dont you just love the people who go into pizza places and order a gigantic pizza and a diet coke? i laugh at them.
Yea, Im bored, so shoot me. ''Theres many a mans mouth broke his nose!'' ''If you spin around 3 times and then slap yourself in the face youll gain 10 IQ points!'' ''you FANCY HIM? OMG! He looks like someoes set his face on fire and put it out with a golf shoe!'' ''What can i say sir, im dead inside.'' ''Congratulations, you just lost 15000 braincells!'' ''Beware of the blue M&Ms'' ''Now is a lousy time to quote Naruto... oh well, BELIEVE IT!'' ''God, ske looks like Ryuk!' i know theres more, she's hilarious in school.
Yea, im aware of how old it is but who here has seen it? Is it any good? Im thinking about buying it. Ive only seen a tiny bit of it (the part where the little kids about to be burned by the hot oil)
She has to live with this guy every day of her life. (yes, thats her brother spinning about 4 times before he hits the water at 90mph from the branch of a very high tree) This one isnt that funny until you know a sewage pipe goes directly into that lake. These were both filmed by RikuRules cousin. Whose name- being the idiot i am- cant remember.
Well anyway, the Drama Teacher had to write reports for her s3 class so she left us with a sub who just let us sit and talk to out friends. Well, half of us started randomly talking anout (wait for it) books halfway through the period and well, this happened. Dean- Has anyone here ever cried at a book? RikuRules13- Nah, Never, I cant cry at books. Me- You can cry at films! RikuRules13- Yea but i cant cry at books, its weird. Aaron- Scott had tears in his eyes when we watched 'Jack' (that movie about a 40 year old kid) in English Me- Oh yea, I remember that. RikuRules13- Youve never let him forget it either. Me- Nope ^^ Derek- Crying at Movies, Kissing me... Im getting worried about that boy! RikuRules13- Oh yea, that toungelock in Music? God that was funny! Me- They didnt kiss! Stop Lying! Everyone else- They Did! Me- OMG!!! How could I have MISSED that!? D= RikuRules13- You had the flu Me- OMG! *pulls RikuRules to the side of the class* i want to know EVERYTHING!!! RikuRules13- youre sick. Me- So what, ok, just tell me. RR- They were fighting, and scott, on purpouse, put his tounge in dereks mouth. Me- OMG!!! What were there faces like? RR- Why do you want to know? Me- TELL ME DAMMIT!!! RR- fine, you know in naruto? Me- yea? RR- the episode you forced me to watch and i ended up liking it? two or three, i think it was. Me- I think it was three RR- whatever, now remember when naruto kissed sasuke? now imagine that theres tounges involved, that naruto looks normal and that sasuke has enough horror on his face for both of them, that sasuke pulled away faster than you under the influence, that after that naruto has a somewhat dissapointed look on his face, sasuke yells ''OMFG NARUTO!!! WTF!!!'', and now imagine its derek and scott. thats pretty much it. and i dont believe i made myself tell you that because frankly, i dont want to remember it. Jamie- what are you two emos TALKING about!? RR- Anime, now go away! Me- <insert hysrerical, insane, very loud laughter here> Sub Teacher- *walks out the classroom, we later found out that she never went back in* Yea, I could get the truth out of anyone, even our dear RikuRules. And everything here is TRUE PEOPLE!!! ask her- *RikuRules13 is in the humiliated corner*
This is you. HA
well, today in school the english teacher was out so we got a sub and she gave us a choice of 2 videos to watch. so we ended up watching titanic (either that or star trek) and near the end when forgethisname dies the sub looks like shes ready to cry and RikuRules13 (yes, we are in each others class in real life) looks ready to die with boredom but then she suddenly comes out with- ''Hey look! Hes got icicles hanging from his nose if you look real close!'' so everyone ends up squinting their eyes and one by one bursting into a fit of laughter. so at the end we end up getting this really looooooooooong lecture from the sub about respect and how titanic is a true story and then RR13 comes out with- ''well what can we say, miss... were all just dead inside'' seriously, every boring class needs a RikuRules13 XD
Ok, Me and RikuRules13 were arguing about this some time ago. Who'd Own Who? The Akatsuki or Orginization 13? I think Orginization 13 would pwn them
HI! Im new here! *huge grin* Im Psycopath but just call me Psyco (dont ask me what was going through my head when I wrote that) Im a Huge KH fan. My Favourite Anime is Naruto *points to avy* I hope I make a lot of freinds ^_^