Think about it, Herc calling himself a washout, Namine saying Roxas is not sposed to exist(Abortion refrence), and many more things that make even cloud's story look like a tormented childhood involving michal jackson.
((Ya I was Bored XD)) PLOT: Sora visits TWTNW a little too early and has himself caught in the crossfre that is Deep Dive. See what really happened to Roxas and Riku in the fight that never was. HOW TO JOIN: No experince is required. Nuff said. CAST CALL Sora - Riku - Roxas - king ((feel free to join in as any charcter)) ((Yes, This is a little short, but this is my first time))
KHCOM is just a port with a diffrent plot (Really just the word heart replaced with memory). Don't f with me about Castle Oblivion, Namine, Reverse Rebirth, DiZ, ETC. It's just a game demoted to a handheld and you know it.
Hi, My name is king, and I'm new here. Ya, that's about it.