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  1. kingmangalego
    i wrote this for a school assignment so i could'nt make a continuation (my teacher don know KH:yelling:

    Kingdom Hearts - Save Roxas and Axel

    One day on the Destiny Islands three kids Sora, Riku and Kairi were sitting on the Poupu fruit tree beside the seaside shack eating Sea-salt ice-cream as always after a hard days work at school.

    Sora exclaimed "Hey, do you remember that kid Roxas and his friend Axel?"

    "Yeah."answered Riku and Kairi in sync with each-other.

    "Well they're back from Twilight Town!!" Sora continued

    So the Group of friends went to see their friends but couldn't find them so they went home, thinking where their lost friends could be.

    The next day they continued the search but had no luck. But then they saw a glass bottle floating in the water, they read it it. It read:

    'We have your red haired and blonde haired friends who claim their names are Axel and Roxas. They are being held in the basement of our base of operations- Castle Oblivion. We want your hearts or else we will tenminate your friends.'

    -Ansem (master of the heartless

    So to save their friends Sora, Riku and Kairi had to give up their hearts or they could try and defeat Ansem and his heartless army.

    "lets go to castle oblivion and defeat Ansem !!" Riku shouted

    So they did. But first Kairi Googled 'Castle Oblivion' to see where it was in the first place, all she found was this - 'Castle Oblivion,a place to seal your doom at 132 3rd District Traverse Town.' So the gang drove to Traverse Town the castle only to find it locked...

    ... So Sora summoned up his keyblade and used it's powers to unlock the door. Rik and Kairi have keyblades also. Heartless were popping up everywhere, hundreds were just waiting for the first move.Heartless are black creatures with glowing yellow eyes, those without hearts and thrive to have one. Riku and Kairi summoned their keyblades and ran into battle running down the seenimgly never ending spiral staircase but then... Kairi got hit and injured badly so Sora saved her and put her unconcious body on his back so she wouldn't get killed by the evil beings of the dark. The ride diwn the staris was harder for Sora with Kairi on his back but he pulled through.

    Finally Sora, Riku and the still unconcius Kairi we5 re at the bottom of the stairs ... and so was Ansem.

    The battle raged on with Riku and Ansem as Sora took care of Kairi. Riku, very exausted fell to his knees in pain screaming with his fading pride. At the sight of this Ansem then went after Kairi. Sora, enraged with Ansem's act attacked him in mid-air slashing a mile-a-minute at the evil lord of the castle.

    Later Ansem was Defeated by an enraged Sora, Sora then freed Axel and Roxas, and waited for his two best freinds to awaken and when they did it was a long battle to get out of the wretced castle. Later Sora, Roxas and Axel took the two injured comrades to Destiny Islands hospital where Kairi and Riku were admitted. Sora never left thier side for a moment onmy to go to the toilet.

    2 weeks later Riku and Kairi wer free to leave the hospital but Riku's hand was to be stitched up in 3 days. On the way home they were happy to be together again but sora forgot something ... ALL OF HIS MISSED SCHOOL !! He got 5 weeks detenton for the mishap but he didn't mind. As long as he could be with his freinds !
    Thread by: kingmangalego, May 6, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Archives