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  1. Sophia_Esteed061289
    For those who do not know, these are PSP remakes of the very first Star Ocean game , originally for SNES (First Departure), as well as a remake of The Second Story originally on Playstation (Second EVolution). I just also hope they remake Blue Sphere, originally for Game Boy Color of all places, for teh DS or PSP...

    Square Enix has announced the release dates to NTSC-U/C regions for BOTH games:

    - First Departure: Oct 21, 2008
    - Second Evolution: Jan 6, 2009

    PAL dates have been unconfirmed. Even so, I'm so hyped. <333
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Jun 26, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. Sophia_Esteed061289
    I saw in the "total visited members" list, the banned member "Roxas-". Why did he pop up as being online when he's well, banned? Check it out...
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 5, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Only one I've played is RO. *needs to pay soon* Speaking of RO, anyone know private servers that don't make things too easy OR too hard, friendly GMs, and are as close to kRO or (better) iRO as possible?
    WoW....not too interested but I'd KILL to meet Leeroy Jenkins xDD
    FFXI.....thinking about it.
    MapleStory - looks fun but I don't like the visuals too much

    Any others you suggest?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Sep 2, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Gaming
  4. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Anime Expo 07 and ahead.

    From ADV Films:
    Devil May Cry: the Animation
    Gurren Lagann (yup they got it)
    Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora (aka Kyoshiro and the Eternal Sky)
    5 cm per Second
    Venus Versus Virus

    Geneon Ent:
    Shakugan no Shana OVAs
    Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha/A's

    Code Geass
    My-Otome Zwei

    Ouran High School Host Club
    The *NEW* One Piece

    FFVII Last Order

    NANA tv series
    Honey & Clover (uhh I think Viz has it)

    These are all the licenses of anime by company I remember anyway. Not one DVD for ADV's Kyoshiro or Geneon's Nanoha yet, but I hope the first DVDs will be in by at least Dec...
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Aug 30, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  5. Sophia_Esteed061289
    *dies* TOO MUCH YAOI...NOT ENOUGH YURI!! Shojoai needs love too you know? Nothing against shonenai fans though...

    My favorite GL/yuri animanga are Kannazuki no Miko by Kaishaku and Yami to Boshi to Hon no Tabibito by Carnelian. =3 WHat about you?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Jul 23, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. Sophia_Esteed061289
    With all the yaoi/shonenai/BL animes being dicussed, I thought I'd diversify it and discuss a yuri/shojoai/GL title!! Which is odd coming from a girl...

    *cough* Anyway:

    The anime is out now dubbed by Geneon, and some manga and be found in scanslations online. Basically, two girls, Chikane and Himeko, must become the priestesses of the Moon (Chikane) and Sun (Himeko) in the advent of a war. Shojoai/yuri/GL aside, it's got some scifi/fantasy incorporated in it. Mechs, outer space occasionally.....When you think of it, there's even a love triangle as Himeko is torn between her boyfriend (you see him in the OP sequence) and her fellow priestess Chikane! Oh yes and there is TONS of ANGST.
    <333 Bring tissues is all I can say.

    The music is also mindblowing. The opening and ending are sung by I've sound artist KOTOKO, and she even contributed "Suppuration -core-" as an insert song as well! Give them a listen when you're able to. ^^
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, May 25, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Not counting Spanish, there are WAY TOO MANY that I know....

    ANy good artists in the world music biz, i.e. Jpop, Cpop, Jrock, Kpop, Russian pop (saw an AMV with a Russian pop song called "Reflections" and LOVED IT), etc.?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, May 6, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Music
  8. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Hehe, what if Nomura decided to incorporate NON-FF but still Squeenix characters in the next game? He could even incorporate characters from the Enix side, not just Square!
    If so, which characters would you like to see!? As for me:
    From the Square side:
    - Sion (or whatever his name is) of The Bouncer (never played the game though)
    - Crono from Chrono Trigger
    Any character from any fo the SaGa games would suffice...

    From the Enix side (since it IS Square Enix, yo):
    Fayt, Maria and Sophia "the three children" from Star Ocean Till the End of Time, maybe Albel as Hades' new "recruit"....
    Claude, Rena, Dias and Ashton from SO: The Second Story
    Jessica from Dragon Quest 8
    The main hero (Jack, was it?) and heoine of Radiata Stories
    Lenneth, Silmeria and Hrist of the Valkyrie Profile games
    Tio from Grandia II
    Yuki (I think that's the hero's name) of Grandia III
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Apr 30, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Sophia_Esteed061289 I researched Marvel's character on GameFAQs, I noticed she sold her body to an ancient race to avenge her murdered family. However, she seems to have a connection to Joshua Jerand's abducted sister Elise -- a connection she seems to protect at all costs, even if it means death. WHen you visit the roon with Elise frozen in a blcok of ice, and both Marvel AND Joshua are in the party, Marvel will say something about fighting you, Elise becomes free, and both Elise and Marvel "cease to exist". Likewise, if you have neither Joshua nor Marvel, Elise will break free and vanish, and so will Marvel back in Ecdart. What do you think is the connection btwn those two?

    I believe Elise was the "binding contract" that made Marvel continue to exist in Roak. If Elise ever became free, both she and Marvel would die.

    Just who IS Marvel, really?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Apr 12, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  10. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Just as I was watching the scene where Cloud gives Sephiroth the Black Materia, I noticed something I didn't before....Seph's missing his lower half! I wonder why.... I mean, it's not like Cloud sliced him in half as he fell into the Mako mass or something...I think?

    Feh but who cares! What's left of him is practically naked! x) *brick'd*
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Apr 12, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Anyone heard of this? I really like this anime. Think Card Captor Sakura witha serious sci-fi edge. My favorite characters are Nanoha, Fate, and Hayate (Hayate is from A's.) I can't wait for subs of the third season (StrikerS)!
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Apr 6, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  12. Sophia_Esteed061289
    According to what Pete said before you fought Scar in the Pride Lands, Scar became a Heartless when you're about to fight him, even though his body was still there. Do you suppose he would have had a Nobody as well?

    Also, the other 6 princesses. Since Kairi is the only "Princess" with a Nobody (Namine), wouldn't Alice, Aurora, Belle, Cinderella, Jasmine and Snow White have Nobodies as well? Assuming they lost their hearts like Kairi, did not lose their body or become a Heartless, and their Nobodies are not part of the Organization.
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Nov 25, 2006, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Sophia_Esteed061289
    What do you suppose their names were when they were human?
    Saix - Isa or Asi or Ais or Ias or Sai
    Axel - Alex? or Lea or Ale or Ela
    Demyx - Myed
    Luxord - Ulrod or Dulro
    Marluxia - Lumaria or Marilua
    Larxene - Relena (Gundam Wing lol)

    What do you guys suppose?
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Nov 17, 2006, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Sophia_Esteed061289
    Yeah. xD
    I have:
    Star Ocean 2 and 3
    Final Fantasies I, II, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2. Thinking of buying DoC and XII.
    Dark Cloud/2
    Xenosaga eps I and II (thinking of getting III)
    Legend of Dragoon *shot*

    Thinking of buying:
    FF3 DS
    FFIV and FFV Advance (when will FFVI Advance come out?)
    Radiata Stories
    Dragon Quest VIII
    Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth and VP:Silmeria
    Any Mana game (thinking of getting the one(s) for DS)
    Are the SaGa and Grandia games any good?
    Tales of the Abyss and the previous Tales for PS2 (doesn't have a GC, but may buy one)
    Baten Kaitos (if I get a GC)

    Asiist me, please, and feel free to suggest some more!
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Nov 16, 2006, 5 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. Sophia_Esteed061289

    Boo. x3

    Yeah. I'm known as Sophia Esteed back @ KHI. I <3 all things anime, Japanese, and of course SQUARE ENIX~ My fav games right now are KH2 and Star Ocean 3~

    So...WELCOME ME!!! Or else.....:eek: kidding about the last part xD!
    Thread by: Sophia_Esteed061289, Nov 15, 2006, 10 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures