This is a brand new comic I picked up the other day. It's published by DC under the Vertigo brand, so this isn't an all ages book. And it's not superheroes. The elevator pitch is the book is "Bambi meets Mad Max". It's the story of Gus, a human/animal hybrid who is left to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. It's by Jeff Lemire, a rising indie creator who was popularised by his Essex County Trilogy. I haven't read it, but I would like to when I can find it. The first issue was released two weeks ago, for the simple price of $1. Everyone has $1. Pick the book up, give it a try, and hopefully you'll like it. I thoroughly enjoyed it even though not a lot was revealed, but the tone is set up for the series. And Lemire's art is wonderful. So if you're interested, head into your local comic shop and pick up the first issue. And if you like it, you'll know what to expect from the rest of the series. Here are some informative links: Watch that, three minutes in.,27574,25845958-401,00.html so i hear Texas is a pretty fucked up place. is this the new state delicacy?
you're not /b/. but you're still pretty gay.
hey, if Batman and Captain America's death is considerd news, then why the **** not. Yeah. He's dead.
Back in 2006, DC COMICS launched their first weekly comic book series, 52. This was a milestone for the comics industry because up until then, almost all comics had been monthly. 52 ran for a year, and never missed an issue. It was then followed up by Countdown and Trinity. Both series, never missing a week. And with the conclusion of Trinity this year, DC decided to do something a little more ambitious. Wednesday Comics. The premise, get a bunch of top industry talent and let them play with whatever characters they want, free of continuity and anything else that hinders new readers and let them tell a story serialized over 12 weeks. The idea, to evoke that nostalgia we all had as kids reading the Sunday comics in the newspaper. And today, DC announced via their Blog that they have struck a syndicate deal with USA TODAY. On Wednesday July 8, USA TODAY will print the first strip of John Arcudi's and Lee Bermejo's Superman story. For the following 11 weeks, USA TODAY will post the remaining strips online and promote them in the newspaper. Wednesday Comics itself is still only available at comic shops at present, priced at $3.99 per issue. A project like this is what everyone has been waiting for. You don't need to be familar with the characters, you don't need to know their history or who they are. It's just like those comics you read on Sunday when you were little. Fitting that comics are finally back in the medium where they were created. And while Wednesday Comics itself will only run for twelve weeks, Dan Didio, Editor-in-Chief of DC COMICS, has stated that he would like to see the project continue should it get the amount of attention it deserves. This a big step for making comics accessible again, and who knows, maybe they'll finally be available in grocery stores again.
Not that I expect anyone to reply, since this isn't a Twilight thread but I'm honestly interested to see who here actually reads comics. I am a big time reader of comics. I started back in 2005 with Marvel's Ultimate comics, then branched out to DC around the time of One Year Later and began my undying love for the company. About half way through Civil War is when I joined reading the mainstream Marvel Universe and ditched the Ultimates all apart from Spider-Man. My favourite character is Superman, and I can't begin to tell you how much I'm loving the Superman books at the moment and I can't wait till James Robinson gets back to writing him. Green Lantern is probably my favourite and has been since I started reading it around #10. I think JMS' Thor is probably one of the greatest books being published at the moment and Brubaker's Captain America is one hell of a comic book. Brand New Day completely turned me off Spider-Man and while I hear it's getting better, 3x monthly is still enough to keep me away. So KHV, discuss comic books with me.
Can you name all the characters in that picture? Named: Batman Superman Wonder Woman Flash Hawkgirl Supergirl Aquaman Nightwing Captain Atom Cyborg Metamorpho Captain Marvel Dr. Fate Elongated Man Plastic Man Green Lantern John Stewart Green Arrow Black Canary Hawkman, Powergirl Booster Gold Red Tornado Green Lantern Hal Jordan The Atom Martian Manhunter Still more remaining.
Don Diablo is a DJ out of Amsterdam. I came across him last year at a festival where I had the pleasure of seeing him live. He's pretty ****ing good. Check out Music is My Life, Dream Catch Me remix and Hooligans feat. Example
I was watching a '60 Minutes' type news program last night and it featured quite an informative story on male circumcision. I'd always known that in the past it was done for a variety of reasons be it religious or social or for health reasons that we've now gotten past and thus making the need for circumcision nowadays non-existant. Not the case anymore, apparently. I haven't been able to find the full statistics but I did find the website of the Professor they interviewed and this was a basic "snapshot" of the current health benefits that circumcision provides: • Decrease in physical problems involving a tight foreskin. • Lower incidence of inflammation of the head of the penis. • Reduced urinary tract infections. • Fewer problems with erections, especially at puberty. • Decrease in certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as HIV, HPV, chlamydia, syphilis in men and their partner(s). • Almost complete elimination of invasive penile cancer. • Decrease in urological problems generally. Source: That entire website is actually full of interesting information regarding male circumcision for anyone curious. The original news story can be viewed here: And I thought it was very interesting to hear that in regards to that information, particularly concerning the decrease in HIV transmissions, that the WHO has placed the stance on circumcision as FOR. Anyone want to discuss?
Now I know you've all heard about this movie. You all saw Iron Man, you all saw Incredible Hulk, you know what's going on. I'm sure you all know the story, you've all read the comics, blahblahblah. So you know the plan is to make individual films for (so far) Marvel's trinity, building up to a big Avengers film. So you know about the announced Thor movie and how it's set for release in 2011. Well there's been recent news lately, so I'll just provide an update for any interested. Kenneth Branagh is directing the film (you guys will know him as Gilderoy Lockheart from Chamber of Secrets). Joe Quesada and Brian Bendis have mentioned that they've had discussions with Branagh about the character and they're pretty excited with his attitude. They say he gets it. Which is good, because the introduction of Norse mythology to the Marvel film universe is going to be difficult for some people to get their heads around. And just the other day, the casting information for the two main characters was announced. Chris Hemsworth is in final talks to play the title character, Thor. He's an Australian actor, and his most recent role was that of George Kirk in Star Trek. No word on whether he'll play Donald Blake as well. And Tom Hiddleston is officially confirmed to play Loki. Branagh's worked with him in previous films and plays, and reportedly loves his work. So there you go. Our hero and villian have been announced. What do you think?
It's got everything you need for a great show. Gorilla's riding on Dinosaurs? CHECK. A Bat-belt lightsabre? CHECK. And Aquaman? More like Awesome-Man. OUTRAGEOUS. This is one of the greatest cartoons I've watched. When all the superhero movies are trying to do a darker, more "mature" take of the characters, here comes a show that takes these characters and reintroduces camp and fun. **** yeah. Don't compare it to Batman: The Animated Series. It isn't trying to be that. It's its own show, and it's beautiful.
seriously. you don't like it when people call each other names on internet? tough ****. i call people names in real life, why would i change? so what if i'm a mod on another forum. that's got nothing to do with this. also, when repping someone, make sure it corresponds with the comment. don't tell me to shut up and +rep me. you're encouraging that behaviour, idiot. also, quit hiding behind the fact that it doesn't reveal your name. Game is going to be ****ing awesome. Release date is estimated at sometime in 2010, but that's okay because comic book artist Jim Lee has provided all the character desgins and comic book writers Geoff Johns and Marv Wolfman have provided the story and script for the game. I can't wait.
I can finally post. I swear I registered a month ago and it's taken this long for you guys to approve me? Lazy. Or am I hated here or something? I thought I was the nice mod from KHI. Anyways. I swear I'm not here to cause any trouble. sup dawg.