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  1. Goofy
    Uhm... Can anyone tell me the following?

    Is there an object in Yen Sid's tower (with the fairies) that describes Limit Form?
    If so, what does it say?
    When in Halloween Town, and in Limit Form, what does Sora's mask change to?
    When in Timeless River, in Limit, what changes about Sora or his HP/MP/Drive bar?
    When in Space Paranoids, in Limit, what color do Sora's circuits glow?
    Does Genie have a Limit Form?
    Thread by: Goofy, Jul 5, 2007, 25 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Goofy
    Uhm... suppose I wanted to play an imported copy of KH2FM+ & KHreCoM... I definitely couldn't even make it PLAY on an American PS2 right? Well, is it maybe possible to make this work if I changed the settings of the PS3 to accomodate Japanese... anything?
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 23, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Goofy
    Ok, so.. I've been wondering, what are the three island-keybladers able to do now?? I mean, how will Sora & Roxas co-exist, or Kairi & Namine'? Does Sora have any new abilities now that he's 100% completely combined with Roxas now? What about Kairi? She just reunited with her Nobody at the end of the game, so has she gained any new powers maybe? Can she continue to wield that Keyblade that Riku gave to her? And what of Riku? The darkness between the 3 seems to not be dangerous anymore... Sora has his Anti-Form to keep his darkness in check, Kairi is a princess of heart, and Riku has pretty much exhausted his powers of darkness throughout the games... He can't even open Corridors of Darkness anymore, but for whatever reason, he can still use Dark Firaga and Dark Shield...
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 17, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Goofy
    Uhm, this may be a dumb question, but in the scenes where Axel comes to get Kairi, and Pluto follows him, who is opening the Corridors of Darkness? I can see Riku sometime after, but is he the one opening them, and the King is just whistling through them, and they both are running/hiding before Pluto and Kairi can see them as they go through them, or is Mickey doing all that with Riku by his side?
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 12, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Goofy
    Ok, this is in part a discussion and in part a game. Ok, I'll explain how I see the darkness in a particular character's heart, and how to exploit it. If I can, I'll name a known Heartless that I think the darkness in his or her heart would take the form of. AND, if I believe he or she would spawn a Nobody, if I can, I attempt to either name a known Nobody, or conceive a Nobody name for the character, either freeform, pertaining to the character's name (Kai / Umi means "ocean", while nami means "ocean wave") or if you must, a Nobody name for an organization member... And only if you're feeling creative, it's ok to describe said Nobody if it is more advanced than the regular enemy Nobodies. Then I will name any existing character I like, and the forum member who posts after me must do all the same. The only characters you cannot choose for the next poster include the Princesses of Heart, Xehanort's Heartless, Organization XIII, and Namine', as they are too pure for corruption, or have no hearts at all.

    Ok, I see Beast's darkness as his sorrow and despair over his situation, of being a hideous beast, and the unlikeliness that someone could love him as he is, and possibly guilt over what he had done, which caused all of his people to suffer as well. Also, rage caused by the insecurity that is also caused by his depression... I would exploit his darkness by assuring him that his fears ARE founded, and that he's right, no one CAN ever love a beast, and break down his resolve / esteem, and if that works too slowly, I'll do as Xaldin did, and enrage him, by putting it into a hurtful tone, or even harming him via taking the rose and/or Belle. His Heartless form would likely be a Shadow Stalker (the one that transforms into Dark Thorn) and he likely would make a Nobody, as Donald, Goofy, and Xaldin surmised, with a name close to "mutt", or something of the like. If not, something like a Berseker Nobody, or possibly even a Twilight Thorn.

    Donald Duck.
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 12, 2007, 116 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Goofy
    Hm... ya know how Flora (the red fairy) said that just like Sora himself, his clothes need friends to tap into their powers? (drive particularly) Well, so far, I've noticed all the party members Sora's had with him have been his friends.... Except, Auron. Is he really a friend of Sora's, or merely an ally?
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 9, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Goofy
    Ok, just think about it, I'm sure every character has characterized him or herself by simply saying one thought or emotion provoking thing once, or one catchy/annoying thing constantly. Name as many characters as you're familiar with, and beside him/her/it add a phrase that you associate with that character.

    Auron: "This is my story, and you're not part of it" (I also always remember the rest of that conversation: Hades: "Do you know who you're TALKING to?! I'm the LORD OF THE DEAD!" Auron: "No wonder no one wants to die")

    Xigbar: "As if" / "Armed and reloaded"

    Sora: "My friends are my power" / "That's the power of the Keyblade!" / Roxas??

    Ansem: "Revenge"

    Kairi: "No! I won't let him go!"

    Axel: "Got it memorized?"

    Demyx: "Dance Water Dance!"

    Xemnas: more than "Hearts are power", or "Embrace...nothing", I HAVE to remember Xemnas solely by his "GUARD!"

    Saïx: "Moon, shine down!"

    The King: "Light, give me power!"

    Oogie: Come on, baby!

    Maleficent: I am the mistress of all evil!!
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 9, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Goofy
    Ok, besides the simple question of "What surprise does his majesty have for us this time?!: or the complex "Who is this guy, and this guy, and this chick in the secret movie??", I have a questionable thought... err... a thoughtful question. Now permanently combined with their Nobodies... How will Sora & Kairi function now? Roxas apparently manifests from within Sora, as does Namine' with Kairi.. So, how will Sora & Kairi go on with other identities going on inside them? Can Sora hear Roxas now? Can Kairi mentally/spiritually communicate with Namine'? What of their powers? Namine' had supernatural re-memorization powers as a Nobody... Roxas had more Keyblades (which is I guess why Drive allows you to dual-wield I think) so can the Somebodies tap into their talents? Is Sora's best friend 100% Riku, or does Roxas maybe still miss Hayner? What of memories? Does Sora remember CoM now? Can Kairi recall Namine's being subjected to Marluxia at Castle Oblivion???
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 8, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. Goofy
    Hm... I thought about this while thinking about characters fusing, (lol how lame.) but, if you were to imagine other characters besides the main Keybladers to have Keyblades of their own, which existing keychain do you think they would use?


    Leon: Lionheart, OR Waking Lion
    Tarzan: Jungle King
    Hercules: Olympia, or Hero's Crest, or dual-wield both
    Hades: Olympia, or Fatal Crest, or dual-wield both
    Cloud: Metal Chocobo, or Fenrir
    Aladdin: Three Wishes, or Wishing Lamp, or dual-wield both
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 7, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. Goofy
    Imagine a scene(s) in one of your favorite movies, (preferably live-action) as if the movie's universe was turned into that of Pokemon.

    Example: In Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, Captain Barbossa had a pet Aipom, or Dead Man's Chest, Davy Jones controlled a Tentacruel, either that or a REALLY big Octillery.
    Thread by: Goofy, Jun 3, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Discussion
  11. Goofy
    Uhm, does ANYONE else notice the exclusion of Deep Jungle in Chain of Memories??
    Thread by: Goofy, May 26, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Goofy
    Uhm... For anyone who has a strong memory, what character(s) who appeared in atleast a single cutscene in the series (KH, Re:CoM, KH2) had BROWN eyes?
    Thread by: Goofy, May 20, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. Goofy
    Ok, we all have seen "Who's Your Favorite Organization Member?" threads, but what about this? If all the members of the Organization XIII, including the 2 imposters, were to go against the group as a whole... who do you think would be left standing and left of the Organization??? Uhm.. prize is, Kingdom Hearts 100% and, get to turn complete Zebra/Dalmation form...

    So... Xemnas vs. Axel vs. Larxene vs. Vexen vs. Marluxia vs. Lexaeus vs. Zexion vs. King Mickey vs. Demyx vs. Riku (Heartless Form) vs. Xaldin vs. Roxas vs. Xigbar vs. Luxord vs. Saïx. Xemnas is only in his regular form, no final battle form, Marluxia can't use his final battle form either, no Heartless or Nobodies (not fair, since only like 9 out of 15 have any they can use...) Riku can use his Guardian to a degree... but that's it.

    We're talkin' light sabers, chakram, surplus kunai, a shield, scythe, giant tomahawk, "mirage book", dark realm Kingdom Keyblade, sitar, Way to Dawn Keyblade, lances, Oathkeeper & Oblivion Keyblades, laser crossbows, giant growing/shrinking cards, dice, a so-called "claymore", nothing, fire, lightning, ice, flower petals, earth, illusion, water, darkness, wind, light, space-time bending, roulette games, and moon fire, not to mention such things as force wall-barriers, super-speed/ninja-esque copies, data replication, and much, much more...

    Not saying who you'd WANT to win, (you can say that in a reply) but vote for who you'd think is most likely to be able to fight and eliminate all the others on his (or her) own.
    Thread by: Goofy, May 13, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. Goofy
    Ok, I myself am cool with the friendship/alliance between our 3 main heroes, but sometimes I wonder... Everyone's tactics of beating Sora never work... but maybe it's because they're not doing it right... Beating his party is even harder, as he has the power of friendship on his side, and all-for-one, one-for-all seems to work too well.. Seriously, even the methods of fixing that don't work. The enemies don't seem to know how it works... (afterall, they can't break the fourth wall. lol) The generic enemies tend to just put up a barrier to keep them out, Xehanort's Heartless actually seperated them into those weird dark dimensions on the "Word of Chaos" battleship, and the XIII tend to think outside the box, like the CoM card-system, Luxord sending Riku, Kairi, Donald, & Goofy away with his cards, Zexion's silhouette trapping different combinations of all 3 into his book dimension (not a good idea...) and Xemnas teleported just him and Sora to the Skyscraper Battle...

    So... with that long explanation out of the way... My point is, all these ways of breaking the bond don't work... BUT, I've kinda always wanted to see Donald & Goofy turned AGAINST Sora in battle... That's Drive, Summon, and the full-fledged Trinity Limit out of the way already... Not to mention Sora probably wouldn't wanna hurt them, and Donald & Goofy have respectable battle prowess.. (now, there's always story-elements, like attacking someone emotionally until they remember their bond, or the King coming in to knock some sense into his original buddies...) Also, if not just the Trinity/3 Musketeers, I'd like to see Riku, Kairi (w/ flowery Keyblade) Donald, and Goofy go 4-on-1 against Sora, just to see how he'd react, AND who'd win.... And for Riku's party of friends, either just Mickey turning on him, or Sora, Kairi, AND the King teaming up on him... How do you think it'd go?
    Thread by: Goofy, May 13, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. Goofy
    Simple question: What do you see when you watch any Disney movie or feature that includes characters or themes that are found in the KH-series? In my case, I've watched Aladdin again a few times and everytime I do, I imagine parts where Jafar sends off Bandits, Fat Bandits, Pot Centipedes, etc... I imagine Aladdin w/ Three Wishes even though he couldn't even wield a Keyblade in the KH-storyline... sometimes imagine Sora coming out of nowhere, pushing Aladdin out of the way, picking up Jafar's lamp, and doing what he did in KH in place of Aladdin... Uhm, when I heard Mickey Mouse Clubhouse thing was going to be on Disney Channel (mornings) I wanted to get a peak, lol cuz I kinda imagined the King putting on the XIII coat, whipping out his Keyblade, and hurting the other characters on a episodic basis... lol Also, when I see Donald & Goofy anywhere, I imagine Donald doing magic, and Goofy with the whole warrior/knight look with his shield.. lol Reminds me of when I spent almost the whole time @ Disney World (or was it Land..?) playing Chain of Memories... LOL A grown woman asked me if it was Kingdom Hearts, and when I was in gift shops I wondered to myself why there were no KH merchandise...
    Thread by: Goofy, May 13, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. Goofy
    Ok... I know I've heard Saïx's weapon called a "claymore", and Lexaeus's weapon a "tomahawk"... not SO sure about Lexaeus' weapon being a tomahawk, I COULD be convinced, but Saïx's isn't even a SWORD, how can it be a claymore?? Can someone explain this to me please? (but remember now, it's just a game)
    Thread by: Goofy, May 12, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. Goofy
    Ok, I love how assumably Nomura has done the character art throughout KH and KH2... But.. I just see that this is proving more and more that the character's clothes are meaningless... Come on!!! Atleast like 2 characters had hoods they didn't use, and improperly placed zippers... MULTIPLE LARGE pockets everywhere, and no active use... (ok, for all we know, Sora & Mickey's jumbo pockets had potions in them or something...?) but really... the wardrobe of the majority of the main characters was used for jack.... Just look at Sora's, Mickey's, Pete's, Donald's, Goofy's, Kairi's, ok now Riku's wasn't as exaggerated, but still.... And the hood thing, YEAH, Sora & Mickey both had hoodies, and refused to use them at ANY time... Has anybody else noticed this?
    Thread by: Goofy, May 12, 2007, 17 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Goofy
    Uhm.. for anyone who remembers this Roxas quote during his confrontation with Sora, anyone wonder why he said HE picked you?? And what he means by "picked"?
    Thread by: Goofy, May 2, 2007, 15 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. Goofy
    Uhm... just by re-watching KH2 boss battles, and Re:CoM, and FM+ battles with the Org. members... I really don't see all of their attacks and abilities... I would like to get to know them better... Here's what I've come up with, and things marked with ??? are what I don't get...(In Xemnas' case, I mean BEFORE he gets his cool dalmation suit. lol)

    Xemnas: (x2 Red Energy Beams) Force Wall, Nothingness HP Drain, Sliding Shroud???

    Xigbar: (x2 Laser Crossbows) Fire, Fire Barrage, Stand Upside-Down, Teleport, Fire interdimensionally, Change setting.

    Xaldin: (x6 Lances) Aero Shield, animate lances with wind powers, Mini-Tornadoes, Wind Gusts, Lance Dragon Attack

    Vexen: (Shield) Freeze Attack, Ground Ice Spike, Hailstorm/Blizzard, Data/Replication???

    Lexaeus: (Tomahawk) Earth-Rising Seismic Slam, Boulder Toss, Aura???

    Zexion: (Mirage Book) Disguise, Manipulation of Light & Darkness, Book attacks??? Book Powers??? Inside Book Attacks??? Soul Eater??? Duplication???

    Saïx: (Claymore???) Lunar Fire, Berserker Mode brought on by substantial amount of absorbed moonlight-- exhausted with use.

    Axel: (x2 Chakram) Fiery Chakram Throw + Fireballs, Fire Wall, Explosion??? (Vexen kill)

    Demyx: (Sitar) Water Clones, Column-Streams of Water, Water Bubble-Attacks

    Luxord: (x52 Cards, x1 Die) Manipulate cards' movement, Change size of cards, Hide 2-dimentionally inside of random card--facedown shuffle, Dice Throw, Penalty Game

    Marluxia: (Scythe) Crescent Wave, Crescent Energy Scythe Slash, Flower Petal Storm, #??? Black/Red Holes in Floor???

    Larxene: (near-limitless Throwing Knives) Lightning Strike, Magnetic Paralysis, Thunderstorm, Duplication??? (I at first thought they were after-images, since she WAS lightning-fast, and the majority of the time one attacked at a time, and they all disappeared once one of them got caught in a combo, but then they start coming in packs of 4 from all directions, and one of them gets a Reaction Command from Sora, having him throw one into the other, smacking them together...)

    Roxas: (Oathkeeper & Oblivion Keyblades) Regular Swordsmanship, Aerial Swordsmanship, Bursts of Light.
    Thread by: Goofy, May 1, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Goofy
    Ok, I'm sure the big-time fans of anything have imagined its characters combined at one time or another... So, I'm going to ask that question: "If you could see 2 Kingdom Hearts characters fused at a time, who would they be?" Now, keep in mind, I'm talkin' like... Think, Potara Earring fusion from DBZ, so in this case, you can't choose Sora + Roxas, or Kairi + Namine', since merging together is just "re-completing" each other... It's ok to choose characters whose worlds we've no longer been able to travel to, or who are dead, and such.. Try to give details on appearance, perhaps a name, how their personalities and powers would blend... etc. You can go easy on the appearance and personalities, and a name's optional, (afterall, I could only come up with one even remotely good explanation for appearance) You may notice I define appearance by saying the change in one character, then the other, and in-between things.. for instance, if one character is tall, and the other is short or something, I'll say how it'd be like the smaller one got taller, or the tall one shrunk a little bit, as to even out, come to a compromise of sizes...

    Here're Mine:

    Sora + Cloud = (can't think of name, but don't their names just blend? Sora = Sky, and where are clouds found? lol) Uhm, appearance, not much to work with.. Sora with a little more stature, them both with a blonde/brunette mix, (dark blonde hair, or bright brown hair, somethin' like that) keep the blue eyes, and together form an even spikier breed of hair-styles. (lol) Uhm, it's likely the straps on Cloud's and Sora's outfits would make a connection concerning color and placement, and I'd think that Sora's crown necklace would dangle from Cloud's wolf door-knocker, wherever it is on their new body and outfit.. Their personality.. they'd be a less emo Cloud (but with bigger bouts of depression and submissiveness once put into that mood, shown by Sora's behavior in KH2) a bit more serious and less corny sounding Sora (lol) Together they'd have Sora's skills (High Jump, Quick Run, Aerial Dodge, etc) magic, summon abilities, I don't know how the fusion would go into Drive Forms, but oh well, uhm, they'd wield the Fenrir Keyblade, and be able to do Cloud's Climb Hazard & Warrior's Spirit special moves, and combining Sora's aerial swordsmanship, Cloud's ability to go berserk and go on a rush of flying around slashing, and Cloud's acrobatic talent (running along rock wall in KH2 in Showdown of Fate2, fighting Kadaj & Sephiroth in AC) and both of their methods of sustaining air, they could make one powerful single entity.

    All save the others for the rest of the thread. lol That took up a lot. lol
    I've also thought of: Sora + Squall/Leon, Sora + King Mickey, Aerith + Queen Minnie, and my personal favorite, Cloud's heart + Sephiroth. (My Twilight Cloud idea)
    Thread by: Goofy, Apr 22, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX