I hate this world so much... anyways. What am I supposed to do with that thing? It has been years since I last playes this world. The blogs just keep on going round and when one of them turns red, I'm never able to catch it... Please help me!
I need to get 1300 points or more in this, my max is 1156. I always get the "double score mode" on the last battle where I can gather orbs. It's so annoying. Can anyone help me?
So I'm trying to get throug The Hades Paradox Cup (I managed to get level 48). But the problem is, my items always run out, I mean, they sould be plenty of ethers left on my stock, and I always make sure that I have "AT" at the items, so I should be able to use those items as longs as they are on the stock, but they seems to stuck at 6 ethers and then it wont let me use them anymore, even I have like 50 them on my stock... I hope I was clear enough so you get what my problem is. The hades paradox cup is really hard.
I know getting this ability is possible, but how? I'm at level 99 and all my summons and drives are at level 7.
How to level up limits, fast!? So, I got all the items and the receip for Sora's Ultimate weapon, but I only need I more orichalum(+) (?) if i remember right, and for that I need to clear the goddess what-ever-it-was cup on olympos, and I have understood that the able to get to this cup, I need to level up my limits to 99...
Soo... I just started to play KHII again, after a long time. And I really want to finish it. But I'm a little lost; I'm about the defeat Xemnas (the final boss I think) and I have no idea how to get the best weapons at all or finish all the mini tasks on the game. So, expect a lot of guestions from me! This seems like a place where I can get lot of help!