Nah, I'm just joking. No seriously, I hate you all. Why are you still scrolling down. Expecting a "just kidding" or something? Alright, here's the deal. A zombie apocolypse will occur if you don't stop scrolling down. Woops, too late. The world is screwed. I hope you're happy. I never LOL'd so hard before.
OLD VERSION: NEW VERSION: Honestly, I have no ideas for a signature so I made an avatar instead. Everything was created in Photoshop 8.0 but since I didn't have any experience in ImageReady, I went back to Elements to do the animating. Any questions on what the heck it is and where it's from, feel free to ask. Anyways, CC as usual. :D
10:02, I'm gonna read some more fanfics.
- - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - Nah, I just like getting your attention.
Welcome to my lair. 'Kay, now get out.
...and I remembered that Chapter 8 sucks. For that reason I'm not playing it a third time. Back to LoZ: TP I go... EDIT: Oh yeah, chapter 2 sucks too. I made this crappy thread. Discuss.
Actually, no not really. I just love making thread titles that attract the masses.
I'm not human.
Yeah, try somewhere else.. EDIT: 1 view in only 30 minutes, haha the fake title scared people away! +1 for Suuuunderland!
Well, today I got my copy of Adobe Photoshop CS. The first thing I created was this. Having mild experience upgrading from Elements to this, had me slightly prepared of what to expect. The text was really annoying, so in the end I went with an over-used pixel font. Expect an update with the text soon enough. CC I guess.. FINAL VERSION:
Wait a minute. I'm NOT appologizing.... I mean it was the rabid Sora fanboys that started this!
.................not! Sucker!
Yes, believe it or not, that's my username in another forum. CC please.
Anybody play this? If you don't know what it is, go to and click on Global. I'm a lv. 9 right now. I'm making a new character though because I screwed up and left Maple Island too early.
Let the randomness begin!
Discuss. (Insertin' some random words in here to make six words.)
So what are we going to do?