I have a habit of writing down random lyric/poem ideas whenever im bored. And I figured I might as well post something here for some cnc. So, anyone has time to give me their thoughts, I would appreciate it. Love, is such a fickle thing It can be born through the simplest or most complicated ways And I feel, it's touch Most often every day So ever inviting if created the right way But once you look past the surface And see what's underneath It may not be what it had first seemed So learn the difference, And know when to let it go Because the reality is that not all things are worth fighting for So keep looking Until the time is right Keep looking till' you find a love that's worth holding out for
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8qWGPSfz6Y&list=UU4vkf9ar6EG0HtKn_DS9XDA&index=1&feature=plcp Just uploaded my newest AMV/Beta. Thoughts and such would be greatly appreciated :D
So, I just realized I had my account stuck at 499 posts for the past few years since I've been inactive and I figured I would post something to get it to 500. And now that I've done that, I was just wondering if anyone even remembers me lol (Just for the record too, I'm not planning on coming back to being active in the forum. This is just a quick thing I'm doing because I'm bored >.>)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gMBkPt0pToc&list=UU4vkf9ar6EG0HtKn_DS9XDA&index=3&feature=plcp Not going to lie, I just noticed I've been stuck at 499 posts ever since I left this site(not really the whole site, just the forum side lol). Sooo, here's my random post to get me to 500 lol Also, if anyone does happen to like my AMV, feel free to check out my others :D
Well I think it's about time I take my depart. Well first off i'm not leaving because of any problems in my life or anything of that sort. It's just that..well schools starting again and I feel I really should really be on top of things this year. And also..well like alot of people who leave they usually get pulled back here because they can't stand leaving this place..well I think at the time in my life where I can deal with not coming back which I think would be good for me. Not that I won't miss all of you, which I will..it's just..yah lol. Well..I would right a little messege for everyone but if your my friend i'm sure you would know what I would say. Well I geuss that's it..I might come back and visit everyone now and then..but if I do it's not going to be like once every week or anything like that...well I suppose that's all. I'll miss everyone alot, later(z)
Okay, first off. The story take place in the future where 99% of the worlds population has been killed in a atomic war. And all that's left of the world is one gaint city where the rest of the worlds population lives. All except for the "Rebels" Who are a group of people who live past the city's gates into the toxicated land of the dead. For centuries the "Rebels" have been trying to break past the city's walls so they can claim the city as their own. But are constantly stopped by a organization known as the S.I. But the interesting thing about S.I.'s warriors is that the're all around the age of 17. And the way they get these super soldiers, even more interesting. During the night S.I. agents steals babies from the hosptitaly and tell the parents that there child died because of natural causes, After this they take them to this facility. In the facility they let the kids grow up all teh while they sart to train them through rigerous tests. And pretty much for the kids they no no different since they have been there there whole life. All they know is that once they reach the age of 17they are taken out of the facility to fight on the frontlines against the "rebels" Also the kids who are at the facility (The ones stolen at birth) are expected to only show minimum expression of emotions. Things such as love, and grief shall be treated harshly. They are also punished for imagining things such as there real parents, who they are given no information of. And that's pretty much the story. Here the character format (I will have it so people can be Rebel's later in the story) Also the people here don't have magicall powers or anything. But it is in the future so there is futuristsic guns, ect. ooc name: Character name: appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Bio: Other: ooc name: Knightshade Character name: Fayte appearance: Personality: Although he knows he's not supposed to show emotions of love or effection he often goes against these rules, even though he knows he will be punished. Strengths: Is extremmely agile. Weaknesses: Isn't very strong Bio: Has a secret hope of somehow escaping into the city. Other: nope ooc name: Knightshade Character name: Nero appearance: an average man of 30 years old. His face is always emotionless. Personality: extremely strict and will go to any extremes to make sure the trainees show no emotions. Strengths: Is extremely fast. Weaknesses: at times can not control his emotions Bio: Is the leader of the organization Other:
For the people of Bixby there is a secret hour that only exists for a few select people who were born at midnight can experiance. And during this hour the rest of world is frozen in time allowing the nithinglings to come out. Which are a dark group of beings that roam the secret hour. Although they ususally live towards the outskirts of town they sometimes attack with no warning. Although the nithlings are powerfull the people who can enter the secret hour have special powers that come out in the secret hour that allow them to protect themselves. Sooo...first off it's based off the book "The Midnighters" And for the story it's pretty much everyone going through their lifes (School, ect.) and then at midnight the secret comes and they can use all their powers, and hang out ect. I'll try to come up with more of a story as it progresses...oh and a few more important things. Things that really hurt the nithlings are iron, metal, and also 13 letter words...(they hate all things that come in 13's) Okay, rules...if you cuss please use *....like Cr*p (You wouoldn't have to it it for crap though lol) Kissing and everything is fune but please keep it pg-13 don't kill other peoples people without their permission no godmodding.... and that's about it.... Played By: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Biography Personality: power: Other: ~ Played By: Knightshade Name: Fayte Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: Biography: During the day Fayte is usually quite and is always thinking of what he can do during the secret hour. Personality: Very outgoing and happy but at certain times can be extremelly shy power: can fly
http://video.kh-vids.net/video/f4c221ec-7d2f-44ce-bfbe-9aae00e07ffd.htm I just made this as an intro but i'm thinking of maybe finishing it and making it a full AMV...any thoughts on what I should do
There a new band that just came out this year. It's pretty much like a hardcore version of Evenescence where the lead singer is a girl and the backup singer is scremo. Amazingly enough their singing goes perfectly together. Also for listening to it on the ipod it has their singing on different speakers wihch just totally increases the awesomeness of the song. Okay if you haven't heard of them heres the song I would recommend. Reach. (Also the name of their album) For this song it really has a great combo of the two singers. But it mostly focuszes on the girl singer. Link= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4jL5ZhYl6o and i'm to lazy to write more info so heres a list of my favorites on the album. Liar in the glass= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahym5lWIG1w sketch in black white= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4JmbgZXxqA Darling (Has a load of the scremo singer I believe)= http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-yvlwW6hOc
Yeah...I have created a full detailed explanation of how to make an AMV. from getting clips to editing and everything. Here is all you need to know. Okay now here are the steps for making a kingdom hearts (kh) AMV 1. If you are making a kh AMV you will probably download a load of clips. So I would suggest making a folder on your computer called kingdom hearts. Just so you can save all your kh clips there once you download them. 2. Go to kh-vids.net http://www.kh-vids.net/ 3. Click on the link named cutscene archive (If you can't find it here is where it leads) http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=archivev3 4. Here it will show where to get the scenes from each game. So first off we are going to download one of the most used clips. The kh2 opening. So first go to the link saying cutscene archive Make sure the click the one below the picture saying kingdom hearts 2 5. This should bring you here http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=kh2cutv3 And here it shows where to download all of the kingdom hearts 2 clips and since we are downloading the kh2 opening first we will do that. So find the box (It should be the second one) that says (Video | Introduction) and below it is a load of info. Like ((((Description: A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. Length: 05:03 Filesize: 18.69 MB View: WATCH NOW... Download: )))) And by the part where it says download should be a little picture. Click that and it should open up a new page. (This one) http://files.filefront.com/01+KH2+Opening+Englishwmv/;5470346;/fileinfo.html 6. On this page it should say 01_KH2_Opening_English.wmv right below that it should say download now. Click that and a little box should open up. It should have 3 options. Cancel, save, or open. You should click save and then another box should open up. And this box has all the folders ect. for your computer. Well remember the folder you name kingdom hearts in the first step? Go there and once you click that folder and get into it you press save (Which should be at the bottom of the box by cancel) 7. So now your video should load. Which will take a few minutes depending on your computer. And once it's done it will say download complete (Or something like that) So then just press okay or cancel so the box dissapears. 8. Okay congratulations you now have your first kh clip. I know exciting right? (Yes this is the whole step.....so go eat a muffin or something...exciting...o.0) 9. Now your almost ready to make an AMV. But without a program to do that you are screwed. So go to your program list or whatever and find a thing called windows movie maker. Since you have a pc it should already be on there. 10. Once you open windows movie maker you can look at it a little just to understand what it is. At the right you see a blank screen. at the bottom is a timeline thing. And at the left is a bar called tasks. Which has a lot of stuff underneath it. (Such as import, edit, and publish to) 11. Since we want to use your kh clip you downloaded you click on import media. Which should be near the top left of the screen. 12. Once you click on that a box should pop up. Look inside of it and find your folder you made called kindom hearts. Open that up and inside should be the kh2 opening you saved into there. Double click on it and let it load into windown movie maker (WMM) 13. Now put your mouse over the folder (Which should be in the blank space in the middle) So hold down the mouse over it and drag it into the timeline. (The thing at the bottom of the wmm screen. It also might say storyboard. If it doesn click on it and change it to timeline) 14. Now wait a moment to let the video load into there (It might take a minute at the most) Now you have finished one of the hardest parts, congrats 15. Now since the kh2 opening is kinda big you should shorten the length of the video. So at the fight of where you put your video should be a plus and minus. Keep clicking the minus untill you can see the whole video clip in the timeline. 16. Okay now this is where editing comes in. To get just the clip you want you need to get rid of the other stuff. So put your mouse over one of the edges of you video clip (Preferabley the begginng part) and hold down on it and move your mouse over to the side so the clip is shorter This gets rid of the parts that you whent past (Sorry if this part is hard to understand) 17. So now you are missing one of the biggest part in making an AMV...the music. So for downloading music there are a few do's and dont's. Such as iTunes. If you bought a song off of iTunes store you can't use it because they have everything copywrited to only work on iTunes and iPod's. As for limewire, I don't have it but I'm pretty sure you can music from there. (I would suggest you don't get lime wire if you don't have it now though) 18. But since i'm lazy i'm going to just tell you this for now. Since you have the kh2 opening you can use the song from that. (Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru) (Since you now how to edit videos to make them shorter ect. lets just delete the video you have in your timeline now) 19. So now what we are going to do is drag the video into the timeline. But unline last time we are going to bring it into the little part where on the side it says audio/music. So instead of seeing the clip it shoud look like little squiggles and stuff in the bar for the vid. 20. Okay so since it is the opening you need to cut down the clip so it starts out at the song. And not the beggingin thing. (It says a scattered dream that like a far off memory ect.) 21. Okay so now just cut down the video to have parts that go along with the song. Since you only have this kh clip I would suggest you go back here http://www.kh-vids.net/index.php?page=archivev3 and download some more. 22.Another thing to now that is to look at the side of the WMM screen. And find effects and transitions. Click on effect for now and you should see a lot of stuff pop up. To use the effect just drag the boxes (With the effect name on it) and drag it to your kh clip and drop it right behind the clip. 23. Now i'm going to let you play around with it and if you have any other questions just just ask here.
I entered this tournement (Binks Kingdom Hearts AMV Clash) and I am stuck between two version of an AMV I made and I can't decide which one to enter. So...which one do you think I should enter. This one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=et3p6Q20BKw or this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3sDUkOp6agw
::.Y0u Ha>e 7 Day5.:: You have 7 days to survive and each day brings new dangers and surprises for you are now in the reapers game. Wether you like it or not you must fight to survive to pass the reapers intense tests. For if you do not complete their tests you face Immanent erasure and that's not all. As the reapers choose people to play their games they take away one of the things that that person most desires. May that be a stuffed toy or even a memory. In this game partnering up is also a key part. For in the game your only weapon you have to protect yourself against the reapers creatures, the noise, is a pin. But this pin holds a certain that varys for every person. It could hold the power to read peoples mind, create fire, or anything of that nature. But it can only be used if you have a partner or else it's powers will be very weak. So pretty much it's based off "the world ends with you" but if you haven't played the game that's alright because I don't want anyone to have people from the game. So pretty much it's going to have a bit different storyline from the game but the same theme. Heres the character format. Also if you a reaper you have to get the okay from me but since I only want a few. And you can have up to 2 people. ooc name: Character name: Reaper/player(People who are stuck in the game) appearance: Personality: The thing they hold dear that has been taken from them to play the game (You can reveal this later if you want to) Pins power (You can have up to 2 pins): Bio: Other: ooc name: Knightshade Character name: Nero Reaper/player: Reaper appearance: Personality: Is very quite and often does not show up unless it is needed to for he is the leader of the reapers. Although he is quite he can sometime lose his temper easily and will go off on a rampage killing anything in site...including other reapers. Pins power: He has no pins but he has control over fire. ooc name: Knightshade Character name: Fayte Player appearance: Personality: Has a bright upbeat personality but is always willing to accept reality for what it is. The thing they hold dear that has been taken from them to play the game: His ability to see Pins power: Can see through thermal vision and has telekenisis ooc name: Knightshade Character name: Roxas Reaper/player: Player appearance: Personality: Is very cheerfull and is allways willing to help people The thing they hold dear that has been taken from them to play the game (You can reveal this later if you want to): Will be revealed later Pins power (You can have up to 2 pins): Can read peoples thoughts and can turn invisible Extra: Knows a lot about the game
I kinda got a D in math last semester....and this semester is going just as bad. Now don't get me wrong i'm not bad at math...well okay I am. But my teacher is giving me f's on a load of my homework for some reason and a load of other crap. But unto the main topic. My parents are kinda freaking out and are giving me a tutor and have decided that the computer is wasting my time as well....so untill I can get my math grades up and keep them that way for a while I am grounded from the computer. So i'll try to get my grades up (obviously) and then I can come back to the site. I'll occasionally sneak on but probably not that often. Try not to miss me to much, laterz o.0
http://video.kh-vids.net/search/the+pretender/0/66ba036e-4d72-43d0-9bdd-9a61016bf685.htm Heres a beta of my newest video. A tried out a couple of new styles so I was just wondering of what you guys think so far and what I could change.
Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I was just wondering if anyone knows where you can download Death Note clips?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-AHmOe0h6U What do you guys think of FOB's cover of the song. I'm not really into Michael Jackson' songs but I think Fall Out Boys cover sounds really cool. What do you think?
As you can probably tell my poem are mostly based on 3 days grace songs. Also about this poem I wrote it when I was pretty deppressed but I feel a lot better now so no need to worry. And now here it is. ~ My heart and soul and mind are all becoming blind as they slowly fall behind ~ Bewitched everyday I just want to lie away I think to myself as I slowly start to fade ~ Now I start to weave the lies of my defeat now I can only heave a simple sigh of relief ~ Not sure what whent wrong why I wrote this song all I know is i've waited to long ~ now all I can see is this forbidden land as I sift through the sand with my cold white hands ~ now I can only heave a sigh as I slowly start to die so many pointless lies why I want to die?~ ~
Okay for some reason I can't log into the user portal and yes I have already made an account on there so....does that mean I have to make a new account(Wihich I really would not like to do since I have like 6 AMV's on this account) or what.......? EDITS: Okay....for some reason it let me log in again. So I geuss everythings fine now. I'll just post here if it happens again I suppose RE edits:.....okay it let me log in and then I whent to upload a AMV. And when it finishedd the loading bar thing I got the error I keep getting. Heres what it says
Does anyone know what scene it was where it shows Axel and the little cage with the Namine doll?
Heres my first sig that I have ever made. I used gimp so it's not the best in the world but hey it's better then paint lol. Cnc ~ Version 2