I've come to a conclusion that I'm a jealous guy when my girl is with her guy friends, it's not that i don't trust her, it's i don't trust them. i want to, but i cant. I get this just empty feeling inside my stomach. I was wondering is there anything i could do to over come this jealousy, I'm just kind of desperate to overcome what i hate being.
Well, I got bored, if you read the title, and i need a new keyboard which sucks:/ CnC? V2 Colored V3
This is a song i made for my girl:) I hope she likes it when she finally listens to it, but tell me what you think? http://youtu.be/sa_KkAKoyt4
I was talking to a friend who is a friend of my gf(i didnt know they were friends) and i was talking to them...heres the conversation Spoiler I dont want to believe it, because this is the first girl i can honestly say i love her and value her more than my own life. I'd do anything for her...Yesterday was my birthday...well she was my first everything, and ****...i dont know if i can deal with not having her...im a guy...not supposed to cry...but i am right now...just Fml.
Alright, so i met this girl about a month ago, and we hit it off pretty well, things got going, but she had a Boyfriend, so i wanted to keep it strictly a friendship as to not ruin her relationship with the guy. a week passed and i met another girl, we are currently in a relationship, but things have already started to sour between me and her, she just doesn't seem to talk much anymore, when i ask her about it, she doesn't say anything to me. If things already weren't bad enough, the first girl's bf broke up with her and she called me one night after my gf went to sleep, and i do what i was taught, i do the best i can to comfort her and make her feel better, and idk, i think something clicked in mine and her's brains. shes got another boyfriend, but we still talk, as if there isn't anything else. I feel ****** about the whole thing and i don't know what choice to make. Because my heart says what i'm doing is wrong, but in the back of my head, there's something holding me to both of these girls.
Inspired...Sort of... By Cody's Joker tutorial. CnC I like Black and White, because i think it adds more contrast to the image, and this one started so dark, it only seemed fair to do it in B&W
Well...Yeah, i like Jimi Hendrix, so i decided to get a pic of him, and this is what i came out with, CnC V1 v2
Well i was listening to some Red Hot Chili Peppers, and it made me remember my childhood, because i grew up on them. so i found an old picture of myself and touched it up a little bit, spot the out of place thing in it. But yeah here it is. EDIT: I know it's not impressive, i don't really care, if it was a sig i would've spent more time on it, and make it abit more jazzy, but it's not, it's supposed to be minimalistic...sort of.
I felt like doing an anime tag, So why not start with the first anime show i ever watched, Bleach. It's always been cool doing bleach stuff, but nvr have i found it in 3D, or so called 3D. so CnC and all that jazz(old?) Edit: Render. Spoiler http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/146/8/b/3D_Bleach_render_by_magemoa.png
So i got a Girlfriend, quit World of warcraft, Got Photoshop, Got some new friends, acouple of dogs, and i have been working on my artistic side a bit more lately. oh, and i turned 15, a couple of months ago. Surrealism? Spoiler PARKOUR... Desktop Spoiler Magic Hat. Not my best attempt, but the only one i remembered to save. Spoiler Idk what to call it. Spoiler At this point i was just messing around, i was just bored over spring break.( It might seem bright on some computers, its meant to be a rly dark picture and that's how i saw it on my comp.) Spoiler I might have posted this b4 Spoiler
been away for so long, but it seems only yesterday. i've been getting back into the swing of things, or trying to. Any CnC on these?
I missed this forum abit so i broke out Photoshop and made this Kinda went along with misty's last gimp sig tut, but then branched off of it Any CnC would be apreciated After learning more about PS cs5 i fixed this up abit Border didnt look good in color
it reminds me of Childs Play
CnC i kinda screwed up the bottom of her arm, so here is v2
2 in one week, a new record for me. CnC
where are some good websites to learn, xml, css, javascript, php, and any others, please no html, i already know that.
yeah, idk how i came up with this. but yeah the title says it, any CnC
anybody seen this yet, it's from clive barkers book titled, well, the midnight meat train. it's good until you get to the end, that was, well, disturbing.
I come from the water I crawled upon the shore I left my brothers there I got what I came for I sucked that hot air in And rolled upon the sand Emerged beneath the sun To be a man. I come from the water I come from the water That weren't no easy thing It's more than nature It's like my destiny I stood upon these legs And held my head up high Emerged beneath the sun To start a new life I Come From the water Life in the desert Just to be together The sand forever The same forever It moves beneath me It pulls my body My pulse beats hotter So far from the water I love to see the sun In spite of all it's done I pray for shade and rain I pray to live again I come from the water --------------------- One of the best bands i have heard in a long time
lol i think i still have it, emphasis on THINK. CnC ▐▀▌<its a house