Well, I knew it would happen eventually. I have too many responsibilities, among which are: Schoolwork. Band practice. Drama practice. Drill team practice. Writing deadlines...oh yeah, I forgot to mention Bite Me may get published. Raider team practice, and LPing. So, it seems I have to depart kh-vids. No, not permanantly. I'll come by a few times, but not to really talk too much. =/ I'll miss you all. ~Ian Oh, and if you're subscribed to my Bite Me story, I'll be updating weekly.
I just hope I'm not the only one who reads this story about 3 teens who attempt suicide, and now reside in a mental institute. o_o My therapist recommended it...is that bad? o_<
Okayy, this topic is mainly about the internet series Red Vs. Blue, but I guess it could involve the color too? Anywayy, pick which side you're on, and basically whichever side has more votes wins. It's late at night, and I'm bored. So sue me. o_<
Chapter 1 :The end: ‘November 2, 1992. I remember that fateful night like it just happened yesterday. Cliché, I know, but it’s true. That was the night my life began its downward spiral into oblivion. And to think I was only two days old. ‘Me and my family, the Draco’s, were standing in the prairie outside our home in Darkesville, Washington, on a rain-drenched dark night. Well, I wasn’t standing. I was resting in my mother’s loving embrace, as I was only two days old…as I previously mentioned. My mother, Andrea, was shivering, but not from the chilly wind going through the courtyard. There were three others in the field besides my parents and I. These people were different from us, as far as I knew. ‘They were vampires. ‘My mother was extremely tired, I remember that. She had just given birth to me days before, so I am surprised how she could be even able to walk. It’s almost…inhuman. Anyway, my father Jacob faced the others, an enraged glare on his face. He bellowed, “Leave this place! Why cant your kind live in peace, as we do?!” The leader, I’m guessing, walked forward to my father, and slapped him across the face. ‘“How can you not live like us? The sweet taste of a human’s blood is invigorating. Just give in, you know it’s tempting!” Jacob drew a .357 magnum from his back pocket, and directed it towards the “heart” of the creature. “Never, as long as I shall live. Leave, before I render you lifeless. Or rather, more lifeless.” ‘The vampire just laughed, and pointed at Andrea, as I started crying in her arms. “Then watch your precious family die in agony.” My mother turned around, to see another vampire, a heavily-built man with silvery hair, smirking, showing his horrific fangs. Father looked the leader in his cold, black eyes, and head butted him straight in the face, knocking him out instantly. He yelled for my mother to run, but she was scared stiff, and just stood there as the vampire behind her beheaded her with one quick slash of his hidden katana. She didn’t even have time to scream. ‘My father, seething with fury, turned and shot the murderer of my mother between the eyes, soaking the ground with brain matter and blood. He swiftly spun and shot the leader in the neck as he was getting up as well. The leader, with his last breath, gurgled out something that sounded like “Kill him, but spare the child!” ‘The third and final vampire, a small boy, quickly jumped forward, and stabbed Jacob in the heart with a small knife. Tears were falling down the boy’s face, but he didn’t even turn toward me. He flung the knife into my deceased mother’s forehead, and disappeared. My father, clutching onto dear life with everything in him, crawled over to me. He kissed me on the forehead, placed a pair of dog tags onto my hands, and whispered, “Tyler Armand Draco. My little Ty.” Then my dear father breathed in his last breath, made his peace with the gods, and closed his eyes, never to open them again. ‘Days later I was awoken by footsteps. The neighboring family, the Andersons, had come to check on us. They knew of the vampires, but were powerless to stop the massacre of my parents. They took me in to live with them, and raised me like their own. I became best friends with their daughter, Marie. She was about my height, and has been for most of our lives. Brunette hair, brilliant blue eyes, and the most gorgeous smile. If I didn’t know she doesn’t feel the same, I’d ask out that girl right this second. But I digress. ‘Marie’s parents disappeared when we were both 13. We’ve lived off of our parents’ swollen bank accounts ever since. We don’t know where they got all this money, or who “I. Kelly” is, who deposits $100,000 into all 4 accounts monthly. But we don’t ask questions. We both go to Castle County High, and are seniors. The outcast orphans, figures. But one thing makes our school, and entire town, different. Half of the population, if not more, are vampires. No one tries to get rid of them, because most are human-loving. I could live with it, if all of them were. But they aren’t. So, I’m planning on getting rid of the evil ones myself. Yeah, good luck me. Vampirism is a disease to me. ‘So, that’s how my life’s been these fast pew…rather, last few years. I hate this keyboard. Really. I’m gonna snap it into pieces. Gah, I’m getting off track…again. Better get some rest…’ I shut down my computer, which I had been writing my memoir on, and retreated to my room. I opened my door, and was welcomed by black walls, red furniture, and a single glowing blue light bulb, which as usual, was busy preventing the darkness from completely enveloping the room. I sat on my bed, and was distracted once again by the springiness of my mattress. I bounced up and down, laughing slightly to myself at how childish I could act sometimes. I sighed, and lay upon my bed, and “slept”. I, for some reason am unable to sleep, even for a minute. Haven’t slept since birth, and I don’t think I ever will, until the day I die. I closed my eyes, and listened to the sounds of the night. In this town, it was police sirens, gunshots, malicious roars of victory, and shrill screeches as someone died, or worse. Eventually, my brain would block out all noise, and let me rest in peace. If peace exists in this pure hell of a city. Little did I know that this was the last peaceful night I would rest in many months. Chapter 2 :Thunderstruck: Morning. Oh, joy. I shook myself out of my drowsiness, and would like to say I opened the shades and embraced the sunlight. But this is Darkesville for a reason. The Arklay mountains block out any and all sunlight from reaching anywhere within the city limits. So I dragged myself into the shower, and began rinsing off my musky smell from the day before. I thought to myself, "Monday. Holy freaking Jesus on a popsicle stick, I have physical training today. I'm gonna smell horrid." So, I put on as much body wash and shampoo as I could and began to burn the scent into my frost-like skin with water set to "molten-lava hot," as Marie called it. Little did I know that Marie was awake, and walking into the bathroom for her daily hours of applying hair products. She stumbled into the room, and tripped, clumsy as she was, and tore off the shower curtain! I somehow shut off the water, grabbed my clothes, and dove out of the bathroom, before she even looked up. I pulled on my clothes as I jumped into my room, slamming the door shut. If I had been able to, I'm sure I would be blushing. I slid my clothes onto my body, and picked up my backpack, not even bothering to check if the correct books were in there. I am always in detention, always for meaningless crap I didn't do, which I'm sure is just the teachers' excuses to not have to look at me. The only one who can actually accept me is Lt. Whitaker, my JROTC teacher. I walked to my car, who I had solemnly nicknamed Sheila. She was a beautifully renovated '87 jet-black Trans Am, with a blood-red interior, my favorite color. She is my beauty. I’d worked on the car for 3 straight years, and only had the finishing touches placed on it a week before. The last add on? Glowing neon-orange gauges, and my own custom-built engine. Since gas prices are such a betch to pay for now, I designed it to have a 27-gallon tank, and get 70 miles to the gallon. Only catch is no trunk, or back seats. I lack friends, so this is no problem to me. I turned the key, and shivered with pleasure at the engine's purr. Just like the first time I successfully started it, that engine has an almost orgasmically awesome voice to it. Almost. I began to drive out of the garage, and opened the moon roof. As I started to pull out of the driveway, I heard Marie scream "Ty, you freaking jerk!!" She dove off of the roof of the house, fell through the moon roof, and landed in the passenger's seat next to me. I glared playfully at her, and smirked, saying, "Dramatic much?" "Shut up, and drive, you prick." She giggled, and punched me on the arm. Being the nice guy I am, I obeyed her wishes, cranked the speakers to 11, flooding the car with the screaming lyrics of Iggy and the Stooges. I pressed my heel to the gas, and we were off like a gunshot. I laughed maniacally as the meter read 78, after only 2 seconds of driving. Her back was pressed against the chair, and I laughed even harder as she screamed for me to slow down. "No chance in hell!" I screamed, and pulled in front of Darkesville High, power sliding into my parking spot. I glanced at the clock. "Hmm, 18 miles in 2 minutes. Not bad." I smiled at Marie, as she slammed the car door in my face, and broke into a run towards the door. I checked the time again. 8:09. 1st block starts at 8:10, and I’m the class leader today. I cursed, and was at the school’s door before I heard my car’s door slam. I jogged to the JROTC classroom, and stood in front of the class, laughing to myself at the stern, yet understanding glare Lt. Whitaker shot in my general direction. “Company, attention!!” * * * * * * * * Finally, lunch. I was exhausted from physical training, and could hardly move a muscle. I dragged myself to the usual table, alone with Marie and her friend Anna. Anna is one of the good vampires. She’s tempted, obviously, but she is strictly hunting for animals. “Hey Marie, hey Anna. What’s up?” Marie gave me that sickeningly sweet smile that I absolutely adore, and kicked a chair over to me. “Sit down, Anna has something to say that I think you’ll be interested in.” I looked over at Anna, her long, black-as-midnight hair shimmering in the sunlight. She was gorgeous, that’s a given, but my heart was set for another. Anna spoke, her voice calming like gentle rain on a steel roof. “I think I may know who I. Kelly is.” I instantly stopped daydreaming, a serious look forcing my usual cocky grin off of my face. “How? We’ve been searching for the answer for months, and we only told you about him, or her, last week!” She grinned, showing those awful fangs, making me shudder involuntarily. “Do you really want to know all the grisly details, or should I stick to the bare minimum?” I sighed, and glanced at the clock. 12:03. Crap, lunch is almost over, and Anna’s a senior as well, but she’s in the advanced course. No classes with her. “You’ll have to tell me after school. My place or yours?” “Your place is a better idea. Lower amounts of ravenous vampires for you to daydream of slaughtering.” She rolled her eyes, and I smirked at her sarcasm. “Just be at my car after school, leech.” I tossed the remains of my food into the garbage, and retreated back to Physical Science. Oh joy. Chapter 3 :She Was Dead: Hours later, I was sitting in my last class of the day, Life Skills. I absolutely abhor this class. So boring. I glare at the clock, hoping my icy blue eyes will somehow convince it to move faster. The time finally snapped to 3:00, and I was out of the class like a sonic boom. I arrived at my car in 15 seconds, which had to be record time since my parking space is about half a mile from the Life Skills classroom. I opened the door, sat inside, and sighed out of boredom. “About time, slowpoke.” I jumped slightly at the voice, and turned to see Anna sitting in the passenger seat. She giggled at the distraught look upon my face, and gently poked my nose. Absolutely adorable. She smiled, and spoke, "Marie couldn't make it, she had volleyball practice. So, looks like it's just you and me." I smirked, and started my car. She shuddered, but it was difficult to determine whether it was from fear or pleasure. "So, this is the famous Sheila. She's loud, isn't she?" I just laughed, and pushed the car slowly onto the highway. That's when the fun started. I cranked the radio to 11, sending the obnoxiously deafening lyrics of one of my favorite songs, Zetsubou Billy by Maximum the Hormone, screaming through the afternoon skies. Stomping my foot onto the pedal, the car careened into 3rd gear, hitting speeds close to 175 miles per hour. I looked over at Anna to see how she was faring, and was amazed to see that she was enjoying it almost as much as I was. I smiled, and eased into cruise control, and just allowed Sheila glide along the arrow-straight road towards my house. Suddenly, it began to pour down raining. Even better luck, we were approaching a very sharp turn through a small town. I turned the car, and Sheila began to hydroplane in circles. A woman screamed, and the car screeched to a halt. "You prick! You almost hit me!" The voice came from a bleach blonde girl, probably in college. I slowly rolled down my window, and looked into her eyes. Somehow, over the rain, I could hear her heart begin to pump ferociously, and a blush came to her small, heart-shaped face. "I'm so sorry mademoiselle, but the rain caused my car to come off of its path. I hope you are unharmed," I spoke in my extraordinarily accurate French accent, making sure to smile beautifully, showing off my brilliantly white teeth. She smiled, and spoke softly, almost a whisper. "It's all right…no harm done…" I smirked, and returned to using my American voice. "Good, then I guess I have no issue with you." I slammed my foot onto the pedal, and Sheila careened back onto the path home, making sure to soak the girl’s Abercrombie pants in mud. Anna smirked, laughing, "You're such an insane *******! I love it!" I blushed slightly, and was thankful that she couldn't see my face. I pulled my car slowly into the garage, and got out, opening her door for her. "How gentlemanly of you," she said. I smirked, "There's a first for everything, you know." I walked into my home, slowly stumbling up the stairs, and opening the door to my dark room. Sitting on my bed, I gazed at Anna's gorgeous figure standing in the doorway. "Come on, my darling. I don’t bite. Hard." Anna giggled, and walked into my room, gazing at the orange-haired "Queen of The Internet" Jeffree Star poster on my wall. "Oh, he's of no harm to you love. He's just beautiful." She sat on my bed next to me, being amused by the fact that my mattress was quite springy. "Immature much?" I bemused, and she glared at me a bit, and suddenly pinned me to the bed by my arms. She blushed abit as I looked up at her. "Someone's obviously in the mood." She laughed, and kissed my cheek. My insides felt like molten lava. "So, I. Kelly. I'm almost 100 percent sure I know who he is." I was so distracted, I wasn’t sure what she had just said, at first anyway. She continued, “My friend Ashley Kelly, remember her? Her dad’s name is Ian, and I found out not only is he a vampire, he’s bloody rich, pun not intended, and knew yours and Marie’s parents.” I remember Ashley, she was one of the nicest vampires…no, nicest people I knew. She was killed while visiting a blood rave with her boyfriend. A blood rave is sort of like a rave, but the vampires heavily outnumber the humans, and eventually one of the bloodsuckers “accidentally” loses control, and feeds on one human, sending the rest in a panic, and the vampires devour the humans while they’re distracted. Ashley had tried to stop the vampires from killing a teenage boy, about 13. Her boyfriend, in his rage and lust for blood, killed her. We’re still searching for him, but we know who the boy was. Me. That's all for now. There's more on the way though. :] Questions, comments, suggstions?? o_o' Also, I hate being censored. -_-'
I'm trying to decide on a name for my guitar, so vote, or post an idea for one! :] Highest vote, or most unique, becomes the name. A pic will be up once I get back. Thanks! ~Iann
I'm being forced to Texas to see my relatives for the holidays. Oh joy. -_- I'll be on only a little bit for the next couple days, then I leave on Sunday, to return on the 3rd... Possibly won't be back here until the 4th though. =/ I'll miss you everyone! Especially you, Skittles. <3 xD ~Iann [For those who didn't read my welcoming thread, thats my name. o_o]
I've had a completely ****** day. My girlfriend was cheating on me with a guy we were trying to get to back off of her. I had to sit through Twilight alone, surrounded by at least 10 couples who kissed every 7 and a half seconds. My Proud save file on KH2 got deleted. My DS went through the washing machine, killing my cartridge of KH-CoM...but that was a few days ago. Anyway, onto the point. I'm doing a 24 hour nonstop gameplay run on KH2, and Kh-CoM. I happened to have a gba emulator on my laptop, and I downloaded a rom for CoM. So, with Mr. Coffee [hijacked from the kitchen] sitting near me, my laptop with a full battery, KH2 ready and waiting, I set off on my gaming binge. Wish me luck? <-<'
I mean, seriously. You go to school to learn, not to care about what people wear. So, someone wears an obscene shirt to school. Big deal. Spaghetti-strap tops? Who cares. As long as the clothing doesn't make like, overly obnoxious noise, tha it should be fine. Opinions on this are welcome. :]
Rules: You have to answer the question of the post above yours, and ask one of your own. Serious answers, plz. Does anyone else actually know what I'm referencing when I say the word "Hurdadurdalur" besides me?
My girlfriend and I have a big problem. 2 of her friends are like, head-over-heels in love with her, and she wants nothing of it. Its beginning to cause much tension, because the guy Brandon wants me gone. And the girl, yeah, she's bi, Courtney, lets Izzy come over to her ohouse, but says I cant come over anymore because her mom "doesn't like me". Izzy called Courtney's mom one day, and found out she really does like having me around. So, I'm angry at Courtney, and tension is building on mine and Brandon's already strained friendship. Help. o_o
Anyone else here play this game? It's pretty hardcore amazing in my opinion.
First, I'd like to explain the meaning behind my name. I'm an old fan of DBZ, and Vegeta was always my favorite character, along with his finishing move Final Flash. You may think this doesn't have much to do with KH, but it does, really, ad I've gotten into the habit of screaming "Final Flash!" every time an enemy is knocked into the air when Sora enters Final Form. Now, for me in general. I'm 15, but I act like I'm 23. I'm completely obsessed with KH2, Axel, and coffee. Mostly Axel though. He's adorable. ;D Anywayy, I'm very friendly, but sometimes can be easily irritated. Mess with me or my friends, and you're as good as dead. If you must call me by name, it just so happens to be Ian. But I prefer being called Ianface. I'm just boss like that. My opinion is that moshpits/headbanging are required for the greatest and most hardcore bands, and shunned upon for the cute and fluffy bands. If you'd ever like to talk, just message me on AIM, on here, or on my Myspace. I look forward to meeting many new friends! X3