age n/a
    Gender: male
    Reaper/Human: Human
    Main Power: Psychic
    Secondary Power: Superhuman strength
    Weapon:His own two fists
    History: Famous amongst Humans of Order. He has grown up, and has escaped death many times (whether literally or not, can't really tell since he couldnt then either). None the less, due to many life or death experiences, he has grown to a point in which he has resented it, determined to live forever. Once he became a member of the order, he was able to develope an ability, due to his own special skills, he has developed a method to turn his own body into a weapon.

    Name:Vincent Flare

    Age: 19

    Gender: Male

    Pic: Vincent

    Reaper/Human: Human

    Main Power: Psychic

    Secondary Power: Superhuman Strength (can increase speed)

    Weapon: "Knight's Sword"

    History: Vincent is descended of great royalty and people of much intelligence and power. He is a prince of a distant land, and has arrived to help fight against the reapers. Vincent has convinced others that he is only fighting in order to help the world, but he has a secret. The truth is that his father has promised him to crown him king, if he return with the dead body of a reaper. Thus, his goal was set. To kill a reaper in exchange for the respect, privelage, and power of his father's throne.

    Name: Crimson

    Age: Appears to be 25. Real age unknown.

    Gender: Male

    Pic: Crimson

    Reaper/Human: Reaper

    Main Power: Possession

    Secondary Power: Warp. Can appear everywhere, but can't create warp gates.

    Weapon: "Blade of the Dead"

    History: Crimson is a mysterious man. All that is known about him is that he was created long ago for his one purpose, duty and job. To transport the dead into the afterlife.

    Join whenever you want
    Thread by: Varnor, Mar 18, 2009, 21 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Varnor
    Strength the only thing that matters in this world is strength. The weak will die, the strong prevail. That's the rule of this world, it cannot be changed more than you can change the past. It all has to end. This is the purpose of the Seekers. From the beginning they have fought to destroy this world. Seeking every option to end it. Now the end draws near, the seekers are almost extinct but they are still trying one last thing. Finding the “Orb of Oblivion” and orb which soul purpose is to destroy the world. It was created by the demon Glizz which the Seekers believe is the saviour, some seekers even worship him as a God, though most of them know that's not what he is. So now the Seekers are looking for the orb in a last attempt to bring salvation to the world.

    The world is really sad there is no vegetation so people live in stone or metal houses. The Seekers live in caves or sleep outside. Technology is the same as ours except the weapon technology is a few years behind. Like there are no automatic weapons, rocket lunchers ect.

    Yeah I know its a strange Rp, but I wanted to do something new ^^ there are no good side both sides are evil in their own way.

    Now as for powers its pretty much what you want, it may be rejected though so no godmoding
    humans are the main inhabitants of the planet and like how the world works and don't want it to end, they want to stop the Seekers.

    Race(Seeker or human):

    Power:has vision of the future, psychic powers
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality:He's real religious and the vision has made him a bit crazy.
    History:He's the leader of the sect which believe that Glizz is the worlds saviour, he's power to see the future has made him really wise and crazy. He can be extreme when it comes to methods to achieving his goal.

    Name: Doogang
    Age :29
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Katana
    Power: Create flames around his body
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Wants to be the strongest even if it kills him, don't really care for other people
    History:Son of the 378 king(yeah they change kings often, whenever someone beats the crap out of the old one) he sees it as he duty to become the strongest and rule all.

    Name: Moorai
    Age: 25
    Race(Seeker or human): seeker
    Weapon: Battlechiller: Its a a tattoo literally made out of metal which spreads throughout his entire body, which allows him to freeze things
    Power: Controls water, and can breathe beneath it
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Dark. he does not appear to feel much compassion for people, and his eyes are usually blank, almost completely emotionless. He has some what of a funny attitude towards fighting since he only fights those that are stronger then him, and those who throw a punch at him. Though he only prefers to fight those who are known for their strength to test his own, he tends to be harsher on those who dare to attack him, attacking relentlessly until they can willingly say that they have had enough.
    History: His History is mostly shrouded in mystery, but he has deeply endouged himself into darkness, almost dipping himself into the very essence of it. Though he is indeed a seeker, he prefers the form of a human for unknown reasons, though he still is not able to completely hide what he looks like, he is still feared amongst many for his relentlessness, as well as his reputation for torture

    Name: Natsuki
    Age: 17
    Race: Human
    Weapon: Masamune or a bow and arrows.
    Power: can read minds (telepathic), has the ability to heal people

    Personality: Usually quiet unless spoken too, ponders on deep things (like the meaning of life and stuff like that), will react very violently if provoked. Will be very protective about someone she cares about. Can be leathal when it comes to fighting as well.
    History: At a very young age, Natsuki was already thinking about the meaning of existence and why everyone seemed like they were in so much pain. By the time she was 10 she pretty much had the same wisdom as an old woman. Her parents thought it was too strange to have a child like that and so they banished her. Since then she has had to fend for herself.

    Name: Advent
    Age: 22
    Race: Human
    Weapon: A sword and gauntlet
    Power: Wind and short ranged teleportation
    Pic: I don't have one yet. T^T
    Personality: Advent is quick to act, rarely thinking about the consequences his actions bring him. Can be overconfident and paranoid at times.
    History: Advent works as both a bounty and treasure hunter, doing whatever he can and wants for adventure and money. He doesn't talk much of his past because he hates dwelling on what can't be changed. Due to his "job", he's a traveler who has seen quite a lot in his lifetime.

    Name: Kazuki
    Age: 22
    Race(Seeker or human): Human
    Weapon: a Kodachi
    Power: creates and manipulates snow e.g mini blizzards
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: quite warm in personality (irony)
    History: He heard the seekers where after destroying the world, after his father failed to stop them Kazuki rose to the challenge.

    Name: Zin

    Age: 28

    Race: Seeker

    Weapon: Phear

    Power: Midnight Dream; Controls His Enemies Dreams And Nightmares To Create Them Into His Enemies Mind.

    Pic: [​IMG]

    Personality: Soldier-like (which means: He thinks like a soldier, human emotions really.)

    History: He used to be a young and carefree man in his youth, after his last days on this world of his, before he was "mysteriously" murdered or say, "almost" was when he fled his own town of yore and to only return ten years later to find out that his own village, his town, burned and pillaged and trampled into dust, he now wanders and searches the world for his destroyers, that attacked his home town, his past to remember from back then to which he has forgotten, and the terrible secret that was locked away from his memory that awaits him at the end of this journey. He joined the Seekers during this time, wondering about the world and how it works, how the universe was made, and how they are connected to him.
    Thread by: Varnor, Nov 17, 2008, 367 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Varnor
    The seas, the fastest way of transportation, and there is so much to find of treasures and mystery. Explores have been travelling all over finding new pieces of land and treasure. And it is or job as pirates to take it from them. The treasures of the world belong to us the true adventurers.

    The plot
    Known to all pirates there is a treasure unlike any other. Not cause it contains gold and diamonds, no the treasure I'm talking about only contains 3 relics. But if you have all these relics in your hand you will become unstoppable. One the holy grail which will give you the power of eternal youth. the Spear of Destiny, with it you can never loose in a battle. And Excalibur the sword that can destroy anything. These three relics was hidden away when one of the first expeditions was sent out to the new world. They where sealed on a cursed island and the keys hidden in different parts of the world. There are 6 keys all formed as a golden cross, all protected by a either a legendary creature or a Family of high status. Our job is to find this, well the reason is your own. And sure you can look for other treasures if you want to

    Ps. Your character can have one special ability like being extremely strong can use a little magic or something like that. Though noting to flashy we're only pirates after all.
    And of course as a pirate you have to follow the pirates code:

    Pirates code:
    1. The rum is your best friend
    2. never sail anywhere without rum
    3. I mean it
    4. Treasure is your other friend, so get your hands on it whatever happens
    5. No loot is to small, unless your rich
    6. Never betray you Crew mates
    7. Don't sail anywhere without a map and a compass
    8. People have a right to speak before you kill them, thought you don't have to listen to what they say
    9. There are no rules for pirates
    Ship name:


    Name: Drake
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Power/speciality: His right arm is impossible to destroy.
    History: Drake was the son of one of the greatest pirates of all times. So he's been a pirate since the day he was born, and he enjoyed the life and adventures. He lost his family after a successful raid at the city of gold El Dorado. His father and his crew was brutally slaughtered by an unknown person leaving only Drake alive. It was quite a shock for him. He later became Captain of his own crew following in his fathers footsteps. Though he now he carries a heavy burden after the loss of his parents.
    Ship name: Dragon Wind

    Name: John Webber
    Age: 20
    Gender: male
    Power/speciality: Sword fighting
    History: Son of the Baron James Webber, he was in the marines until he met Drake and was inspired of the adventurous lifestyle he lived he teamed up with him and they became great friends. He's at the moment Drakes first mate

    Name: Erica
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Power/Speciality: Shooting
    History: The daughter of a farmer, she was going to be married off but just a couple days before her wedding day she ran away. She stowed away on a ship hoping to see new lands but she soon discovered it was a pirates ship. The captain was rather nice and let her stay as long as she worked. And worked she did. Soon she became the first mate and when the captain died in a battle, she became captain.
    Ship Name: Deaths Angel

    Name: Laxene
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Power/speciality: Hand-to-hand combat
    Pic: (to lazy to find one) Long purple hair, bright red eyes, 5'4, and pale skin.
    History: Her parents died in a fire when she was litttle. She doesnt know much, most dont too.
    Ship name: Gullwing (xD)

    Name: Blake Seron
    Age: 24
    Gender: male
    Power/speciality: expert swordsmanship
    Pic: [​IMG]
    History: He was a child sword prodigy but was disgraced when his town was raided by pirates and with him being the only survuivor he wanted revenge and became that which had destroyed his life, a pirate. He seeks Excalibur most of all to exact his revenge but the other two are a bonus.
    Ship name: Hunting Pride

    Name: Shadow
    Age: 20
    Gender: Male
    Power/speciality: Swordsplay
    Pic: [​IMG]
    History: An assassin who goes around killing people for a high price. HE however doesn't go around killing the innocent and only kill the bad. After a while he felt that there was no challenge in what he did and decided to join some pirates. Now is currently looking for a crew to join that is worthy of his strength
    Ship name: has no ship

    Name: Li
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Power/speciality: Hand to hand combat
    History: A bounty hunter he be. He has been a member of many ships and crews, and has betrayed them all. From killing those who have considered him to be the best of friends, to handing over the women whom he has captured the heart of to the navy, he has always been a top notch bounty hunter. Amongst pirates, he is believed to be scum, going against their code in ALMOST every way (he always has rum on hand), and only doing such things for his own personal gain. He usually associates with the navy by only handing in bounty's, but unlike assassins, who work for hire, he works in his own methods. In return though, he gets information on how to retrieve the holy grail specifically, not truly caring for the other artifacts. ON an added note, he is excellent at manipulation, and is double jointed in almost every area in his body (he is one of those guys who can fold themselves into a box. I can do it, so he should be able to as well!). Amongst pirates, many have set up bounty's on his head, wanted alive, so he is worth quite a fortune.
    ship name: (has no ship. Usually stows away on others, are is on smaller boats).
    Thread by: Varnor, Sep 1, 2008, 219 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Varnor
    People don't really know why or when the first Vampires appeared. Several theory's exists though. Some tell that the vampires are the offspring of the devil himself. And some say they might be the descendants of Cain the biblical figure who slayed his brother and was forced to walk the earth for all eternity. Though this doesn't really matter. Neither the vampires or the hunters care about where they came from.
    But what we know is that the vampires are a cursed race that has lived for several thousand years feeding upon mankind to satisfy their hunger for blood. Though there are those who wish to eliminate these cursed beasts, they are called hunters. They are a group of people that has sworn to protect the human race from the vampires as well as keep them secret from the rest of humanity. They are filled with several generations of hatred and has become stronger of it. The strongest of the hunters can fight a normal vampire without any enchanted weapons. Though most hunters use weapons made to kill the vampires.
    The vampires on the other hand has supernatural powers. The powers depend on which of the 7 clans they belong to.

    We begin in New York, and after a while we might travel around.

    When a vampire bites a human they can do two things. One feed. The other thing is to give the human some of their blood. If the vampire gives the human some of their blood they'll transform into a vampire themselves. And gain the power of the clan.

    Amens-These vampires have the power to affect the minds of their enemies, they make them see things that are not there, bring fort their worst nightmares. And if the person has a really weak mind the Amens can even take control of their body. They are known to play with the minds of their enemy until they go insane and kill themselves.

    Tantoper- The strong, even for vampires the Tantoper's physical strength is frightening. Its said that the strongest of them can destroy a diamonds with their bare hands.

    Navi- This clan is known for their power to manipulate gravity. They can control gravity around an object or themselves.

    Vario- The clans that is most connected with their inner beast. They have the power to transform into a giant bat which makes them able to fly. These vampires are as strong as a normal human when their not transformed. But almost as strong as the Tantoper when transformed.

    Vale- The strangest of the 7 clans. Their only power is to predict the future. The strongest of them can use this to foresee some of their opponents movements. Though this clan rarely fight since they prefer peace.

    Glaci- elemental manipulation is the trademark of the Glaci, each vampire can manipulate one of the 4 elements.

    Aodh- They don't only need blood to survive but to fight. They can manipulate the blood they have eaten, they create an Armour around their body, as well as shot it out as projectiles and create objects like swords of the blood. They drink a lot more than other vampires.

    Blood bonds:
    The vampire clans are all bounded by their blood. They are like a big family. And they will protect each other with their life, and all clan members can feel when one of their own has died. There are still some secrets about the blood bond that neither vampire or hunters know about

    All hunters are equipped with these items:
    • Some sort of meele weapon
    • crossbow
    • Bottles of a acid named “holy water”(this is not real holy water)
    • first-aid kit
    • Tracking devices
    The hunters has a great resistance against the vampire curse. Unless they willingly accepts it. But if they are infected they will not become vampires but something else. A mindless beast that dose nothing but feed. These are called fallen hunters. They are not near as strong as vampires but can be a pain to catch.

    there are some bloodlines in the hunter society that has sworn to fight the vampires until they are gone. These bloodlines are usual stronger than the other hunters. The most famus one is the bloodline of the great Van Helsing who defeated Dracula.

    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here):
    Played by:

    • No Godmodding
    • No taking control over other peoples characters
    • No killing or making other peoples characters into vampires without permission
    • Your not allowed to make a ancient unless I give you permission
    Characters :

    Name:Lucian Manuel
    Clan\Bloodline: Descendant of Van Helsing
    Weapon:Sword named “Sol”
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality:He's fearless, and strong. Thought he's still cant fully understand the hate towards the ones he hunt.
    History:He belongs to one of the stronger bloodlines, and because of that much I expected from him. He's been trained since he was born, and killed his first vampire at the age of 6. he has a kind heart. He's favourite hobby is drawing and he's a skilled artist.
    Played by: Varnor

    Name:Victor Petre
    Age:19 real age 300
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality:He's a relaxed person who takes it easy. He almost never gets mad and uses time to think before he takes action
    History:was bitten almost 300 years ago, He is a respected member of the Navi clan as well as the vampire community.
    Played By: Varnor

    Name: Alice Stevens
    Age: 17 (107)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vale
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Nice and very bubbly.
    History: Was bitten to be protected.
    Played by: sorafangirl

    Name: Seth Maliton
    Age: 200
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vale
    Weapon: Broadswords
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm anf friendly
    History: was bitten 200 years ago. He goes around fighting for peace and is an very powerful swordsman
    Played by: twilightblader

    Name: Isabella (Bella) Camp
    Age: 18 (126)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Amens
    Weapon: Bow
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: A little quiet until she gets to know someone.
    History: Was turned into a vampire when one was about to attack her, but the attacker was killed right after he bit her.
    Played by: sorafangirl

    Name: Juste Belmont
    Age: 18
    Race: Human
    Clan\Bloodline: Belmont Clan
    Weapon: Vampire Killer (An ebony whip), Divinus et Lumen (Saber of light)
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Calm, collective.
    History: Like the Helsings, the Belmonts were one of the greatest vampire clans in all of history. Juste, born amongst the famous clan, lived up to the title. He now hunts for vampires, slaying them quickly with honor intact. The family heirloom, Vampire Killer, is now in his hands... He is an expert at dual-wielding both whip and sword.
    Played by:Sessamaru

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 22
    Race: Hunter
    Clan\Bloodline: Eraser bloodline (originaly a bloodline of assassins for the Japanese government)
    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here): Nodachi
    Personality: Crude and arrogant
    History: After his family was killed by vampires at the age of 9 he swore to get his revenge, he was later put in an orphanige but he escaped at the age of 13 and grew up on the streets making money by killing vampires.
    Played by: Fayt-Harkwind

    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here):Sword
    Personality:Pretty much a loner.
    History:Her dad was a human and her mom was a vampire. When she was younger, her parents were killed by a vampire hunter.
    Played by:Maria

    Name: Nathanael "Nate" Keel
    Age: 18 (Has lived for 150 years)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Navi
    Weapon(if you are a Glaci you sett your element here): Arm blade
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Unsocial and childish. He is very sure of himself
    History: Born into the clan by two vampires, one of the few members of the clan to be brought into it that way.
    Played by: Noba

    Name: Zane
    Age: 25 (age unknown. First was actually seen by a human that lived to tell about it since the Salem Witch hunt)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Vario
    Weapon: [​IMG]
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: A real mysterious figure. he only plays on the side which shall benefit himself. He has a bit of an awkward sense of humor, and sometimes, he can seem completely uncaring.
    History: A vampire since the early beginings of the Salem Witch hunt. He has gone around, assisting to only his personal needs, whether it involves slaying a vampire, or drinking on a human. For a vampire of his race, he already has quite a lot of strength, more then a normal humans. He even uses an enchanted weapon, claimed from an encounter with a powerful hunter. Though he is unable to use it for long periods of time without severaly burning his hand, none the less, he uses it as a sign to other hunters of his strength. He has left his clan, believing that they only hold him back, and travles across the world. He is a most gruesome of vampires indeed, and his true intentions, remain completely hidden of what he might possibly be after, or what his clan might possibly be 'holding him back' from. Besides that, he is highly respected, since he is a vampire of pure blood, not a cursed vampire. He has no memory of his life before the Salem Witch hunt though
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: The Ringmaster (most refer to him as ringmaster, but his true name is unknown)
    Age: 18
    Race: human
    Clan\Bloodline: McCartneen
    Weapon: He appears to carry a fencing sword with him, which is blessed by priests, but his true weapon is his whistle, which he holds around his neck
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He appears polite, and perfectly civilized on the outside, though he has a sick sense of humor. He cares for money, and wishes mostly to appeal to the masses. He wants nothing more then to hold up his families reputation
    History: A member of the McCartneen family. That is all that is really known of him though, since he has taken on his fathers reputation as The Ringmaster, leeding a circus of freaks. Of course, if you want to know a bit more of the show, then please, step right up. Tickets only cost $5 to watch the ring master and his amazing VAMPIRE performers (will be explained in due time)
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Li
    Age: 17 (150)
    Race: Vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Tantoper
    Weapon: His cards (awkward weapons, though the material that they are made them is deadly, especially when adding on his strength)
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He loves to watch people confused, and loves to manipulate their actions. He has a bad habit though of praising himself, believing that he is to 'beautiful' to live along side such petty beings.
    History: He has not been a vampire for to long, but, none the less, he has grown quite powerful. He had the potential of becoming a strong vampire, and when he did, he was taken under the wing of his master, who trained him. Now, he serves his master, in order to fullfill his debt. He believes that he should serve him to fullfill a second debt of his, which is to the world itself. He believes that by ridding it of humans, he would be doing it a favor
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Slade
    Age: 17 (19)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Masaki clan/Amens (ex hunter)
    Weapon: metalic strings
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: He is very kind, and at heart, is truelly pure, but when nescesary, he shall become brutal, and attack anyone that he must
    History: Used to be a great hunter known as the puppeteer, known for his ability to use such simple metal strings as such effective weapons. He used to work with a team of hunters, but then one day, when he had been surrounded by vampires, his team had abandond him, leaving him all alone. The vampires swarmed in upon him. He had almost died from the incident, until a strange vampire came in, and offered to turn him into anouther vampire. The strange being had offered him this second chance at life, telling him of a man who could purify the land. Not much information on the conversation can truelly be confirmed, though after the incident, he was later seen as a vampire gaurd. He then became a loyal servant of the one who had given him the chance to begin a new life, and has served him by the meer task of striking down those who dare uppose him. Also with his newly added on powers, he learned to truelly strike fear into all beings with the name "Puppeteer"
    Played by: Deathsight44

    Name: Yang
    Age: 12 (true age is unknown, but he is much older then he appears to be)
    Race: vampire
    Clan\Bloodline: Aodh
    Weapon: he manipulates his blood into weapons.
    Pic: [​IMG]
    Personality: Cold, ruthless, though he appears to be completely normal on the outside. He is a cold hearted killer though, and even slays people for hte fun of it. he is discusted with weak vampires and humans, and so he wishes to elliminate them all. He has taken a huge liking to the taste of blood, and treats it more like wine instead of a life scource
    History: His history is shrouded in mystery (hey, that rhymes!)
    Played by: deathsight44

    Weapon: his blood
    Pic:no pic just description short blond hair, tall, blue eyes
    Personality:nice but wquiet and his nice with younger vamps
    History:he has secretly been incontact with humans and not slain them
    Played by:sora117

    Name:Vincent De Genec
    Age:10 real age 2600
    Weapon: Fire
    Personality:Cruel, heartless cares only for himself
    History:The oldest vampire alive though most people don't know he is . he is what we call an ancient. and is the father of every glaci vampires.
    Played by:Varnor
    Thread by: Varnor, Jul 6, 2008, 338 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Varnor
    Everyone has both good and evil inside of them, we are born that way. But there are times when someone is born with more evil than good, or opposite. People like these are granted power from the gods.

    Those with great evil in their heart, is granted the power to become a demon lord. These are creatures which feed on fear and chaos. Their soul purpose is to kill and create pain.

    But the ones who's heart is filled with light, is granted the power do destroy evil and bring peace. These people are called exorcists. And has been given a mission by God to destroy all demons and save the world from their tyranny.

    For thousands of years these two factions has been fighting a secret war. Trying to get rid of each other. The exorcist has made an organization named “Grand Cross” GC for short
    its a world spread organization that keeps an eye on the demons. And look for new members. The demons are controlled by the Devil and only follows his orders.

    Okey we start at a high school in a small town, you are all high school students unaware of the secret war between demons and exorcist. You have no powers be they evil or good. But that's just temporary as the plot unfolds you will all get your power of choice.

    When it comes to powers you can chose freely but, Demons can't do any sort of healing. And humans can't do any sort of transformations

    Character form:
    Age: (must be a high school student)

    History:A strange boy. He just moved to the town and never speak. He
    got some strange tattoos on his face. Which makes makes him the favourite subject for the bully's. He's favourite hobby is playing a special flute

    Age: 25
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Hypnosis
    History:A history teacher at the school, and a member of the Grand Cross. He's job is to find new members.

    Age:several thousand years
    Power:Fire manipulation
    History: One of the first demons that was created. He is very manipulative and can easy trick people to do what he want.

    Power:controls wind to agment his sword
    History:your average guy,a senior at high school.
    good sense humor,nothing to speical.
    life was normal until he felt something strange was going on

    Name: Daisuke
    Age: 16
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Control over earth (such as rocks, dirt, mud, sand, ect.)
    pic: [​IMG]
    History: A normal kid in school. he does whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and never takes no for an answer. Some what of a trouble maker really as well. Funny thing about him though is that whenever it comes down to it, he is the kind of guy who you can count on. Not like he has that much of a history to him though

    Name: Tuski
    Age: 15
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Has the ability to control and minipulate water
    History: n/a

    Name: Teeli
    Age: 15
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Making pictures/drawings come to life (If thats allowed..)
    Appearance: (Sorry, I dont have a picture..) Short choppy blueish-black hair that ends half way down her neck, bangs like Kairi's except has them more in her face, dark brown eyes, normal skin tone, petite figure, wears a baggy White sailor uniform shirt with a big orange bow attached, light grey skinny jeans, and white vans.
    History: A very quiet, shy girl that does almost nothing but draw. She is very attached to her drawings, and tries to ignore people (Anti-social), and she doesnt quite fit in with the people at her school. She is very smart, and practiced drawing ever since, so she is extremely good at it.

    Name: Seth
    Age: 17
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Light
    pic: [​IMG]
    History: A quiet guy who doesn't really talk too much. His past is a complete mystey

    Name: Seras
    Age: 16
    Good\Evil: Evil
    Power: Darkness
    pic: [​IMG]
    History: Not much is known. He enjoys to read, and is extremely quiet. As a transferred student, he keeps to himself. His attitude is cool and mellow towards many, and is only a man of few words. He's polite, but can really give a rat's ass about anything.
    "Tea, with 9 cubes, please."

    Name: Terri Lynn
    Age: 17
    Good\Evil: Is netural but may be easily changed
    Power: Transformation
    (the thing in the background is one of her transformations)
    History: Going to high school totaly stank for her because she was an outcast so she skipped daily. Her mother and father one day disappeared and her foster mother is always drunk and stuff so they don't really get along very well

    Name: Letum
    Age: 16
    Good\Evil: good?
    Power: detection?(and something else that will be explained later)


    history:lives with his uncle, his parents died when he was 7 , they just found them dead next to him.
    he goes to the school , but he's barely noticeable, and he doesnt speak,nor has given any signs of having any powers, when people ask him why he wears that hoddie he just says " im blind" and thats what everyone knows of him, and the fact that a blue butterfly follows him everywhere ,no one has ever seen whats behind his hat , so they just made rumors about it , with the events that have been happening he decided to look into it more , but far away from people , he's really nice to those who talk to him , and seems to keep a fake smile. he has the peliculiar scent of hepathicus,but sometimes has a scent that invokes desesperation and fear upon others

    Name: lucifax
    Age: 15
    Good\Evil: good
    Power: flames/the sun
    History:going at highschool, but does NOT like it...he is mostly alone. he is never doing as his teatcher tells him to. he has no parents, since the both died for 5 years ago. he was alone until someone found him wandering in the the forest.

    Name: Masaru
    Age: 24
    Good\Evil: Good
    Power: Lightning
    pic: [​IMG]
    History: He was taken into the Grand Cross at a young age when he developed his powers. He was caught causing trouble, after a bank heist. They had trouble capturing him, but once they did, they took him in. He started out as a trouble maker, but now, at the age of 24, though he is not amongst the ranks of their best, he has been working his way up, known as the Crimson Lightning. He was assigned to keep watch of the new group of trainees, especially Li and gary. Since the Grand Cross group of elders know that Gary is fond of the child, they sent him, so that if he gets to out of control, then he would put a quick death to him. In other words, he is there to simply do what Gary cannot.

    she's letum's uncle's wife

    since letum's parents died, she decided to take him into her house
    she's his only familiar left , and a top GC member,her primary mission was to care and inspect Letum's movements and abilities
    since then she's acted as his aunt, and she's one of the GC top members,
    she isnt the strongest physical fighter, but her abilities make up for it, the grand cross thought that she would be better suited to keep tabs on Letum's powers, the men at GC, are always flirting with her

    she's called the "kiss of reflection" by most GC members

    her abilities made her one of the top

    she's motherly,caring, and wise, her points are taken greatly into consideration by the GC


    power:can seal,augment, and copy the power of anyone she touches(but her power doesnt work on some people)


    what's happened?
    a new transfer student appeared, a real weird guy. he managed to be beaten up by a gang of bullies. this resulted in him releasing his demon side and killing around 20 students. everyone that was witness to the incident had their memory altered by Gary the history teacher. all the students that witnessed the killing and heard the song that was used to kill the students was granted the power to become exorcists or Demon lords.

    the powers is appearing. Seras has already embraced the power of darkness. and his hunger made the Demon lord Lucifer appearer and gave Seras the offer to become a Demon lord to. He gladly accepted the offer and became even stronger.

    Everybody met up in the park. and the members of GC has desided to seal of Li's power.
    There broke out a fight between Seras, Seth and Daisuke. the battle ended with Daisuke's defeat"
    Gary and Li appeared in the park. Creed picked a fight with Li and Lucifer made a fire ring to make sure they weren't disturbed
    Thread by: Varnor, May 13, 2008, 657 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Varnor
    Wealth, Fame, Power. The man Known as Gol D. Roger acquired it all. And left his treasure “One Piece” at the last Island of the “Grand Line”. At the day of his execution he challenged the people to look for it. And by that the great age of pirates began!

    But in this great age there are some driven by pure greed, these people has made an organization. This organization is built up by both pirates and marines. Their objective is to find “One Piece” and use the treasure for their own personal gain. Pirates ..marines Set out to find “One Piece” and beat the crap out of the bad guys.

    okey first of this is a rp based on the one piece world. Which means none of the characters from the show/manga exists. The Islands exist though we may make up a few as the story goes on.

    Devilfruits are treasures of the sea, said to contain the power of the devil himself. Those who eat the fruits are given “special powers” Like controlling an element transforming into an animal or have your body changed into rubber.
    Paramecia-type- changes the users body, or gives them a special power

    Zoan-type- the user can transform into an animal. It has three forms, Normal form, Animal form and hybrid form.

    Logia-type- You become an element so to speak. You are never complete human even in your normal form. You can transform completely into your element if you wish

    You can either make up one or take one from the series. but you cant use a fruit that's already in use, neither can you have two devilfruit ability's Each crew can have 3-Paramecia-types or, 1-Paramecia-type and 2 Zoan-types or, 1-Zoan-type and 2 Paramecia-Type or, 3-Zoan or, 1-logia type you can have less if you like. you can only have one logia because they are so incredibly powerful.
    Okey here are the forms: By the way you need to send these to me, because I will decide your bounty/rank. if you have one that is.

    List of used devil fruits:

    Gum gum fruit (org member)

    Goro Goro Fruit (org member)

    Utsushi Utsushi fruit (org member)

    Horo Horo fruit (org member)

    Kage Kage fruit (org member)

    Toro Toro fruit (org member)

    Yami Yami fruit (org member)

    Doa Doa fruit (org member)

    Ame Ame fruit
    (org member)

    Ageru Ageru Fruit (Kyo)

    Tora Tora Fruit (Ai)

    Kachi Kachi fruit (Matt)

    Zou Zou fruit (Evan)

    Dice Dice fruit (Taylor)

    Hana Hana Fruit(Makoto)

    The Shichibukai are a group of pirates that has began working for the marine. When you get a high enough bounty a scout from the marine will search you out and will offer you a seat as a shichibukai. Bounty the bounty is decided by the world government (me) After looking at what kind of threat you are, I'll please the bounty. Character Form:
    Nick Name:
    Weapon/fighting style:
    Devil fruit Ability:
    Known for:

    Crew form:
    You can have 5 named crew members. These are the elite of your crew
    number of crew members:
    Crew name:
    Ship name:
    1st Crew member name:
    Ability/fighting style:
    2nd Crew member name:
    Ability/fighting style:
    3rd Crew member name:
    Ability/fighting style:
    4th Crew member name:
    Ability/fighting style:
    5th Crew member name:
    Ability/fighting style:

    Here is my characther:

    Name:Kyo D. Yuudai
    Nick Name:Black Coat
    Pirate/Marine: Pirate
    Weapon/fighting style:Two sword style, Fights with two special made katanas. They are have a bit strange shape, the last part of the katana is bent 60 degrees backwards. Making it look almost like a wing. Another thing is that they are much bigger than the avrage katana. And they have several small holes all over.
    Devil fruit Ability:Ageru Ageru no mi (flying fruite, Gives the user the ability to fly at high speeds)
    History:Kyo is 17 years old and is new to the life as a pirate, His greatest dream is to be the strongest pirate there is, and find One Piece. He was born in West blue, on and island filled with swordsmen. He was trained in the way of the sword but the sea called for him. So in an age of 16 he chose to become a pirate. He is an relaxed person who loves a good joke. He values his crew more than anything.
    Known for: Beating the know pirate “Tree legs”, Defeating Two Marine Captains. Destoying 20 marine ships, And Stealing the worlds biggest diamond.
    Bounty: 50,000,000 Beli


    Crew name:The Storm Pirates
    Ship name: The Storming Wolf
    1st Crew member name: Itsuki Daichi (male)
    Ability/fighting style:Hand-to-hand specialist
    2nd Crew member name: Ryota Kurou (Male)
    Ability/fighting style: Fights with a Long gun formed as a Scyhte which can also used as a melee weapon.
    3rd Crew member name: Ai Tsukiko (Female)
    Ability/fighting style: Tora Tora no mi (tiger fruit, the user can transform into a tiger) Deathsight's character:
    Name: Matt
    Nick Name: Onyx
    Gender: male
    Pirate/Marine: pirate
    Weapon/fighting style: He uses two very special hand guns, with strange markings on them, with golden latches on the top. It is said that some times, he uses bullets made of pure diamond, but that is only a rumor. Also he has eaten the Kachi Kachi fruit
    Devil fruit Ability: Allows the user to make his body rock hard, as well as increase its tempature.
    History: When he was just a kid, his brother left him to go out and hunt for one piece as a pirate, and a few years later, Matt decided to set out to find his brother, by going to the one place where he expected to find him most, which one where one piece. Everything else about him shall be revealed as time passes
    Known for: Pillaging navy ships transporting mostly weapons, technology, and whatever the hell he can find.
    Bounty: 20,000,000 Beli

    Crew name: Onyx Crew
    Ship name: Prototype
    1st Crew member name: Evan
    Ability/fighting style: Zou Zou fruit, allows him to transform into an elephant, or a human/elephant hybrid
    2nd Crew member name: Taylor
    Ability/fighting style: Dice Dice fruit, allowing user to permanently turn body into steel, as well as turn body skin into a blade
    3rd Crew member name: Simon
    Ability/fighting style: Still unknown. He does mostly navigating and ship mechanics, but it appears that he has a nasty habit of creating little gears an gismoes that can really pack a punch
    4th Crew member name: Joe
    Ability/fighting style: JOE SMASH, JOE DESTROY, JOE CRUSH!!!!!! (uses bear fists to destroy anything in his path. can get a little........well, trigger happy when a gun is put in his hands. As a matter a fact, he handles a shot gun like a pistol)

    Bounty list:

    “Black coat” Kyo – 50,000,000 beli
    “Onyx” Matt - 20,000,000 beli
    "Blade"Seth- 25,000,000 beli
    "Yellow Theif"Saito- 40,000,000 beli

    NOW JOIN IN!!!^
    Thread by: Varnor, Mar 24, 2008, 214 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Varnor
    can anyone make me a sig with luffy from one piece? using this pic
    Thread by: Varnor, Feb 11, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  8. Varnor
    Okey i'm bored and i have wanted to make a Bleach thread for ages now so here it is.

    the story:
    In Soul Society there are times where Shinigami Kill civilians, when this happens they are either executed, or banished to the dimension between the real world and Soul society. Now some of the Shinigami's has managed to escape the dimension to the real world and are now planing to take down soul society for good.

    this long long long after the events of the manga

    the character form:

    Race(quincy, human, shinigami):
    Powers(if human):
    Good/Evil(exiled shinigami, or just evil):

    Zanpakuto form(if you are a shinigami):
    Shikai name:
    Shikai description and power:
    Bankai name:
    Bankai description and power:

    My characters:

    Name: Sulon
    Age: 20
    Race: Shinigami
    Gender: Male
    Good/Evil: good
    History: Captain of the 11 squad, he's lust for battle often gets him in trouble

    Shikai name:kirikata
    Shikai description and power: Changes into Claws which is attached to his hands, they can shot out and controlled with chains witch is connected to his arms (like in god of war)
    Bankai name: kirikata tou
    Bankai description and power: Claws get attached to both arms and legs, his appearance changes to a more beast like form. strength and speed is increased.

    Name: Garret
    Age: 24
    Race: Shinigami
    Gender: Male
    Good/Evil: Evil
    History: Leader of the exiled Shinigami's, he lives for revenge and wont stop before he gets it.

    Shikai name: Raijin
    Shikai description and power: Yellow whip which contains the power of lightning
    Bankai name: Raijin Boufuuu
    Bankai description and power: A giant snake with the power of lighting

    true darkness: amaya, Saffon
    Spike: Kain
    Wishful Flier:Souma
    Bryan:Haru Takashi
    Thread by: Varnor, Oct 23, 2007, 178 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Varnor

    The Lost Ones

    okey, sit down and relax you have some reading to do.

    The lost ones
    Welcome to Karnas the forest world. This country is bullied up by five cities.
    First the capital, it’s called Sol city, the others are named “the city of fire”, “the city of Water”, “the city of wind” and “the city of earth”
    the city’s are pointing in different directions, north, south, east and west with the capital in the middle connecting the city’s.

    All the city’s are surrounded by forests. But because of the white creatures called “The Lost Ones” or TLO’s the only way to travel between the kingdoms is over giant bridges. The TLO’s were created by the evil wizard Zorgan 500 years in the past. To kill the new king Silens when he was elected. After a few years, the TLO’s took control over the forest and sins then no one has put a foot in the forests.

    Even though the cities are surrounded by a huge wall, packs of TLO’s sometimes breaks through the wall and attack the cities. The only place that’s 100% safe is the capital Sol but only the rich an wealthy can live there.

    At the time you all join, a new group calling themselves “the Rebellion of the Broken Mask” RBM for short, is becoming a threat to the kingdom. The king has put a sky-high reward on the members of the group. It has been said that they can control the TLO’s

    Known RBM members:
    1. Erif (Dead)
    2. Serphan
    3. Jessica
    4. Thorn
    5. Blaise(Dead)
    6. Vulor
    9. Sulor
    10. Yellin

    By the way, there are four forms of TLO’s

    The Solider: it’s the most common type and are as big as a normal human, they are carrying different type of weapons
    The Beast: a bear like creature often used by Soldiers to ride on. They attack with racer sharp claws.
    The Troll: a huge monster who is strangely fast for his size (as big as a little house) attack with bare hands
    The Giant: is twice as huge as the Troll but don’t move fast at all. However, its strength is phenomenal
    The Humanoid: there's only one of these it looks like a human though it is much faster and stronger than any human or TLO.

    Okay you are a solider in the king’s army here’s the form:

    Age(you have to be at least 16):
    Class(swordsman, archer, spearman or mage):
    Birth town:

    Here’s my characters

    Name: Yrev Live
    Class: Swordsman and captain
    Birth town: City of fire
    History: a powerful man who serves his king blindly, he hate TLO’s more than anything sins they took away his wife 3 weeks after they got married. He is the strongest man in the City of fire and can take down a with his bare hand’s.

    Name: Erif Hope (Dead)
    Age: 17
    Birth town: Sol City
    History : uknown

    Deathsight already joined heres his characters:

    Name: Ren albasta
    Age(you have to be at least 16): 19
    Gender: male
    Class: swordsman
    Birth town: sol city
    History: He is the son of one of the richest men in the country. He is known to some as the black rose. His fencing skills are incredible, and he has never been beaten once. he is a real pretty boy, and is famous. He hunts the TLO's for a living, not caring what their purpose is, and the meer mention of his name can make a girl feint.
    Pic/description: [​IMG]

    Name: thorn (true name is unknown)
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Class: swordsman
    Birth town: city of wind
    History: Uknown
    Pic/description: [​IMG]


    (Silver_Bullet) Kain Stantine

    No Pic

    (kairigirl22) Lament






    (#1 DinestyX)= Luna, Erin
    Join whenever you like
    Thread by: Varnor, Sep 24, 2007, 2,221 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Varnor
    Can anyone make me a Avatar with Zaraki Kenpachi from bleach? please!!!!
    Thread by: Varnor, Sep 11, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  11. Varnor
    could anyone make me a cool sig with Hei from Darker than Black?
    Thread by: Varnor, Aug 28, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  12. Varnor
    think that the fenrir keyblade looks like a chain saw?
    Thread by: Varnor, Aug 26, 2007, 29 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Varnor
    okey this is the sequel to my first rp (war of two kingdoms)

    the story is this:

    After a short period of peace between the Peace kingdom and the Chaos kingdom. The leader of the chaos kingdom Dolgur gathered his Villains in one final attack against the heroes of the peace kingdom.

    Many where hurt and the leader of the peace kingdom Eldor was killed.
    but just before he died he used his white transportations coin to send the heroes away. But before the transportations was finished Eldor was cut to pieces. witch resulted in that the heroes was spread all over the world.

    5 years have passed sins the last battle and the peace kingdom has disappeared, leaving only chaos and violence.
    Now a young boy named Galdon a relative to king Eldor has began to assemble the long lost heroes to stop Dolgur and his Villains.

    the rules are:
    you can have max 2 characters
    if your character die you can't bring him back to life, but you are allowed to make a new one.
    no god modding
    no killing other characters without permission
    no posting pages with of topic posts
    and you can't control other peoples characters
    you can use characters from the previous RP

    the form is like this
    this is the form

    and here are my characters
    Name: Galdon
    Gender: male
    Age: 17
    Weapon: doesn't have any his hands can transform into swords
    Hero/Villain: hero
    Biography: he is a relative to the dead king of the peace kingdom. He now walks all over the world looking for heroes to join him.

    Name: Dolgur
    Gender: male
    Age: 21
    Weapon: Two double bladed swords (like darth maul in star wars)
    Hero/Villain: Villain
    Biography: The brother of Mirnash the previous leader of the chaos kingdom, his nicknames is Slicer because of the way he slice his enemies to pieces. he now has to gather new Villains to defeat the new threat from Galdons heroes.


    5.Dr. Sitgerhoven
    edit: Need more Villains
    Thread by: Varnor, Jul 29, 2007, 1,033 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Varnor
    in this role play you can be either a pirate or a Marine, you have one ship and you can control all your crew members. your only allowed to have one character!!! and by the way no yaoi and yuri.

    Okey this is the form

    Ship name:

    here is my Character

    Name: Varnor
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Ship name:Storming Wolf
    Biography: A young Pirate captain looking for adventure an treasure. He is also looking for his father who left him as a child. he also lost his brother and sisters to Hades. He's good with the sword. And has super speed


    you can join whenever you like- Need more marines
    Thread by: Varnor, Jun 18, 2007, 3,857 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Varnor
    Hey guys I'm leaving now for the shortest School day ever. I only have 20 seconds of school today. Stupid orals, why do i have to check if i got an oral exam when I know I don't?:mad: Any way see ya have to go to school:p
    Thread by: Varnor, Jun 15, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Varnor
    Yes I said it, is war really necessary? Personally I think the world would be a hundred times better without all this fighting. And if you try you can find better solutions than going to war, what do you think?
    Thread by: Varnor, Jun 11, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Discussion
  17. Varnor
    Okey this is my first role-play so don't be to hard on me.

    Well the story takes palce in the land of Sandoria
    Here there are two kingdom's at war, The Kingdom of peace, and The Kingdom Of chaos. The war has become so big that they are recruiting hero's and villains from all over to fight for them.

    this is the form

    Yaoi and yuri is not allowed
    you can't kill a player if they don't agree on it
    you are only allowed to have two characters, if your character is killed you can make a new one, but they can't come back to life.
    You can kill people from the enemies army when there are battles between the kingdom's

    my chracters
    Name: Eldor
    Gender: male
    Weapon: Cursed arm, and a sword
    Biography: He is the leader Army in The kingdom of peace. he seeks revenge on the evil Warlock Mirnash who put a curse on his arm

    Biography:He is an evil warlock that leads the chaos kingdom's troop, he is Eldor's nemesis and sworn enemy

    Kairigirl22 (Jenny, Libby)Hero, villain
    demonslayer_kyle (Ryan, Ryan 2.0)hero, villain
    kingdomfan-98 (Humus)villain
    Xx.keybladmaster.xX(Aerrow, Blaze)Hero, Villain
    true darkness(rel)Villain
    gamefreak103(Craig) hero
    another keyblader(Joxras)hero
    Edit: join if you like
    Thread by: Varnor, May 24, 2007, 2,870 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Varnor
    could someone please make me an cool avatar with Sora, and with the text Servant of light?
    Thread by: Varnor, May 17, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  19. Varnor
    someone delete this
    Thread by: Varnor, May 16, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Varnor
    hi just found this on youtube, it's a cartoon based on weird AL Yankovic's song virus alert
    Thread by: Varnor, May 14, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone