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  1. Zyborggian
    This is a bit puzzling to me...
    Just who is that voice?????? S:l
    It may just be a narrator but... I think it has to have some identity.
    After spoiling bbs for myself I have arrived at the possibility that it might be
    but If he is Roxas then it couldnt be him because Roxas hears the voice in his dive to the heart in the prologue of kh2...
    I would like to hear some input on this matter, as I am sure I am not the only one here who has pondered this question...
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Feb 23, 2010, 73 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Zyborggian
    I just thought about this when I was playing as Wisdom Sora in KH2

    Since Sora's heart
    is supposedly connected to many other people (very likely Terra, Aqua and Ven) as revealed in the Kingdom Hearts birth by sleep secret ending
    I think it would make sense that each of Sora's 3 drive forms (not counting anti and final) reflect Terra's, Aqua's and Ven's fighting styles. Valor form is the main strength form and has slightly slower but more powerful keyblade swings, much like Terra's fighting style. Wisdom Form reflects Aqua's style because it is magic based (and maybe because Its blue although that might be a stretch). I know sora doesn't hold his keyblade in a reverse grip in master form but the key swings look... awkward kinda like Vens.
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Feb 4, 2010, 16 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Zyborggian
    Hello FF gamers!
    like the topic title says I have recently been considering buying FFIV. The only Final Fantasy game I've actually played and beaten is Final Fantasy 1 (lol) on the gba version. The gba version also comes with Final Fantasy 2, which I played but found WAY too difficult. Please don't ask why I want to buy FFIV... I just do.

    So my questions Concerning ffIV are these:
    Is it a good FF game?
    Does it give save points instead of letting you save anywhere? (I know FFVI does)
    Is it turn based?

    Which version of the game should I get??

    WII VC version?... (I dont think its on Virtual Console in North America... correct me if Im wrong...), Playstation version from FF Chronicles, GBA version, or the DS version?

    Can some other people post in this thread to answer my questions please?
    I want multiple peoples input to help me...
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Jan 5, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Zyborggian
    Okay I just found out how the phantom looks in KHFM And the first thing I thought was JOLY CRAP IT LOOKS LIKE A NOBODY
    The color scheme is very nobody like and overall it resembles
    The final Xemnas boss in KH2
    But the phantom is... weird and Although it is a heartless it seems to exhibit characteristics of both nobodies (lacks physical essence and in a sense doesnt exist,new color scheme) and heartless (The emblem on its back, the ability to curse a person and steal their heart) while at the same time exhibiting characteristics of neither a heartless or nobody (It has a heart).
    Is this just a coincidence or maybe did they change the Phantom in FM to be more nobody-like?
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Nov 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. Zyborggian
    I figured out how to do an EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMELY long midair combo to hayner in struggle battle mode (keep in mind that this won't work on Setzer or Seifer because they cannot be knocked into the air.)
    video is here:
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Nov 4, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  6. Zyborggian
    Can you not obtain a high jump level up panel after the days it is available in the shop have passed?!?! >:O
    I cant find a way to do so and in order to unlock
    you have to beat all the missions 100% 2 of which require high jump lvl 3 (and one of those is mission 68 which is BY FAR one of my least favorite missions in the game... >_>)
    Please tell me theres a way to get panels you missed at the shop once you get to day 357........please.....
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Oct 29, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  7. Zyborggian
    Ok I am SURE that I did not imagine this.
    There was a trailer or commercial for kingdom hearts 2 that came out before the game came out in which at the VERY end showed a camera view from inside the Keyhole in the secret place on Destiny Islands and Sora was slowly walking towards it with the keyblade then the screen faded out and you could hear a locking noise like he locked the keyhole.
    I know that a large amount of the scenes in the original trailers werent in the final release, but could someone please try to find video of this trailer.

    I found it disappointing when I got the game that he didnt lock the Keyhole because that was one of the things I was looking forward to... :(

    But why do you think that they cut this from the final release?
    Maybe because they thought putting something like that in the game would end the series too quickly?...
    Thread by: Zyborggian, Oct 28, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX